
Jiang Mingzhe nodded and said in a deep voice:"We have to do this. Shi Dongchu's actions are too fast and violent. If this continues, more and more Kinmen Group will penetrate into the regular industry."

"At that time, the tail loss was not big. If I wanted to deal with it again, it would be troublesome."

"more importantly——"

Jiang Mingzhe's face suddenly turned fierce, and he gritted his teeth and said:"That bastard Shi Dongchu actually used his connections to transfer me. Neither you nor the minister can handle it. This is your last chance.""

"If you don't do it, everything will be over, and he must be killed!"

"Even if I still have to be transferred, it’s no problem!"

Yes, during this period, Shi Dongchu's side had already made efforts to transfer Jiang Mingzhe, who was staring at their Kinmen Group. The person who took action was Han Qiangzhi, the deputy director of the current prosecutorial system in Seoul!

The transfer order has been issued, but They were temporarily suppressed by Gao Jinzhu and the higher-up ministers, but they could not suppress them for long.

Gao Jinzhu and Jiang Mingzhe did want to deal with the Kinmen Group, but they did not attack Shi Dong so quickly. The Kinmen Group had just been established, and the opportunity was still there. Not very mature.

But Shi Dong’s move became the last straw that broke the camel’s back.

Now, the arrow is on the string and he has to shoot!

Gao Jinzhu nodded, gritted his teeth and said:"Okay, let’s do it! Don't worry, Lao Jiang, once Shi Dongchu dies, I will use my force to bring you back soon!"

Jiang Mingzhe's face was full of exhaustion. He laughed and said, half jokingly, half serious:"How could I not be worried? If I really can't be transferred back, that's okay. I don't want to do it anymore anyway."

"To be honest, in my heart, I am actually quite grateful to Shi Dong for coming out and helping me jump out of this quagmire.

Gao Jinzhu's eyes widened and he said angrily:"Bullshit!""


"Who doesn’t know that this is a quagmire, but you pulled me and the minister into this quagmire, and now it’s good, but you just want to walk away before the great cause is accomplished?"

"Tell yourself, is this appropriate?"

This is really not appropriate.

Jiang Mingzhe shook his head slightly, thought no more, and said:"Okay, let's not talk about this for now, and let's do business.

Gao Jinzhu said:"Did you get the route?""


"Has that person made arrangements?"



Gao Jinzhu's eyes shot out with murderous intent, and he gritted his teeth and said:"Then tonight, we will send Shi Dong on his last journey! After his death, there will be more troubles to solve. You can contact Zhang Shouji."


Get rid of Shi Dongchu, borrow Li Zicheng, defeat Ding Qing and Li Zhongjiu, support Zhang Shouji, who is slightly weaker, and turn him into a puppet of the police!

This is the New World Plan!

This plan cannot be accomplished overnight, and even until now, It has not been shown to the minister yet, it was just discussed privately between Gao Jinzhu and Jiang Mingzhe, but as soon as Shi Dongchu dies, it can start.

All forces are ready to go, and the gears of fate are slowly turning.



Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, a few hours pass, and it's already night.


Although Xinyu is a contact person, a police officer pretending to be a Go teacher, her Go skills are genuine, and of course they are also real when she teaches the children she usually teaches.

From this point alone, her disguise was extremely professional and there was nothing wrong with it.

The busy day was finally over. Xinyu left the Go hall and returned to his residence. He put on his cotton slippers, made himself a cup of coffee, sat on the sofa and began to daze.

The slippers are very cute, with a pair of bunny ears on the toes and the color is pink.

Although Xinyu is 25 years old, has been working for several years, and is capable and neat in doing things, and can be considered an old man, but in fact, deep down in her heart, she still has the heart of a girl.

The heart of a girl is not only innocent and naive, but also persistent and firm in justice.

Oh, justice!

Xinyu, who was sitting on the sofa, sighed as he held the steaming hot coffee.

Now her persistence and justice are no longer so firm.

They are all police officers, but like gangsters, they rely on threatening each other's family and forcing each other to cooperate. What's even more ironic is that this opponent is also one of their own.

He is also her... sweetheart.

Yeah, crush.

In the past few years, Xinyu knew how good Li Zicheng was, and how gentle he was. She fell into Li Zicheng's gentleness little by little, even though she knew he was already married.

However, no one can stop such things as feelings, it is impossible to predict.

This is her little secret that she keeps hidden in her heart.

Maybe Li Zicheng and his old superior Jiang Mingzhe were aware of it, or maybe they weren't. It doesn't matter. It's not illegal to have a crush, even if the other person is a married husband, right?

It was precisely because of this that when Jiang Mingzhe asked her to visit Li Zicheng's home with a gift, her heart was bleeding.

But she did it anyway.

This is her duty, and it is also the justice she has always insisted on.


At this moment, the doorbell rang, interrupting Xinyu's thoughts.


Xinyu frowned, and his left eyelid twitched. As the old saying goes - the left eye jumps to wealth, the right eye jumps to disaster.

She shook her head She shook her head and stopped thinking about it. She got up and came to the door. Years of undercover work made her very cautious. She did not open the door immediately, but looked through the peephole to see who was coming.


Xinyu immediately opened the door, his expression He looked at Li Zicheng solemnly and said,"What happened?"

Normally, Li Zicheng would never come to her at this time.

They always meet at the Go hall.

She is Li Zicheng's Go teacher.

Li Zicheng looked indifferent and said,"Let's go in and talk."


Xinyu nodded, turned and walked into the hall.

Li Zicheng followed.


A gray shadow suddenly flashed, like a ghost, suddenly appeared and flashed into the room.


The door closed.

Xinyu turned around suddenly Turning around, her beautiful eyes widened, her whole body trembled, and she looked at Li Zicheng again. There was shock, confusion, and disbelief in her eyes.

At this moment, she understood everything.

Although she didn't know what all Li Zicheng's plans were, the only thing she could be sure of was that the other party wanted to kill her!

The gray figure also revealed his true face, wearing a blue peaked cap on his head, covering most of his hair. The covered hair is very bright in color, actually golden.

In addition, he is slender, lean and powerful, with a sheep head mask attached to his face.

The eyes of the sheep face are his eyes.

Sharp Like a knife!

Even though he stood there, doing nothing, his whole body released a terrifying and powerful aura.

He is - the twelve zodiac animals, the Great Brahma of Weiyang!

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