
The weather is good, thunder and lightning are coming, and violent storms are coming. This is the best time to take action, because people's activities will decrease sharply, but the difficulty will also increase at the same time.

Then, like thunder, there are also the arena in the Big Apple City.

The news spread like wildfire and spread very quickly. It spread throughout the world in just a few hours, causing an uproar in the underground world and people in their hearts being amazed.

Huo Wenyao?

Who is this, the richest man in the world?

He Of course it is.

Godfather of Hong Kong and Olympics?

Of course he is too, but so what, Hong Kong and Olympics are just a small place. How can it be compared with the Lighthouse Country?

Not to mention the Lighthouse Country, even the Big Apple City is inferior.

And the Mafia , in this era, is the absolute overlord of the underground world of the Lighthouse Country. Countless gangsters have sharpened their heads and are eager to join in and get a piece of the pie. What is hateful is that these guys are very strict about blood and want to become the core. , must come from Italy!

Preferably from Sicily!

So, those guys started looking through the family tree, from the three generations of their ancestors to their grandmother and grandfather, trying their best to find a bloodline certificate for themselves so that they could become a glorious mafia.

Discrimination This kind of thing exists in any era.

Especially for the only superpower like the Lighthouse Country, which has been the world's leader for decades, the people have unimaginable self-confidence and are too lazy to pay attention to any other country.

Yelang is arrogant and a frog in the well, which is against them The most accurate description.

Unless you really hurt them, they will never change their ideas easily.

Therefore, in their eyes, even if Huo Wenyao reaches the top in the Hong Kong and Olympic arena, he is not as good as a certain mafia family. For example, the Lucchese family is headed by Immortan Joe.

Now that he has offended five major families at once, it is no different from seeking death.



A few days later, in a certain alley in the city.

Hidden bar.

This bar is not only hidden, but also does not welcome ordinary people. Those who come here to spend money are either still hanging out in the world, or they are people who rely on the news of the world and do some side business.

He is half a Jianghu person.

The bar is not very big, but it is very lively, with dozens of people gathered. It is the favorite place for people to hang out in the Big Apple City.

Several people gathered together and were chatting

"Hey Bill, I heard you got shot in the butt, are you okay?"

"Hahaha, we heard it too!"

"Abby, that's enough for you! Bill is sad enough, so don't add salt to the wound."

There was a burst of laughter everywhere.


Mad Bull Bill was furious and roared:"Abby! You damn guy, it was half a year ago that I was shot in the butt, and you still show it, believe it or not, I will tear your mouth apart!"

"Do not believe?"

"good! Then I'll stuff your damn head into your ass! Abby raised her hands and said teasingly:"Oh oh oh, believe it, I believe it all. You are the famous Bill. You do what you say, don't you?" It's just a joke, don't be so angry"

"Come and sit, friend. Bill walked over and sat down at Abby's table.

Abby said,"Hey guys, you must have heard about the recent events, right?""

"Of course I heard about it, this is the hottest news in recent days."

Some people immediately agreed, shaking their heads and saying contemptuously:"That oriental rich man is just looking for death. He has no idea what the five major families mean in the Big Apple City."

"If he were to unilaterally attack Immortal Qiao, he might still have a chance of winning, but how about taking on the five major families alone?"


"All I can say is that he has great courage! Abby said mysteriously:"This is not the most sensational. Do you know what he has done in the past few days?""


"Abby, come on, don't be too titillating."

Abby didn't intend to whet anyone's appetite, and said directly:"That guy should go shopping and play golf when he should, as if this matter has nothing to do with him."

"This is the bravest!"

Others instantly exclaimed:"Oh my God! Is he brave or ignorant? Five major families! His opponents are the five major families!"

"Damn it, he’s a little too ambitious, isn’t he?"

"You have offended the five major families, how dare you do this?"

"I thought he was going to be a coward or leave the Big Apple as quickly as possible, but...ha, he actually did this? Does he think his life is too long?"

"Crazy, crazy, oh no, he is not crazy, but stupid, really stupid!"

"He thinks that since he is a celebrity, the five major families will not dare to touch him? Not only did he overestimate himself, he also underestimated the power of the five major families in the Big Apple City. Who would die if he didn't die?"

At this moment, Mad Bull Bill's eyes flashed, and he suddenly spoke,"Within three days, this farce should be over. He won't be able to jump around for long."


The others took a breath of cold air and looked at Crazy Bull Bill.

Abby said:"Bill, do you know something?"

"Hehe, I don't know anything."

Bill smiled mysteriously.

This would be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him, Mad Bull Bill, to avenge his shame, even become famous in the world, and become a big shot like Al Capone - as long as he can kill Huo Wenyao!

Others asked twice more, Mad Bull Bill still didn't reveal a word, so they stopped asking and immediately changed the subject.

No more questions!

Asking again would be the same as what Huo Wenyao is doing now, which is to seek death!

People who are not familiar with Mad Bull Bill are still It’s not clear, but everyone who knows him well knows that this guy has been so lucky in the past three months that he has climbed to the top of the Baroni family.

He is now a peripheral member of the Baroni family. As long as he passes the test, he will become a member of the Baroni family. Will become an official member of the Baroni family



There is a lot of chatter in the Big Apple, and most of it is indistinguishable from bar chat, and the conclusions are surprisingly consistent.

1. If Huo Wenyao single-handedly attacks the five major families, he is looking for death!

2. Huo Wenyao is not only seeking death, he is also committing suicide!

3. Huo Wenyao will die soon!

No one thought that Huo Wenyao would be the opponent of the five major families, and his fate was already doomed, sooner or later.

In the past few days, Huo Wenyao seemed to have completely forgotten about this matter and just did whatever he had to do.

This is what people in the world see as seeking death, and the detectives in the Big Apple think so too.

Nor are they doing nothing.

After hearing about this incident, senior FBI agents immediately contacted Huo Wenyao and regretfully said that there was no conclusive evidence and they could not do anything to those damn guys.

Compared to Huo Wenyao, they truly hate the mafia and wish to destroy those bastards!

The person who contacted Huo Wenyao was one of the persons in charge of investigating the Big Apple City Mafia.

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