Sang country, Kanto region.


A Japanese-style villa in the suburbs.

This villa is the residence of Yoshiaki Tsutsumi, the current richest man in the country. He is not only the richest man in the country, but also topped the Forbes rich list last year and became the richest man in the world.

Tsutsumi Yoshiaki's father's name was Tsutsumi Yasujiro, and he was a famous wealthy businessman in the country after World War II. However, this guy's reputation is really hard to describe.

In fact, it can be said to be terrible. reason?


After the end of World War II, countless declining nobles and people who were impoverished due to the war were born. Tsutsumi Yasujiro took advantage of this situation and purchased countless lands from these people.

Since they are taking advantage of the situation, the price is of course extremely cheap.

The foundation of the Tsui family was thus laid.

After acquiring the land, Tsutsumi began building suburban railways, hotels, tourist attractions, department stores, and golf courses.

The Seibu Group has developed in full swing.

It's just a matter of taking advantage of the situation.

More importantly, Tsutsumi Yasujiro has an extremely tough character and will do whatever it takes to make money.

In 1923, in order to seize the operating rights of a certain railway, Tsutsumi Yasujiro bought the company's shares aggressively. As a result, someone put a gun to his head in an attempt to force him to give up.

However, Tsutsumi Yasujiro was unmoved and would rather lose his life than give up. His opponent had no choice but to hand over the railway management rights.

Since then, Tsutsumi Yasujiro has also been nicknamed"Pistol Tsutsumi".

In addition, Tsutsumi Yasujiro is also very adventurous and often uses stormy acquisitions to destroy many families.

If there are still people who like this way of doing things, then that’s the devil!

The nouveau riche of Tsutsumi Yasujiro's generation were extremely shamed by the ordinary people of Sanguo. They laughed at them and said:"Not even a weed will grow where those Omi merchants walked."

Tsutsumi Yoshiaki was different.

Tsutsumi Yasujiro is fiery and aggressive, but Tsutsumi Yoshiaki acts extremely steadily and cautiously.

His business strategy is one word - stable!

We won’t take risks if we can’t help it, let alone run a fiscal deficit.

In comparison, Tsutsumi Kojiro's other son inherited his adventurer character, but in the end, Tsutsumi Kojiro chose Tsutsumi Yoshiaki as his successor.

The reason is actually simple. Tsutsumi Yasujiro has laid the foundation for the entire family.

He is the first generation.

Tsutsumi Yoshiaki is the second generation, so his responsibility is not to conquer the country, but to defend the foundation of the Seibu Group. As long as he can maintain this basic foundation, Tsutsumi Yasujiro will be very satisfied.

The father and son have completely different personalities, but they also have something in common, and that is Xunzi’s theory of evil nature!

An excellent entrepreneur must not make friends, nor use talents under his subordinates, because people's hearts are unpredictable, and once they become dependent on others, they will be mercilessly plotted by those they trust!

This is what Tsutsumi Yasujiro taught, and Tsutsumi Yoshiaki did the same.

The huge Seibu Group has almost 100,000 employees. Of course, there are talented people, but at most they can only be considered to be above average. There are almost zero talented people who are chosen by the top.

Yoshiaki Tsutsumi is the god of Seibu Group!

Whatever he says is what he says, others can only obey and are not allowed to have any ideas of their own.



Villa, study room.

Yoshiaki Tsutsumi was born in 1934. He is 54 years old this year. He wears square-rimmed glasses. Although he has a lot of gray hair on his head and temples, he is extremely energetic and energetic.

50 years old is the golden age for entrepreneurs!

He was sitting at his desk, reading the latest issue of Time magazine, and on his desk, there was also the Wall Street Journal》、《Fortune" and other lighthouse national newspapers and magazines.

What these newspapers and magazines have in common is-

Huo Wenyao!

All newspapers and magazines are focusing on Huo Wenyao, describing Huo Wenyao in detail from all aspects, from his identity, background, to how he made his fortune step by step.

Some of these descriptions are true, but many of them are extremely nonsense and were written out of the blue without any investigation.

It's normal. Who makes Huo Wenyao the hot topic now?

Many people want to know about him, and many newspapers and magazines do not have"Times"》、《Wealth", and we don't want to let go of this hot spot, so we can only make up stories.

"Huo Wenyao, interesting."

Tsutsumi Yoshiaki browsed Huo Wenyao's information and commented with a chuckle.

But after the evaluation, his eyes flashed coldly and said:"But... you, a foreigner, can also enjoy the development dividends of our country of Sang. Lay the foundation for this"

"To become the richest man in the world in such a short period of time is impressive, but also excessive."

"What's even more outrageous is that you have obviously made so much money, but you still hang on and want to continue to enjoy the dividends of our country's economic development. Many people have objections to you."

Dong dong dong!

Just at this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in. Tsutsumi

Yoshiaki said.

The study door was pushed open, and a middle-aged man in his forties walked in.

The man was not tall, only 1.7 meters tall.

His name was Nakata Kazuo, and he was the veteran of the entire Seibu Group. Tsutsumi Yoshiaki has been following him since he took over the Seibu Group.

Nakata Kazuo's ability is only above average. His greatest advantage is that he is obedient and will strictly and unconditionally carry out all Tsutsumi Yoshiaki's orders. For Tsutsumi Yoshiaki, this is excellence.

See Kazuo Nakata came in, and Yoshiaki Tsutsumi asked:"Nakata, how are things going?"

Nakata Kazuo stood upright, bowed his head slightly, and said with great respect:"Your Excellency, I have contacted the heads of relevant departments such as Mitsui & Co., Ltd. and Sumitomo Real Estate."

"The time has also been arranged, and you can meet them at seven o'clock tomorrow evening."

After the Second World War, six major consortiums emerged in the country, namely: Mitsubishi Foundation, Mitsui Foundation, Sumitomo Foundation, Fuji Foundation, Sanwa Foundation, Kanyin Foundation!

Mitsui & Co., Sumitomo Real Estate, you can tell just by their names. Origin, affiliated to Mitsui Foundation and Sumitomo Foundation respectively

"good. Tsutsumi

Yoshiaki nodded with satisfaction and asked:"Nakata, you have had initial contact with Mitsui & Co., Ltd. and Sumitomo Real Estate. What do they think of Huo Wenyao's investment in Sangguo?"

Nakata Kazuo frowned slightly and said,"Sir, they don't seem to have much objection to Huo Wenyao. They just think that the proportion of Imamura Real Estate Huo Wenyao and Huo Group is too high.""

"It's just a slight criticism. It shouldn't be possible for us to kick Huo Wenyao away. Tsutsumi smiled brightly and said:"Of course it's impossible. The other party is now the richest man in the world, and the whole world is paying attention. He himself is also very powerful. How can he be able to do it so easily?""

"I'm not ready to kick him away completely either."

"However, his proportion of Imamura Real Estate is indeed too high. If the Huo Group is included, it will be a full 70%. It is reasonable to reduce it to at least half."

"It doesn’t matter that Mitsui and Sumitomo don’t have much opinion now. It depends on people. We can let them have opinions."

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