Just as Dafan was killing people in the courtyard, Zuo Wei started killing people in the restaurant at the same time. Kimura Shu and those other fish were dealt with lightly, without any resistance.

In less than a few seconds, only Busu Shige, Nishino Kazuo, and Nakata Katsuhisa were left.

In the restaurant, the bodies of Shu Kimura and others were lying in a mess, and the floor and walls were spattered with blood, which was extremely bloody.

Busu Shige and Nishino Kazuo turned pale and looked at Zovi in ​​fear.

Even the boss is afraid of death. even.

The more powerful the boss is, the more he cherishes his life.

Busu Shige and Nishino Kazuo are not exceptions.

On the contrary, Nakata Katsuhisa, who had previously clamored to look good to Huo Wenyao and teach Huo Wenyao a lesson, maintained his image as a heroic and reckless man even when faced with such a detached killer.

Nakata Katsuhisa's left arm was removed and hung down weakly. There was blood on his face and body, but he still glared at Zovi bitterly and roared:"Asshole! You damn bastard!"

"Who sent you here, Huo Wenyao, it must be that damn Huo Wenyao——"

Whoosh! boom!

Zovi suddenly exerted his strength and punched Nakata Katsuhisa in the throat, shattering his throat bone.

The shouting stopped abruptly.

Nakata Katsuhisa vomited blood from his mouth, one stream after another, his eyes bulged out, he looked at Zovi who did not hesitate to kill him in slight shock, and fell to the ground with an unwilling expression.

After a few seconds, the light in his eyes disappeared completely.

After dealing with Katsuhisa Nakata in an understatement, Zoe looked at Shige Fushi and Kazuo Nishino who were shivering and retreating.

Zuo Wei suddenly smiled and said,"Mr. Huo asked me to say hello to you two idiots on his behalf."

It was indeed Huo Wenyao!!

At this point, Fu Shifan and Nishino Kazuo were completely sure that the one who dared to be so unscrupulous and playful was Huo Wenyao, and they felt filled with regret.

How careless!

I regret that I shouldn't have cooperated with Tsutsumi Yoshiaki, I regret that I shouldn't have dealt with Huo Wenyao, and what's more, I regret that I should have underestimated this guy.

Busu Shige and Nishino Kazuo kept retreating, looking at Zovi in ​​fear.

Busi Fan said in a trembling voice:"This, this hero, please don't do anything yet. Please give Mr. Huo a call. I want to apologize in person. It is indeed our fault in this matter.""

"In addition, I will also provide the most sincere compensation, which will definitely satisfy Mr. Huo.

Kazuo Nishino also said hurriedly:"Yes, please help contact Mr. Huo. Thank you very much.""

The two of them begged and looked at Zovi expectantly.

Unfortunately, what they got was destined to be despair.

Zovi turned his right hand over and held a black saber in his hand. He shook his head slightly at Shigefu and Nishino Kazuo and said:"Mr. Huo also asked me to pass the message on my behalf. If I do something wrong, I must be punished."


As soon as the words fell, Zuo Wei flashed towards Busi Shige and Nishino Kazuo, swiping the saber left and right, accurately opening the blood vessels and arteries in the necks of the two men.


The blood shot out like a fountain in an instant, reaching a height of one meter.

Out of instinct, the two of them reached out to cover their necks at the same time, trying to stop the bleeding. However, this action was destined to be in vain, and the blood continued to flow. The man's face became paler.

After struggling like this for a few seconds, the two of them fell down at the same time. Their eyes were full of fear of death, and they were extremely frightened.

After a while, they stopped struggling completely and lay motionless on the ground.

Zovi looked at two He looked away, turned around and walked out.

Outside, Dafan's battle was coming to an end.


Dafan stood behind the queen, crossed his hands on the neck of the queen, and suddenly exerted force, breaking the neck of the queen. The queen screamed and was completely killed.

Dafan let go of his hand, and the queen's neck was broken. The corpse fell down. He looked up and saw Zovi. Knowing that it was over, he nodded.

The two did not leave immediately, but brought in the gasoline that had been prepared.

First, they carried all the corpses to In the restaurant, they poured gasoline and a burning match flew in, igniting a raging flame that instantly engulfed all the corpses and eliminated all traces.

After doing this, the two left as quickly as possible.

The so-called"Ten Steps to Kill""One person travels a thousand miles without leaving a trace", that's probably it.

When they're done, they can leave Sang Country and do their own things.



Word spread quickly.

In just half an hour, the death of the three core members of the Hanabihkai, Shige Fushi, Kazuo Nishino, and Katsuhisa Nakata, had spread throughout Kanto and Kansai, as if they had grown wings.

Of course, the first people to know about this were Takenaka Takenaka and Sato Akiaki!

Although they had already been mentally prepared, Takenaka Takeshi and Sato Akiaki were slightly startled when they learned about this incident. They were filled with emotion and marveled at Huo Wenyao's efficiency.

Those guys are not ordinary people, but core high-level officials of the Hanabishi Club.

Huo Wenyao, on the other hand, killed at will.

From the time Huo Wenyao contacted them to the time Bus Shifan and others were killed, it was not even twelve hours.

This efficiency is truly unrivaled.

While marveling, the two of them also felt palpitations and fear.

If the one who accepted Yoshiaki Tsutsumi's olive branch was not the Hanabishui but the Yamaguchi-gumi, then they would be the ones who ended up like this now, and they would be more and more in awe of Huo Wenyao.

Huo Wenyao was decisive and efficient, and Takeuchi felt that he must also become efficient. this is a good habit.

Therefore, after learning about this, he decisively took action against the Huabei Society.

Not a small fight, but a full-scale attack!

Jianghu, big earthquake!

The irony is that until this moment, there were still people in the Hanabishi Kai who didn't know that their boss had been assassinated. Those who knew about it had only heard about it and were not entirely sure.

An earth-shattering earthquake has struck the Sang Kingdom.

This earthquake will affect the entire Sang Kingdom, and the subsequent battles will last for a long time, and will also have an unimaginable impact on the gang structure of Sang Kingdom.

For Sangguo Jianghu, this is an earth-shaking change!

It is full of crises but also full of opportunities!

If you fail to seize the opportunity, you will be eliminated by the world and completely left behind by the times; but if you can seize the opportunity, there will be times when the wind and waves break, and you will sail directly to the sea!

Huo Wenyao, who was the initiator of all this, was not interested at all.

In his place, Hua Ling will do something wrong, and he should be punished accordingly.

The thing is that simple.

A battle for hegemony?


He has jumped out of this quagmire called"Jianghu", and this is no longer his battlefield. The only thing he cares about now is the upcoming meeting at the Diri Hotel at ten o'clock tomorrow.

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