In the dinner hall, it’s still 15 minutes until eight o’clock, which is when the dinner show starts.

In the hall, the atmosphere was still warm.

Huo Wenyao is a well-deserved protagonist. Initially, he was personally accompanied by Liu Yuzhen, the presidential secretary-general of the Blue House, who introduced him to one high-level government official after another, and then Li Fuzhen.

Accompanied by the latter, Huo Wenyao met the celebrities and tycoons of Goguryeo.

The founders of Hyundai, Daewoo and many other chaebols and their families met for the first time and got to know each other a little bit. Li Jianxi, the talker from the Samsung Group, naturally also came.

For the better part of half an hour, it seemed like there was plenty of time, but there were so many people to get to know, so this little time was not enough at all.

Basically, everyone ended with a few simple greetings.

Then comes—— next!

With such efficiency, I finally knew everything I needed to know before the performance started.

Huo Wenyao sat down accompanied by Li Fuzhen.

But just as he sat down, Han Qiangzhi and Yang Dongzhe came towards him with two young people. When he saw the two young people, Huo Wenyao couldn't help but be slightly stunned, feeling ridiculous.

Those two faces were familiar to him.

One is called Zhao Taiyu, from"Veteran". This is nothing, because Huo Wenyao has already conducted a detailed investigation of the Goguryeo consortium, one of which is the Hanjin Group.

The other one, if I'm not mistaken, should be called Zhao Ruilong, and he should also be from... Handong Province!

This guy fell unexpectedly by Huo Wenyao.

The Huo family had already started investing in the mainland, and the first stop was Handong Province. Huo Wenyao valued intelligence the most, so he naturally went through a detailed investigation before officially entering.

Of course Huo Wenyao knew about Zhao Ruilong, but he didn't expect to meet him here. what is this? fate?

But, Zhao Ruilong is a glutton for negotiation. Even if it is fate, it must be a bad fate.

A moment later, Han Qiangzhi, Zhao Taihu, and Zhao Ruilong arrived in front of Huo Wenyao.

Only then did Huo Wenyao take a closer look at the two Mr. Zhao.

Both are young.

Zhao Taihe, 26 years old, has a neat suit, a slender figure, an extremely handsome face, and well-maintained skin, which is very characteristic of Goguryeo.

Even if he is not from a wealthy family, he is still very popular with girls.

The other Mr. Zhao is not good enough compared to him.

However, that cannot be said, because Zhao Ruilong followed a completely different style and dressed extremely plainly. He only had a yellow leather jacket and black leather shoes, which were not famous brands.

This look alone is so simple that no one can tell his wealth and background.

Zhao Ruilong is younger, only twenty-three or four years old.

"Mr. Huo. Han

Qiangzhi bowed slightly and spoke first, saying:"You were busy just now, so you didn't dare to disturb me. Now I have to wait until you finish your work before I dare to come over.""

This guy is also a ruthless person.

Huo Wenyao sighed softly in his heart.

He obviously hated himself to the core, but after losing the first game, he didn't dwell on it and just gave up decisively. He could still lower his attitude to this level. Where is the arrogance and domineering at all?

Thinking like this, Huo Wenyao laughed and said:"Secretary Commander Han is joking, who are these two?"

Han Qiangzhi pulled Zhao Taimei in front of him and said with a smile:"This is the purpose of my coming here. I want to introduce two young people to you."

"His name is Zhao Taiyou, the son of Chairman Zhao Wanzhi of Hanjin Group. Although he is more than ten years younger than me, we are very compatible. This guy Taiyou admires you very much and has always wanted to get to know you."

"I came here shamelessly, Thay, and quickly said hello to Mr. Huo.

Zhao Taihe nodded politely and said,"Hello, Mr. Huo."

Huo Wenyao smiled and said:"Hello, nice to meet you."

As he spoke, Huo Wenyao looked at Zhao Ruilong again and said,"Who is this?" Han

Qiangzhi smiled and said:"This one is even more coincidental. Like you, he is also from Yanguo. The difference is that you are from Hong Kong Island, and he is from Handong Province, which is also adjacent to Hong Kong Island."——"

"There is no difference, they are all from Yan country."

Huo Wenyao interrupted Han Qiangzhi's words and corrected him.

Han Qiangzhi suddenly realized, and he reacted instantly and said with a smile:"Mr. Huo is right, but I said something wrong. This friend's name is Zhao Ruilong, and he came to Seoul for a trip.……"

Immediately afterwards, Han Qiangzhi briefly explained Zhao Ruilong's situation.

The result is that what is said is the same as what is not said.

Because Han Qiangzhi didn't know Zhao Ruilong at all, and the situations he introduced were not even one-tenth of Huo Wenyao's.

Huo Wenyao looked at Zhao Ruilong with a smile and said with a smile:"So it's Mr. Zhao, nice to meet you."

The words had changed from Korean to Cantonese.

He also extended his hand to Zhao Ruilong

"Oops, Mr. Huo is so polite."

Zhao Ruilong quickly stretched out his hands, took Huo Wenyao's right hand, and said:"Mr. Huo, I have to say, you are really young. Compared with this, I am even more ashamed."

"Almost the same age, but their achievements are far different."

"Your name is really well-known to me, because I often go to Hong Kong Island and have some business there. Of course, they are all trivial small businesses. They are absolutely incomparable with Mr. Huo."

"I've wanted to get to know you before, but I never had the chance"

"Just last year, I finally made up my mind to visit Huo's headquarters. Unexpectedly, you flew directly to the Lighthouse Country and stayed there for more than half a year, but I still missed it."

"But as that saying goes, even if you don’t meet the person you are destined to meet for a while, you can go round and round, and you will eventually meet him."

"Didn't we just meet each other?"

"I came to Goguryeo just for fun. I really didn’t expect to meet Mr. Huo here. This is really a great gift from God. It’s my honor, my honor.……"

Zhao Ruilong said with a smile.

His attitude is different from Han Qiangzhi's. When he comes to him, it doesn't matter his status, just two words: cordiality!

It was obviously just the first time we met, but when he said it, it was like an old friend who hadn't seen you for many years. It made you feel happy and gave you a feeling of spring breeze.

This guy's performance was far beyond Huo Wenyao's expectations, and he was really impressed by him.

He is only in his twenties and can speak so smoothly in every situation. He is definitely not an ordinary person.

Huo Wenyao smiled and said:"If it is true as Mr. Zhao said, then we are really destined."

Zhao Ruilong's eyes widened and he said seriously:"Mr. Huo, what I said was not a joke, but I spoke from the bottom of my heart. A little bit of a lie"

"good."Huo Wenyao smiled.

Zhao Ruilong squinted and said with a smile:"Mr. Huo, your group not only invests in Goguryeo, but also in Handong. I happen to be doing some small business myself, called Shanshui Group."

"I hope to cooperate with Mr. Huo if I have the opportunity in the future, and I hope Mr. Huo will not dislike it. Huo

Wenyao sneered in his heart, but responded calmly:"Okay, let's see if there is a suitable opportunity. If there is, I will definitely cooperate with Mr. Zhao.""

"have! there must be! Zhao

Ruilong said decisively, then glanced at Li Fuzhen next to Huo Wenyao, and said with a smile:"Then don't disturb Mr. Huo, let's talk later.""

Huo Wenyao nodded.

Han Qiangzhi, Zhao Ruilong, and Zhao Taiyou left.

After the three left, Li Fuzhen asked slightly curiously:"Wenyao Oppa, that compatriot of yours, what is his origin?

Huo Wenyao said:"Don't pay attention to a scumbag.""


Li Fuzhen couldn't help but was stunned, then shook his head, without thinking too much, turned to look towards the stage.

The lights dimmed, and the performance officially began.

After that, no more accidents happened, and the entire dinner performance started perfectly. Another perfect ending.

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