Sima Nianzu continued:"In general, only the Tiger Faction is a nationwide gang, while the Diri Faction, Northern Faction, and Cui Jiongpei are all regional gangs."

"But even if it is the Tiger Faction, it can only be said to be barely enough."

"For example, Mokpo City is the sixth largest city in Goguryeo, but it is insignificant compared to Seoul and Busan. It is only a small city with a population of 220,000. The Tiger Faction also has a certain power in Mokpo, but the real dominant force is the Wild Dog Gang. , the speaker is Jin Yingxiu. This guy often bites his opponents to death with dogs. The most perverted thing is that he is obviously a scoundrel, but he still likes to pretend to be a cultured person. Every time he executes his opponents, he has to watch and talk to his own The hands drink coffee together, not instant coffee, but hand-ground."

Wild Dog Gang?

Kim Yingxiu?

This guy seems to be from"The King". Huo Wenyao only has a little impression.

It's not important.

Thinking of this, Huo Wenyao shook his head and said:"Goguryeo only has two cities, Seoul and Busan. Only these two This place has the fastest and highest return on investment. Controlling Seoul and Busan is equivalent to controlling Goguryeo."

"Don't worry about other small places, I'm not interested either."

Just kidding, Huo's investment in Goguryeo will definitely help Goguryeo, but more importantly, it will share the dividends of Goguryeo's rapid economic development to make money.

What's the point of investing in other small places!

Sima Nian Zu Yi smiled.

At this time,

Zuo Wei suddenly said:"Boss, there is something I need to tell you. Shi Dongchu is using his influence recently to win over the Northern Sect and the Imperial Sect to establish the Kinmen Group."

Huo Wenyao naturally knew about this. He did not answer immediately, but said:"Zuo Wei, what do you think?"

Zuo Wei squinted his eyes and said with a smile:"If I were Shi Dongchu, I might have two purposes. One purpose is to integrate the gangs in Seoul and develop them into a giant. Maybe he really wants to be the godfather."

"After integrating resources, I will let Golden Gate Group get involved in many regular businesses, not necessarily to clean up the business, but to make making money easier and cleaner."

To hit the nail on the head!

This guy Zuo Wei is not only able to fight, but also has a flexible mind, but there was no need for his talent in this area before.

Like Dafan, he was able to make a comeback in the original plot. Without Zuo Wei's advice, even if he could fight again, It's impossible.

Even if you are wandering around in the world, a brainless person can't get far!

Huo Wenyao laughed and said:"Whatever they want to do, let's go to Seoul.""

After that, he closed his eyes and began to recharge his batteries.



A few hours later.

The plane landed at Seoul International Airport. Huo Wenyao, accompanied by Zuo Wei and Sima Nianzu, quietly went straight to the villa where Master Su lived without disturbing anyone.

As for Airplane, Shaqiang, Xigui and others, they went directly to Huo's Property to report.

These twenty people are all from Qinglong Hall, which is the core of Tianci Fortune. The ones who cannot be beaten may be stupid and strong. The others are all elites, and one can beat two or three.

Although Silly Qiang cannot be beaten, he has a special status in the Huo family.

The most glorious achievement was when Huo Wenyao took over the Austrian capital and congratulated the new player head-on. The key was that this guy endured and would rather die than retreat. His special status was established in that battle. villa.

Master Su was lying on the bed recuperating. Faced with the sudden arrival of Huo Wenyao, he was shocked and surprised. He was about to get out of bed and stammered:"Yao, Yao, Brother Yao, how could you come so fast?"

"No, didn't you say that it won't come for another two days? Huo

Wenyao held his shoulders, pushed him back on the bed, and said,"Okay, why are you so polite when you are one of our own people? How do you feel?""

Sima Nianzu immediately brought a chair for Huo Wenyao and placed it next to the bed.

Huo Wenyao sat down.

Master Su raised his hand, with some pride on his face, and grinned:"Nothing, nothing, just missing a finger."

"Hong Qigong became the 'Nine-fingered Divine Beggar' because of his lack of fingers. It's very, very powerful. I, I've been cheated now, this, this is the real cheat"

"In the past, scratches on the skin did not count."

Nima, you can really comfort yourself. Is Hong Qigong so powerful because he broke a finger? He relies on hard power!

Huo Wenyao was amused by Master Su. Seeing his current state, he was relieved. Said:"Tell me what happened recently in detail, don't miss any detail."

"Oh, okay, okay, Brother Yao."

Master Su's face straightened up, and he quickly started talking about everything, whether it was business or troubles in the world.

After listening to his story, Huo Wen's dazzling eyes flashed with cold light.

This fool, he was tricked by others. I don’t know.

Of course, I can’t blame him completely. The other party didn’t intend to do anything to him, but just wanted to force him to compromise. It was reasonable and well-founded, and it was done so smartly that it would be difficult for ordinary people to detect it.

In addition, one code is one code, and Jianghu The situation was too complicated, and Master Su didn't handle it well enough, but he did a good job in business.

Huo's company has developed rapidly in Seoul and Busan in the past two years.

It is precisely because of this that it was targeted by jackals.

Master Su noticed that Huo Wenyao There was something wrong with his face, and he thought he was blaming himself, so he immediately said in shame:"Brother Yao, Yao, I, I, I didn't do things well."——"

"No, you've done a great job."

Before he could say anything else, Huo Wenyao interrupted with a chuckle, patted him on the shoulder, and said:"Our Huo's investment in Seoul and Busan exceeded my expectations, and I am very satisfied."

"Last night you faced a desperado like Mian Zhenghe, and you also managed to save the face of our Huo family. I am even more satisfied."

"Your merits outweigh your faults, you did a great job"

"Notify Ding Qing and Li Zicheng and ask them to take people to Sanpudong tonight, saying that you will be transferred back to Hong Kong Island soon. Huo sent someone with full decision-making power to talk to them again."

Master Su didn't hesitate at all, nodded decisively and said:"Okay, okay, Brother Yao."

Huo Wenyao put his right hand on Master Su's shoulder, stared into his eyes, and said slowly:"Tonight, you will also go there. Since business cannot avoid the world, then you have to force yourself to study hard."

"Tonight is a good learning opportunity."

Master Su's cheeks turned red because of shame. He nodded heavily and said seriously:"I, I understand, Brother Yao."

A big show is about to begin!"

———— ps: There will be more at night.

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