In 1988, June 1st, this is the solar calendar, and the lunar calendar is April 17th.

Year of the Dragon.

Also: Wuchen year, Dingsi month, Dinghai day.

Suitable for: burial, breaking the ground, enclosing, and moving the coffin!

Night, 22:00!

It is rainy weather in summer. In the past half month, after heavy rain, it has been sunny for two days, and then it has been rainy again. Tonight, starting from nine o'clock in the evening, the heavy rain will come again.

Wall Street, Fortis Tower. top layer.

Huo Wenyao stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling glass, staring at the bright city and watching the rain.

Zovi stood quietly behind him.

Only Zovi.

Luo Tianhong, Li Jie, Peng Yixing, and Feng Yuxiu were all dispatched half an hour ago. They should have arrived at their respective posts by now and are about to take action.

Huo Wenyao sighed softly and said:"It's raining really hard. It's the perfect place to kill people and buy goods. Zuo Wei, what do you think?"

Zuo Wei smiled and said:"Boss, it has nothing to do with the weather, right? Even if there is no such weather, what should be done Things still need to be done, no matter what, they will all die tonight, right?"

If I'm embarrassed, can't you cooperate?

Huo Wenyao laughed dumbly, turned to look at Zuo Wei, and said:"You are right, they are going to take action soon, and we should also set off to bring a perfect ending to this battle."

"Let's go."

Zo Wei nodded and suddenly said:"Boss, this matter is over, I want to take a leave."

"Ask for leave?"

Huo Wenyao frowned slightly and looked at Zuo Wei strangely. It was really rare to hear these two words from this guy, because he didn't have much work to begin with. He had more things to do than things to do.

"what happen?"

"It's nothing, I just suddenly remembered a friend. Boss, you said that you need to give him some time. It has been 8 months. It's enough. I want to find him.

Huo Wenyao came to his senses and said,"Great Brahma?""


Zo Wei nodded.

Fate is a wonderful thing. Huo Wenyao took Zuo Wei under his command and completely changed his destiny.

Tachibana Masahito did the same.

Then, these two guys who were not much different in strength and had similar temperaments soon became friends. , but when Zuo Wei met Da Fan, he was still instinctively attracted to him.

In the original plot of Young and Dangerous, it seemed that Zo Wei was chasing after Da Fan.

After this guy went through all kinds of troubles to find Da Fan, he worked hard to cure Da Fan. Fan's Qimen searched for famous Chinese medicine experts and finally succeeded. The Double Heaven Supreme Combination was born and eventually became a legend in the world.

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through Huo Wenyao's mind.

He smiled and said:"Okay, this matter is over, what do you want to do? Just do whatever you want. I won’t send you any other tasks before you find Da Brahma."

"By the way, let me give you a hint, that guy is most likely hiding on Treasure Island right now."

"If you want to find him, just go to Baodao. That is the territory of the Mediterranean. For such a small matter as finding someone, just talk to him."

"As long as that guy is on Treasure Island, he should be found soon."

Zo Wei nodded and said respectfully:"Thank you very much, boss."

"Thank you for what? Huo

Wenyao looked at Zuo Wei with a smile, patted him on the shoulder, and said:"I have told you long ago that your zodiac signs are only responsible for me, and executing my orders is only one aspect.""

"On the other hand, you have considerable autonomy, and you deserve it."


"You are not just my subordinates, you should also have your own life."

Zuo Wei nodded solemnly. Let's get going, two people!



Lao Qiao's flower shop, this is not a description, it is the literal translation of the name of the flower shop in English.

The flower shop is very large and can be considered a chain industry. There are 12 in total, occupying 40% of the flower market in the Big Apple City. For such an inconspicuous business, the profit is also extremely huge.

More importantly, this is a completely legal industry, so Immortan Joe takes it very seriously.

Downtown, flower shop headquarters.

Immortal Joe, his eldest son Sanchez, and four core family members are all there.

They were waiting for Mike Corleone and Baroni.

At this time, he didn't know that he had been sold by Mike Corleone and Baroni.

Of course, both Mike Corleone and Baroni thought that they were the ones who provided this information. Neither of them knew that the other party had reached a cooperation agreement with Huo Wenyao.

"Father, we must definitely avenge Luwang! If we don’t get rid of Huo Wenyao, everyone will look down on our Lucchese family! Sanchez said with a gloomy face and gritted his teeth.

Immortal Qiao looked very calm on the contrary, and said:"Don't worry, if nothing happens, Huo Wenyao will definitely die. But if something happens, for example, if he raises his hands to surrender, you can't touch him.""


Sanchez's eyes widened, full of confusion.

Immortal Joe taught him a lesson:"Don't let anger control you, otherwise you will lose the most basic judgment!"

"Why do we go to war? It’s not just for profit!"

"Huo Wenyao is really willing to pay 1 billion US dollars to buy his own life. I can guarantee that the other four major families will definitely agree. If we persist in going our own way, we will be the ones who die."

"do you understand? Sanchez nodded and said in a low voice:"I understand, father, but will that guy do that?""

"There is a 90% chance that it won't happen. Immortal

Joe laughed.

At this moment, there was a burst of complaints from outside:"Damn it, this damn weather, I hate it raining!""

Bang bang bang!

What followed was a violent knock on the door. It was the voice of Fatty Clemenza.

Although Huo Wenyao told Mike Corleone that in this situation, only his father was trustworthy in the Corleone family. But this was just an excuse to ensure a single line of contact between the two.

In the following half month, after careful investigation, Mike Corleone confirmed that most people including Tom Hagen and Clemenza were fine.

Huo Wenyao also reminded him additionally, You need to pay attention to Tessio.

After gathering all kinds of intelligence, Mike Corleone has basically determined who should be used and who should not be used. Of course, he cannot move now because it will alert the snake.

Just before tonight's operation, he Give the order to Clemenza.

Clemenza was shocked to death and was covered in cold sweat.


Mike acted like he wanted to put Huo Wenyao to death, but it was all an act?

They were cooperating!

Damn it Yes, when did they start cooperating?

I don’t know!

I don’t know!

It was only then that Clemenza suddenly realized that the little guy he had watched grow up and held in his arms had already grown up. Success.

In terms of city power and skills, he is no longer inferior to the old godfather!

He no longer thinks wildly, and he does not dare to think wildly.

He will do whatever Mike Corleone tells him!

In the flower shop, Sanchez said:"Father, it is Gram Lemenza!"

"Um. Immortal

Qiao nodded and said,"Go and open the door!""

"OK, Father. Sanchez responded, immediately stepped forward, opened the iron door of the flower shop, and said hello to Clemenza, who was wearing a hooded raincoat.

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