According to a survey by Time magazine, Huo Wenyao’s asset distribution is as follows:

1. State-owned investment!

The Huo Group invested HK$14 billion in Sangguo Real Estate, plus another 100 from Sangguo's local consortium. Imamura Fudo's actual investment reached HK$24 billion, with mortgage loans from banks.

The debt ratio of the entire Imamura Real Estate has reached 80% with a debt of 20 billion, which also pushed the final size of Imamura Real Estate to 43.2 billion!

So what is Imamura Real Estate’s return on investment from late 1985 to now?

The answer is 110%!

Starting from December 1986, the country officially entered the bubble economy era, which lasted for 403 months and will end in February 1991, but if you want to withdraw, it must be at the end of 1990.

At that time, Sang's economy will reach its climax.

In just four or five years, Sangguo's real estate surged wildly. In 1986, the average price surged 53% compared to last year. This is also the fundamental reason for the ultra-high return rate of 110%.

Up to now, the valuation of Imamura Real Estate has exceeded 90 billion, and it is making great strides towards the thousand-level.

Imamura Real Estate, Huo Group owns 70% of the shares, 60% of which belongs to Huo Wenyao. Calculated conservatively at 900, at least 54 billion belongs to Huo Wenyao 060.

200 liabilities calculated year-on-year, that is 12 billion.

The final results are out. Even according to the most conservative calculation method, Huo Wenyao is worth 42 billion yuan!

2. Profit capital, rich fund!

These two large companies originally had a scale of US$13.7 billion, but they made a profit of US$9.6 billion during the global stock market crash, which was also US$23.3 billion.

Among them, 80% belongs to Huo Wenyao himself, which is 186 US dollars!

After conversion, it’s 145 billion Hong Kong dollars!

3. Land investment:

This is relatively simple, because it is ongoing, and it is not much, only 5 billion.


Five billion Hong Kong dollars, placed on Huo Wenyao, can only be described as"mere".

4. Local investment in the island.

Non-listed companies Zhonganhe Real Estate have 6 billion, New Territories Development 4 billion. Fuxing United Garment, Star News Group... Counting the real estate crash and the evaporation of market value, there are at least 15 billion listed companies. Chinese Land, New Hope, Chunghwa Electric, Kowloon Bus... based on the current market value, it is also 15 billion!

Adding the two together, it’s 30 billion!

5. Juli、??Investment in Southeast Asian countries.

The assets in these places include New World Development (overseas) and rubber manufacturing companies. Together, they amount to almost 3 billion Hong Kong dollars..!

The Hong Kong dollar-US dollar exchange rate system has been fixed since 1983. One US dollar is approximately equal to 78, so 225 billion Hong Kong dollars is 288.6!

Wealth needs to be divided into categories. One type is individuals, and the other type is financial groups!

Who are the top three richest people in the world today?

Ranked third is a Sangguo native named Mori Taiyoshiro.

Ranking second is the Walton family of the Lighthouse Country. not very familiar with?

What about Walmart?

The Walton family is the owner of Wal-Mart, founded by Sam Walton. It has always held 48% of Wal-Mart's shares, which exceeded US$130 billion in 2006!

This also made the Walton family the richest family in the Lighthouse Country in 2006.

《Fortune magazine commented on the Walton family at the time:"Forget Gates and Buffett. In the lighthouse country, it is the Walton family that truly has an influence on the economy and society." It is a pity that even the

Walton family Even though he is so awesome, he is still defeated by Yoshiaki Tsutsumi, a wealthy man from Sango!

Although Tsutsumi Yoshiaki and Tyson Yoshiro's wealth is very empty.

These two guys are both famous real estate tycoons in the country. They are both beneficiaries of the bubble economy in the country. However, they are far from their peak period now, and it will be in 1990.

Although his current assets are very weak, Tsutsumi Yoshiaki is a true legend.

He was born in 1934. He is the illegitimate son of Kojiro Tsutsumi, a wealthy man in Sango. He also has two older brothers. However, after a fight, he actually defeated his two older brothers!

In the end, he inherited most of his father's assets, and then he lay dormant for ten years, constantly improving his father's business policies. At the peak, he bought one-sixth of the land management rights in Sang Kingdom.

His Seibu Group has 100,000 employees, resort hotels all over the country, and group assets of US$165 billion!

Just last year, he became the world's richest man with a net worth of US$24 billion, beating Sam Walton's US$23.5 billion!

But now, due to a global stock market crash, Huo Wenyao's net worth has skyrocketed. With a net worth of US$28.846 billion, he has crushed Yoshiaki Tsutsumi and became the new richest man in the world.

By the way, as the old saying goes, you only know who has been swimming naked when the tide goes out.

Since the bubble economy burst in San Diego, the values ​​of Yoshiaki Tsutsumi and Tyson Yoshiro have plummeted. By 2004, Yoshiaki Tsutsumi, the former world's richest man, had shrunk to US$3 billion.

The above is just for Huo Wenyao personally. If we consider it as a consortium, the Huo family would be a little unsatisfied.

Because the entire Huo family was born because of Huo Wenyao.

Vertically comparing the lighthouse countries, the most typical representatives are the Rockefeller Group and the Morgan Group. The top ten financial groups in the lighthouse countries all have unparalleled influence in the world.

Take the Rockefeller Foundation as an example. The entire family is based on the oil monopoly. By continuously controlling financial institutions, it eventually extends its sphere of influence to all sectors of the national economy.

The founder of this consortium is named J.D.Rockefeller founded an oil refinery in Cleveland in 1963 and later expanded it to become the Standard Oil Company of Ohio, which soon monopolized the lighthouse country's oil industry.

Relying on oil, the Rockefeller consortium made huge profits and continued to invest in the financial industry and manufacturing, and its economic strength developed rapidly.

In 1935, the total assets of the Rockefeller Group were only US$6.5 billion.

In 1860, this number became 82.6 billion yuan!

In 1974, the total assets of the Rockefeller Group reached 330.5 billion U.S. dollars, surpassing the Morgan Group and ranking first among the top ten financial groups in the lighthouse country.

Of course, in the 1980s, the Morgan consortium learned its shame and became brave enough to regain its title as the number one consortium.

The Huo Group is only at the level of tens of billions of dollars. It is still far behind the world's truly top financial groups and those families that hide behind the scenes.

This is Huo Wenyao's goal. Ordinary people don't care about this.

They only know one thing. Huo Wenyao passed through a stock market crash and overtook others in a corner, becoming the richest man in the world with a net worth of nearly 30 billion US dollars!

This is the first time Huo Wenyao has appeared on the cover of Time magazine, and it is also the first time he has been elected as the Person of the Year.

But it's not the first time.

Whether he is on the cover of"Time" or elected as Person of the Year, there are many more times, and he will set a record for the most people elected as"Time" Person of the Year.

And when he was elected for the second time, all his titles disappeared, leaving only two words - hero! _To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP!

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