The Seoul government attaches great importance to Huo Wenyao and strives to build him into an investment benchmark. Before the dinner party even started, it carried out a large amount of publicity and released the news through newspapers, TV stations and other media.

Sensation in Seoul!

There are a lot of discussions in the streets and alleys. Huo Wenyao has become the center of the topic, especially among young people.

There is no other reason than that Huo Wenyao is too young.

The super conglomerates in the Lighthouse Country are very powerful, and the investment giants on Wall Street are certainly very powerful, but no matter who they are, most of them started at the age of fifty, or even earlier.

Huo Wenyao is different. He is only 23 years old this year and has already accumulated a huge amount of wealth and has become the number one in the world.

What’s even more shocking is that he came from a poor family with no background, and it only took a total of 5 years. Is there anything more legendary than this?


"Hahaha, Mr. Huo, it’s really Mr. Huo. He came to our country in person. This is really a national event."

"It’s nothing. Our country is developing so well, so it’s only natural for us to invest."

"Yes, yes, our country is now the fastest growing and has the most potential in the world. Mr. Huo came to invest. I can only say that he has a keen eye, haha!"

"Didn’t Huo come to our country a long time ago?"

"Hey, that's different. The Huo Group has indeed entered our country very early, but has Mr. Huo been here in person? No! Mr. Huo has been in our country for several years, right?"

"But no, Mr. Huo personally came to make arrangements and take charge of Huo's investment matters. This shows that he attaches great importance to Huo's investment in our country!"

"Our country is really becoming more and more powerful. It is not impossible to surpass San Diego and become the second largest economy in the world."


Someone corrected him righteously:"It's not impossible, it's very possible!" The current problem with Sango's economy is that the bubble is too serious and there will always be a day when it can no longer continue."

"Is it possible for our country to surpass Sanguo?"

On the subway and in the food stalls, countless Goguryeo people were discussing enthusiastically that Huo Wenyao was becoming more and more popular.

All Goguryeo people were honored and extremely proud.

To forge iron, you need to be strong yourself. If your country can attract the phoenix of Huo Wenyao, , which means that the country has a good foundation and is developing well.

In this warm atmosphere, a few days passed in a hurry, and tomorrow will be the dinner party. During this period, the police investigation of Li Zhongjiu continued.

During this period, the Kinmen Group was Shi Dongchu held a grand funeral, which was very large. Countless people from all walks of life who had been favored by Shi Dongchu came to Seoul spontaneously to pay their last respects.

Li Zhongjiu strongly requested that he be given two hours to pay his last respects to his mentor. One journey.

The police were useless!

That guy Xu Daozhe asked arrogantly:"Asshole, do you know what is being imprisoned and what is being jailed? Even if your father is dead, you are not allowed to send him off!"

Li Zhongjiu is going crazy.

Then there is the Kinmen Group. Ding Qing takes over and temporarily acts as the president. At the same time, he contacts the families of Shi Dongchu and Kim Minjoo and spends huge sums of money to acquire their shares in the Kinmen Group.

From this point on Generally speaking, the gangs in Goguryeo are really more formal than most of the gangs in Hong Kong.

Taking the Kinmen Group as an example, it implements a joint-stock system.

With Shi Dongchu's vigorous promotion, the company's framework has been established and the Kinmen Group has been successfully integrated. Enterpriseization, gray business was not lost, and at the same time it began to enter the formal industry.

This is also the fundamental reason why Jiang Mingzhe and Gao Jinzhu were determined to get rid of Shi Dongchu.

If this development continues, Kinmen Group will be half gray and half white, and it will not lose much at that time. , it will be difficult to deal with them again.

When Li Zhongjiu is released from prison, Ding Qing will get the largest share of the Kinmen Group.

If Li Zhongjiu doesn't open his eyes, there will probably be a fight between dragons and tigers, but Huo Wenyao no longer cares, the Kinmen Group Board of Directors Everything was settled by Ding Qing and Li Zicheng.

Li Zhongjiu was powerless. Even if he made trouble again, he would never be Ding Qing and Li Zicheng's opponent.

Something also happened on Huo Wenyao's side. At the New World Building headquarters, every day There are many people who want to visit Huo Wenyao, including large and small financial groups, as well as reporters from newspapers and TV stations, who want to do an exclusive interview.

In addition, there are also some guys with fantastic ideas.

They feel that they are thousands of people. A genius like no other, with a plan in hand, he wanted to find Huo Wenyao, a great talent, to invest in him.

Unfortunately, Huo Wenyao was not the one. He refused them all!

The real big thing he did was to build a bridge with Li Fuzhen and meet Li Fuzhen's father, Li Jianxi, at Ming's Manor. They met for a while.

However, during this meeting, the two did not talk about work matters, but just chatted.

This was the result of the two people's tacit understanding.

You must first understand a person before you can determine whether to cooperate in the future. This is what Li Jianxi has always said. Adhering to the business philosophy.

The same goes for Huo Wenyao. He values ​​the ability of collaborators more than their background.



Just the day before the dinner, Huo Wenyao made an unexpected but reasonable fourth blow!


After several days of fermentation, Huo Wenyao became more and more popular in Goguryeo.

The time has finally arrived!

He ordered Sima Nianzu and Master Su to contact major newspapers and TV stations in Seoul and show how arrogant and domineering the inspectors headed by Han Qiangzhi were at Ming's Manor that night.

This move was originally prepared for Shi Dongchu, but Han Qiangzhi unexpectedly hit the muzzle of the gun.

This was also the night when Han Qiangzhi wanted to arrest Feng Yuxiu and planned to disgust Huo Wenyao and Huo Wenyao's promise to Han Qiangzhi.

The video is divided into two parts, the first part is outside the box, and the second part is inside the box.

What Huo Wenyao exposed was only the video outside the box.

The news media in Seoul were all dumbfounded when they saw these videos.

They were not surprised, they were all the sameEven if you have never really dealt with him, you have probably heard about how powerful Han Qiangzhi is. That is to say, the people are kept in the dark and can only see the glory of the inspectors.

Besides, these videos are not a big deal.

But the problem now is that this matter involves Huo Wenyao, and after several days of fermentation, Huo Wenyao is now the top player in Goguryeo!

The whole country is paying attention, so this is no small matter.

Huo Wenyao chose this time to release the video, and it was clear that he wanted Han Qiangzhi to die. The news media workers couldn't help but sigh, how much hatred and resentment there was.

Because of this incident, Huo Wenyao accepted an interview with a TV station for the first time.

Although it was not an exclusive interview, it was a special appearance on the show, and it was just a brief chat for a few minutes, but these few minutes were already very exaggerated.

The news media were not without scruples. Some people close to Han Qiangzhi were not even willing to play the video and make relevant reports, but Huo Wenyao came up with a trump card.

If they don't report it, Huo Wenyao doesn't mind sending the video back to Hong Kong Island, and even to Sang Country and Lighthouse Country, and then uses his connections to publicize it.

This threat is tantamount to nuclear weapons!

This kind of thing would be a shame for Goguryeo, but if it caused a big fuss and spread to the whole world, Goguryeo would lose all face.

As a result, all the media reporters present had the same reaction - report!

Then, on the same day, the news broke completely!

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