After a while.

Li Zicheng calmed down and gritted his teeth and said:"Chief Jiang, do you still remember what you promised me? If you want information on the Northern Faction, Tiger Faction, and Diri Faction, I will find everything I can.""

"You can take action now. If you can't take down Shi Dongchu, you can also take down Li Zhongjiu."

"Not to mention the useless Zhang Shouji from the Imperial Sun Sect."

"Is it time for you to fulfill your promise? I want to leave Goguryeo now and go to Europe, Hawaii, wherever. You promised me before. Jiang

Mingzhe didn't accept the words at all, and said calmly:"Huo Wenyao, that's a tiger from Hong Kong and Olympics.""

"Oh no, to be more precise, it should be Shenlong"

"It's a pity that people came to invest and just wanted to do business well, but they couldn't. The result was like this, Xiba. Speaking of which, this is really a shame for us Goguryeo."

"However, if he gets involved too deeply and breaks the law, he should still be punished if he should."

"Forget it, let’s not talk about this, let’s talk about business. I’ll give you a few days to buffer, and you should have no problem. He left you and Ding Qing that night. What did you talk about?"

Fuck you for being paralyzed!!

Li Zicheng was so angry that he was trembling all over, his eyes were wide open, as if they were about to jump out of his sockets, and the bloodshot threads made his face even more ferocious.

There was a seat beside Jiang Mingzhe, that It was reserved for Li Zicheng.

But today, Li Zicheng couldn't find the mood to sit down and report on his work calmly.

He overturned the canvas chair and roared angrily:"Asi! Not anymore! Don't you understand what I mean? I won't do it!"

"Who is Huo Wenyao, do I need to say more?"

"My current situation is very dangerous. If I am not careful, I will be doomed and I will die without a burial place. Not only will I die, but my wife and children will also die!!"

Jiang Mingzhe's eyes flashed coldly, turned around, looked at Li Zicheng coldly, nodded and said,"Okay, if you don't do it, you can just hand in your resignation and leave. It's such a simple thing."

"Okay, I agree"

"Anyway, there are only three people in the entire police system who know your undercover identity, me, Xinyu, and Director Gao. If you give up your job, not many people will know."

"Oh, there's another problem"

"What would you say if people like Shi Dongchu, Li Zhongjiu, and Zhang Shouji knew that you were an undercover agent? And your eldest brother Ding Qing, what will he do?"

Even now, Jiang Mingzhe is still lying. There are not three people, but four people who know Li Zicheng's undercover identity.

The other one is Shi Wu.

Jiang Mingzhe will never tell Li Zicheng about this.

Li Zicheng His whole body was so cold that it exploded in an instant.

He stepped forward in two steps, reached out with both hands, grabbed Jiang Mingzhe's collar, pulled him up, and yelled with blazing eyes:"You bastard!! How can you do this?!"

Jiang Mingzhe sneered:"You son of a bitch? After being around for a few years, you really think you are a gangster, right?"

"Remember, you are the catcher!!"

Li Zicheng's anger disappeared instantly, like a helpless child, he begged:"Chief Jiang, you, you can't do this, I, I can't hold on anymore.……"

"You promised me, didn't you?"

Jiang Mingzhe felt a little unbearable, but for his own plan, Li Zicheng's chess piece was very important. There must be no problems, let alone give up.

His expression softened a little, and he pulled Li Zicheng's hand away. Said:"Don't worry, I remember everything I promised you, but it's still too early for you to quit now.""

"Once the Kinmen Group is established, it will become a major gang nationwide. This period is very important and there must be no mistakes."

"We must completely control the Kinmen Group."

At this point, Jiang Mingzhe finally revealed his true purpose.

The establishment of the Kinmen Group, driven by Shi Dongchu, Zhang Shouji and others, has become a general trend, and their agents are also happy to see its success. It is easier to fight a male lion than to deal with a group of hyenas.

This simplicity is not due to the difficulty of the task, but because the goal is clear and easier to control.

But their ambition to catch the lion is greater.

Rather than fighting the male lion, they hope to kill it Raise in captivity and control the entire Kinmen Group. In this way, the Kinmen Group is not a lion, but a watchdog.

Li Zicheng is also a smart man, and can tell the truth, but he knows how unrealistic this goal is.

"impossible. Li

Zicheng shook his head and said dejectedly:"Several factions merged to form the Kinmen Group. The president must be Shi Dongchu. Apart from him, no one else is qualified unless you can deal with Shi Dongchu."

Jiang Mingzhe chuckled and said,"It's not you, it's us.""

"I know this is difficult, but as long as we do it step by step, we will definitely succeed in the end. But if we give up now, all the previous work will be wasted."

"If you work hard for two more years, I guarantee you that after two years, you will definitely be able to live the life you want."


Two years? I'm afraid I won't even be able to see the sun tomorrow.

Li Zicheng felt desperate and sneered at himself.

Jiang Mingzhe bent down, straightened the canvas chair that had been overturned by Li Zicheng, and took pictures. He patted Li Zicheng on the shoulder and said:"Sit down, now we can talk about what happened that night."

"What did that guy Huo Wenyao talk about with you?"


Li Zicheng took a breath, no longer resisted, sat down next to Jiang Mingzhe, and began to report what happened that night.

More than ten minutes passed, and everything was finished.

In the early stage of the fight, Li Zicheng had no reservations, one to five Ten, he told everything, and he also confided in all the private conversations that followed.

They were all the truth.

For example, Huo Wenyao, like their agents, hated trouble very much. He hoped that Ding Qing and Li Zicheng would become a powerful northern sect, like in the recent period. What happened to Huo should never happen again.

The only thing he concealed was that Huo Wenyao exposed his undercover identity and forced him to make a choice.

Since he concealed it, it meant that he had already chosen


Jiang Mingzhe nodded with satisfaction and said:"I said Huo Wenyao is a divine dragon. Once he is angered, there will be a bloody storm. His dream is too big.""

While speaking, Jiang Mingzhe laughed dumbly and commented with a bit of disdain:"Does he think this is Hong Kong Island or Omen?"

"Let’s not talk about the completely different environment. More importantly, he is just an outsider. He actually wants to control the world here. He is really wishful thinking and I don’t know what to say."

Li Zicheng looked calm and did not answer, but he was sneering in his heart.

Jiang Mingzhe shook his head and said:"He is not important. The most important thing at the moment is the Kinmen Group. You go back first. I will come to you if anything happens."


Li Zicheng responded, stood up neatly, and was about to leave.

"Hello! Jiang

Mingzhe suddenly called him from behind, took out a large bag of things from the other side, including clothes and toys, all for children, and said,"This is for your son who will be born soon.""

"Congratulations, sincerely.

Li Zicheng said coldly:"No need.""

After that, he raised his feet and walked away, but after taking only three steps, he suddenly thought of something. His eyes flashed with murderous intent, then he turned around again and grabbed Jiang Mingzhe's large bag of things. He was half begging. , said half angrily:"Chief Jiang, this is the last time!"

"Two years! Just two years!"

"I hope this time, you are not lying to me!"

Jiang Mingzhe chuckled and watched Li Zicheng leave.

He was very satisfied.

Although the commotion was bigger this time, the guy was so angry that he was about to explode. Oh no, he had already exploded, but he was still the same as before. He could control it with just a few tricks. Hold on, hold it tightly.


No matter what, let's solve it as soon as possible within two years.

After leaving the fishing pond, Li Zicheng came outside, threw the bag into the trunk, raised his head again, and glanced at the sky.

At some point, the dark clouds had dispersed, the sky was blue, and the sun was shining brightly.

He stared at it for a few seconds, and suddenly smiled.

Without any further hesitation - drive and leave!

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