Time flies, a few hours pass, and in the blink of an eye it is Friday, October 16, 1987!

Of course, it’s not Friday in Hong Kong Island, but in Newyork.

U.S. stocks open at 9:30 am.

The time is now 8:00 a.m., which is still an hour and a half before the U.S. stock market opens.

Berkshire Hathaway headquarters.

The company was founded by Warren Buffett in 1956.

At that time, Berkshire was a textile factory on the verge of bankruptcy, but under Buffett's careful operation, Berkshire was brought back to life.

Just talk about two nodes.

In 1964, Berkshire's net assets were US$22.887 million, but by 2001, the company's net assets had grown to US$162 billion, and its stock price had risen from US$7 per share to US$90,000!

If you had given $10,000 to Buffett in 1956, it would have turned into

$2.7 in just 50 years!

Even if the"580" is afraid of taking inflation into account, this is also an extremely scary number and rate of return.

The stock god is the stock god.

In Buffett, value investing is vividly reflected and fully utilized.

Last night, when Soros, Dalio, Paul Tudor Jones and many other Wall Street investment giants were studying Huo Wenyao's Fuying Fund, Buffett was sleeping.

With billions of wealth, he lives a very regular life. He goes to bed on time at ten o'clock in the evening and gets up on time at six o'clock in the morning.


Unless there is an extremely serious incident, he will not change. In his eyes, the earth-shattering operations of Fu Ying Fund are nothing, just a small problem.

Of course, at this time, he did not realize that the global stock market crash was about to break out, otherwise he would never be so calm.

At 8:00 a.m., Buffett arrived at his office on time.

At Berkshire, the boss in charge of the insurance business is named Goldberg, and he is also an elite talent.

He knew Buffett's habits and had packed up all the information as early as last night. When Buffett came to the company, he immediately knocked on the door of Buffett's office and presented the information.

In about half an hour, Buffett read the information.


Then, he threw the information aside and started his work for the day calmly, without even realizing that Goldberg was still in his office.

"Warren, what do we do next? Goldberg asked.

Buffett then raised his head and said in surprise:"Oh, Goldberg, it turns out you haven't left yet. I thought you had left long ago.""

"Are you so free? Go to work, I'm busy today"

"what to do?"

"It’s just a gambling game played by a mysterious rich man from the East. Whether we win or lose, it has nothing to do with us, at least not yet."

"Remember, you must believe in your own investment philosophy. Once it is formed, don't change it easily, let alone let external things easily affect our judgment. Berg frowned slightly and said,"But Warren, did he win the bet?""

"So now you want me to follow the stock market? Is a global stock market crash about to happen?"..Buffett asked calmly.

Goldberg said after a few seconds:"Of course not."

Buffett chuckled and said nothing else, just said:"Don't think so much, go back to work."

Goldberg nodded, turned and left, Gone to work.

What happens next is beyond their expectations and will even surprise them.



AM, 8:30!

Wall Street!

The source of this global stock market crash, the initial battlefield, and the core of the core!

Just on Wall Street, there is an old stock brokerage company established in 1899 called F.T.Rothschild. The current chairman of this company is named Mark Harner.

Mark Hana has another strange guy named Jordan Belfort!

This man was born in 1963. He is a stockbroker, motivational speaker, and author. When he was 30 years old, he was hailed as the"Robin Hood of the stock market" by Forbes. He wandered on the edge of the law and even made money by breaking the law. He created a 3-minute The miracle of making $12 million!

In addition to the nickname"Robin Hood of the stock market", his other nickname is even more famous.

That is -

The Wolf of Wall Street!

Jordan Belfort and Mark Harner, both of them from"The Wolf of Wall Street".

Putting aside Belfort’s future feats, he is still just an unknown person.

He is only 24 now!

Two years ago, Belfort graduated from University. In order to pursue his dream wealth, he came to Wall Street and entered F.T.Rothschild Division, began working for Kerhana.

At that time, he was just a low-level clerk.

In the past two years, he worked and studied on his own, and finally obtained a stockbroker certificate. Today is his first official day at work as a stockbroker!

Mark Harner is very optimistic about Belfort, who joined F2 two years ago.T.On the first day of Rothschild's company, he was specially invited to share lunch with him to teach him the ropes of life.

Nothing else: sex, white face!

As long as they have these two things and a clear mind, they will be invincible.

These words were deeply reflected in Belfort's mind.

Mark Hana is also considered his spiritual mentor.

Today is Belfort’s big day, and Mark Hana specially invited him to have breakfast!

In the luxurious restaurant, the two of them were eating and chatting.

Mark Hana said seriously:"Jordan, how many times can you masturbate in a day now?"

Belfort said:"2, sometimes 3 times!"

"Ha ha! Mark

Hana's expression changed suddenly, he laughed weirdly, patted Belfort on the shoulder, and said:"This is right, men should be like this, because this can keep us excited!""

"To be successful, you just need excitement!

Belfort nodded and said,"Mr. Haner, I will bear this in mind.""

These principles were handed over to Belfort by Mark Hana two years ago. There was nothing more to say. The topic soon turned to Huo Wenyao.

Mark Hana was overjoyed and made another signature move. He kept moving his right hand. Gently beat his left chest!

Boom, boom, boom, boom!

It was like a drummer playing the drums. It was very rhythmic, which made Belfort couldn't help but do it.

Mark Hana laughed and said:"Ha! That Yanguo kid named Huo Wenyao, he really dares to do whatever he wants!"

"Will global stock markets collapse?"

"Oh God, no, no, no, this is not nonsense. I seriously suspect that this decision to bet on the world was the result of him stuffing his head into his own ass!

Belfort also laughed and echoed:"Mr. Haner, that's what I think about 3.4."

Mark Haner changed the topic and said:"It's just because there are enough fools and lunatics like this that we can make a lot of money. We Instead of laughing at him, we should thank him"

"Sincerely thank him, what do you think?

Belfort said:"I think so too, the more people like this the better.""

"Ha ha! The heroes see the same thing."

Mark Hana laughed.

Half an hour passed while talking and laughing. The two finished breakfast and stepped into the elevator of the building where the company was located at 9:20.

Three minutes later, the two came to F.T.Rothschild Division.

It is 9:23, and there are only 7 minutes left before the U.S. stock market opens!

Busy pre-war preparations began as usual.

Fight today.

Again, let’s start!


: I am still working on Chapter 4,"The Wolf of Wall Street", a great movie, highly recommended! _To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP!

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