In the VIP box, Mike Corleone arrived very early, already at seven o'clock, because he had a well-established guest to greet and introduce to Huo Wenyao.

As for the specific information about this guest, McCorleone did not disclose it.

Huo Wenyao didn't ask either.

At 7:30 that night, Huo Wenyao, accompanied by Rambo, came to the box. There were already three people inside. Mike Corleone was there, and the other two were the distinguished guests he called~.

Of those two people, one of them was in his forties, wearing a black suit, with some white hair. He was not very tall, only 1.7 meters tall, and his body was slightly put on.

But for a person of this age, this degree of fatness is nothing at all.

The other person is a young man, not even thirty years old. He has a very tough face and is very handsome.

When Huo Wenyao saw these two people, his eyes couldn't help but light up.

Seeing Huo Wenyao enter the door, McCorleone immediately stood up and said to the middle-aged man:"Mr. John Xun, please allow me to introduce you to him. This is Mr. Huo Wenyao.""

"Ah Yao, this is Mr. John Xun, from the CIA's Foreign Intelligence Division.

The middle-aged man smiled kindly, stood up, stretched out his hand to Huo Wenyao, and said:"Hello, Mr. Huo, my name is Jim John, I won't say anything else.""

"Your famous name is like thunder to my ears. This is not flattery, nor is it empty talk."

"I’ve wanted to get to know you before, but I didn’t have a good chance. I didn’t expect you to come to the Persian Gulf. God sent you to me. I’m glad to meet you."

"Just call me by my first name, Jim. Huo

Wenyao also stretched out his hand, shook hands with the middle-aged man, and said,"No, I'm also very happy to meet Mr. John Xun.""

After that, Huo Wenyao looked at the handsome man with a tough appearance a few meters away.

"Henry, come here."

Jim saw this and shouted to the young man.

The young man walked over quickly.

Jim said:"Mr. Huo, let me introduce him. His name is John Henry. He works under me and is in charge of a special operations team. He is the leader of that team. long"

"Henry, say hello to Mr. Huo.

The young man nodded slightly and said,"Hello, Mr. Huo.""

"Hello. Huo

Wenyao responded with a smile, but secretly sighed in his heart, this world is really wonderful. Of the two people in front of him, the middle-aged man was indeed named Jim, but it was not Jim John, but Jim Phelps. The young man was named

John Henry.


No, no, no, this is a completely false name. His name is not John Henry at all, but -

Ethan Hunt! These two guys are both from the first part of the"Mission: Impossible" series. Huo Wenyao recognized the two of them at first sight.

Jim was a senior executive of the CIA, while Ethan Hunt was an elite agent with good skills and a great sense of adventure. His favorite thing was to perform various dangerous tasks.

Unexpectedly, they were the ones responsible for the CIA's intelligence work in the Middle East during this period.

This world is not only wonderful, but also very small.

After the two parties greeted each other, they sat down in the box and chatted casually.

Ethan Hunter didn't say much , mainly because Jim, a high-ranking CIA official, was playing a role. The content of the conversation was also very nonsense, and there was basically no serious business. The upcoming K1 competition was the focus.

Jim is also an old boxing fan, otherwise he would not be here.

In the middle of chatting nonsense, Time flies, and soon half an hour has passed, and the first K1 World Series officially kicked off. The first group of Group A came on stage, and unfortunately, among them was Zovi.

Zovi’s opponent was a man named Maha Moed is an Arab with a burly physique, 195cm.87kg!

Zowi is less than 1.9 meters, and his weight is even more incomparable with Mahmoud, only 76kg.

Professional competitions are divided into weight classes, which are subdivided into 17 There is a level, 87kg and above is the first level. This is the heavyweight class, and 76kg is the fourth level super middleweight.

This alone creates a lot of gaps, and Zovi suffers a big loss.

Not to mention Said, Mahmoud is still playing at home.

He has a great reputation throughout the Persian Gulf. As soon as he came on the stage, the scene instantly became heated.

"Mahmoud! Mahmoud! Mahmoud!!"

"Fuck this brat!"

"Hahaha, what is going on with SG that they would send this little guy to the stage? How could he be Mahmoud's opponent?"

"Moment of silence for him, he will never be able to stand up again after one minute."


In the box, Jim was also very excited and said:"Mr. Huo, I have read the information. This boxer is yours, right?" Huo Wenyao nodded:"


Jim Qi said:"Before you came, Mike showed me the information of all 42 players. I found that most of them are heavyweights according to professional competitions."

"But among the three people you sent, none of them were heavyweights, and one of them even weighed only 65 kilograms."

"They are at a disadvantage before the game even starts. Mr. Huo, what do you think? Do they have any special skills that we don't know about? Huo

Wenyao smiled and said casually:"Yes, they are very good at kung fu and have a strong desire to fight. I don't want to dampen their interest, so I let them play.""........,.....

Jim snorted and said,"Mr. Huo, that Mahmoud is very famous in this area, and he was built with hard power."

"What a pity that your men bumped into him when they came up."

"I think you should be mentally prepared for failure. If you are defeated, it is best to admit defeat directly, otherwise no one knows what will happen.

Huo Wenyao smiled and said,"Okay.""

Jim nodded and said no more.

The octagonal cage is 4 meters long and wide, with an area of ​​16 square meters. As far as the ring is concerned, it is huge and provides sufficient space for both fighters to move around. The referee will Zovi and Mahmoud were led to the center line, and the bigTold the rules.

There are no rules, it’s about attack methods and locations, not anything else.

There are rules. What they say is that if both sides fail to knock down their opponent within the specified time, the victory or defeat must be determined by points. It is impossible to continue fighting forever. If the opponent has surrendered, he must not make another killing blow unless the opponent has surrendered. Don't stop until you kill your opponent.

The referee simply asked the two if they understood. After Zovi and Mahmoud nodded in unison and the gloves touched again, the referee immediately retreated and stayed away to avoid hurting himself.

The game officially begins!

Zovi and Mahmoud were three meters apart.

Mahmoud was arrogant and unruly. He hit his head with his fist and roared at Zovi:"Come on, you brat from Yan Kingdom!"

"Otherwise you won't have a chance to take action!"

"Come on!!"

Then, Zuo Wei came to earth._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Faloo Novel APP!

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