The stock market crash started on October 19, 1987. After rapidly sweeping the world, it was not until mid-1988 that the financial markets of most countries gradually stabilized.

Hong Kong Island is similar, but the situation on Hong Kong Island is even more difficult! reason?

Two o'clock!

First, it was the stupid decision of suspending the market 4 that completely destroyed the confidence of investors, causing many listed companies that were originally well-operated to suffer unprecedented losses.

If investors lack confidence, they will not invest again easily, or at least wait until the storm has passed.

Among those listed companies, some bubbles are serious and bursting is normal.

But in the current booming economic development of Hong Kong Island, there are still many high-quality companies that should not receive such treatment. Their values ​​are completely underestimated by the market!

Huo Wenyao This is the case for many listed companies.

Second, withdraw foreign capital!

This is also a very important reason, because according to statistics on all transactions in the Hong Kong stock market last year, the respective proportions are as follows:

Britain: 25%!

Lighthouse Country: 15%!

Funds in Southeast Asia and Australia: 10%!

In other words, of the total turnover of the Hong Kong stock market last year, overseas funds accounted for fully 50%, and of the remaining 50%, Hong Kong local funds accounted for 30%, and only about 20% of the turnover came from ordinary investors on Hong Kong Island..

Although their share is small, it is extremely important. The more ordinary investors enter the stock market, the more prosperous the stock market will be.

However, when the global stock market crash broke out, all overseas funds were withdrawn, and Hong Kong lost blood instantly. Unless these overseas funds come back, it will be difficult for 667 to recover immediately.

What is different this time from previous stock market crashes in Hong Kong is that the withdrawal of overseas funds is not because they have plundered enough wealth and want to cash out.

Rather, they themselves suffered heavy losses and had to withdraw their funds.

Throughout October, the stock market crash caused huge economic losses to several major stock markets around the world.

The market value of Lighthouse Country’s stocks has lost as much as US$800 billion!

Sango lost $600 billion!

Britain lost $140 billion!

Treasure Island lost US$32 billion!

Hong Kong Island lost US$30 billion!


The combined losses of all major stock markets amounted to 1.8 trillion yuan, while the direct and indirect economic losses of World War I were only 338 billion US dollars!

It is a full 5.3 times.

This time, it is not just Hong Kong that is bleak, but the whole world. Amidst this bleakness, there are some investment giants who are exceptions, and the focus cannot help but focus on them.

Huo Wenyao accurately predicted the time when the stock market crash would break out, let alone betting on the world.

One week after the stock market crash, people are feeling a little calmer.

Only then did they discover to their surprise that it was not just the mysterious rich man from the East who predicted that the stock market crash would break out.

Even on Wall Street, there were two types of investors who predicted when the stock market crash would break out...Like Huo Wenyao, they not only did not lose anything in this stock market, but also made a lot of money.

One is Bridgewater Associates and Ray Dalio!

The remaining one is a guy named Paul Tudor Jones. His Tudor Fund actually achieved a high return rate of 62% in just this week, which is incredible.

In comparison, Bridgewater's 22% gain is exaggerated, but completely inadequate.

It should be noted that the huge difference between the two is entirely due to the different size of the funds they manage.

Using 100 yuan to earn 50 yuan and 10,000 yuan to earn 5,000 yuan, the return rate is 50%, but can the difficulty be said to be the same? Of course not, these are two completely different concepts!

Ray Dalio and his Bridgewater Associates became famous in one battle!

Also famous is Paul Tudor Jones, a new-generation investment genius who was born in 1954 and is only 33 years old this year. Some people have already ranked them with seniors like Soros who became famous earlier.

All kinds of interviews came in like snowflakes.

Paul Tudor Jones' answer was less than stellar.

On the other hand, Dalio's answers were quite interesting. He answered all the reporters' questions humorously, and finally told the reporter that he was very interested in Huo Wenyao.

If there is a chance, I hope to meet and chat with him.

The two men's report quickly spread throughout Wall Street and spread to several major financial markets around the world.

Of course it was not because of them, but because of

Huo Wenyao!

This is the focus of everyone's attention!

During the time when the stock market crash broke out, Huo Wenyao was also very busy. He had to sell all the futures in his hands at the right time and node, otherwise he would lose his money.

After a week of frantic operations, the results came out quickly.

Take the Hang Seng Index as an example. Huo Wenyao spent HK$1.6 billion to buy 4 lots. At that time, the Hang Seng Index was 3960 points. After two days of sharp decline on the 19th and 26th, the lowest reached 2200 points.

But he couldn't sell them all at this price, because the size of Hong Kong Island couldn't swallow them all in an instant.

More importantly, that would have a devastating blow to the futures guarantee company!

In fact, the government and the industry are facing huge rescue pressure, largely from the stock index market, because after the stock market crash, the Stock Exchange found that some customers had begun to default on their debts.

As we all know, futures adopt a margin system, and you only need to pay 20% of the price to play.

That is 5 times leverage.

The leverage ratio is actually not that big. If there was no problem in the past, it is a pity that it is not possible now.

Due to various reasons, the final average selling price of Huo Wenyao's 40,000 stock indexes was 2,560 points, which means he earned 1,400 points. For every 50 yuan, he earned a total of 280 million Hong Kong dollars!

1.6 billion earned back 280 million, and the return on capital is not very high, only 17.5%!

But this is just Hong Kong Island.

This is the base camp. Huo Wenyao cannot go too far. He needs to consider what the government and the people think of him. If he kills without mercy, his reputation will fall to the bottom.

It's not worth it just to get an extra 100 million yuan to improve your own reputation.

But in other financial markets around the world, Huo Wenyao has no mercy at all. He only cares about how much profit he has and how much profit he can grab!

Like a greedy vampire.

Even if it's a drop of blood, he won't let it go!

Over in the Lighthouse Country, Huo Wenyao bought S&P 500 futures, each worth US$200,000. He bought 3 futures in total, with a total value of US$6 billion!

S&P 500, one is $250.

He bought it at 260 points. The gameplay is that when the S&P 500 index drops, he needs to pick the lowest point to sell. As for where the lowest point is, it depends entirely on his own judgment.

For these three futures contracts, he took action between 190 and 200, and the average number of points he took out was 195 points!

Earned a full 65 points!

In other words, from these 30,000 futures contracts, Huo Wenyao made a huge profit of 490 million yuan. In addition, after taking the Soros contract at a low point and selling it at a higher point, he made another 110 million US dollars!

In just one week, in Newyork, a global financial center alone, Huo Wenyao's income reached 600 million yuan!

In addition to Newyork, the European financial trading market is a larger existence.

A single financial market is naturally not comparable to Newyork, but the financial markets of several countries such as Britain and France combined are not comparable to Newyork.

Huo Wenyao also attacked these markets and finally made away with US$1.45 billion!

On the Asian side, Hong Kong Island, Sanguo, Baodao, and Southeast Asian countries add up to a total of 280 million U.S. dollars. In addition, South America is also required. The final profits will be sorted out quickly.

During the global stock market crash, Huo Wenyao's plundered profits reached -

US$24! _To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP!

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