After Mike Corleone came up with this plan, most of the representatives of the major forces were surprised and shocked. There were also some with good psychological quality who had no change in their expressions.

Huo Wenyao was not too surprised, all this was expected by him.

Of course, McCorleone was smarter than he thought.

He took out the mafia's 6% share, forcing other parties to reduce it by half. This was the first move, and it was indeed very clever.

He is willing to cut his own flesh and spit out the benefits he has swallowed, and he is cruel enough to himself.

Even the boss has set an example, how can I not follow suit?

That's probably what it means.

The second move is to deal with yourself and show enough sincerity to keep SG's current share unchanged, but there is also a subtext, that is, SG can no longer expand unscrupulously.

This is a concession that Huo Wenyao needs to make. If Huo Wenyao is really sincere about peace talks, he must make this step.

The third move is the CIA!

Although the gang of bastards in Lighthouse Country are greedy and disgusting, they have to admit that they do have the power to be greedy and disgusting.

Not convinced?

Then I will beat you until you are convinced!

In a sense, what Huo Wenyao SG is doing is no different from them.

This is also normal.

The law of the jungle is the law of the wild world!

McCorleone was doing this himself, but he never revealed it to anyone. Just like his father always warned him, it is best to keep a trump card for yourself at all times.

This is his trump card!

Huo Wenyao chuckled and looked at Mike Corleone, with more approval in his eyes, as if he was seeing his own kind.

McCorleone also looked at him with a smile and said slowly:"Mr. Huo, you agree with the first thing. I wonder if you also agree with the second thing I just said?"

"If you think something is unreasonable, just say it and I will try my best to satisfy you."

"You know, war always has two sides"

"If it can end in a devastating way and you can still guarantee that you are the winner, then there is absolutely no need to hesitate. The sooner the war starts, the better, because that way you can gain victory and get rewards earlier."

"But if the war lasts for a long time, it will be very bad. It will have a great impact on business and the gains will not be worth the losses. It is better to live in harmony."

"Just like the current Persian Gulf -" before McCorleone could say anything else, Huo Wenyao had already interrupted with a chuckle:"I agree."

Huo Wenyao was in a good mood.

After he interrupted, he winked at Mike Corleone and joked:"Mike, you don't think I'm an idiot, do you? How could I not understand such a simple truth?"

"No one can dominate the Persian Gulf, of course I know that"

"That being the case, how could I possibly have an opinion?"

"In fact, I think your distribution plan is very-very-go, od. It can even be said to be perfect. No one can do it better than you. I can't find any reason to object."

While he chuckled, he paused for a moment.

Huo Wenyao quickly glanced at Mediterranean, Sato Akiaki, Barney Huangliu and others, and joked:"Of course, this is just my opinion."cross-."Maybe there is a more perfect solution for Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.".む.Michael Corleone smiled, nodded to Huo Wenyao, looked at the others, and said:"Everyone, do you have any opinions?"

"If so, say it now. Sato

Akiaki had the solemnity unique to the Sang people. With a straight face, he nodded to Mike Corleone and said,"Sir Corleone, our Yamaguchi group has no objection!""

Mediterranean always paid attention to Huo Wenyao. Seeing that he had expressed his stance, he felt relieved and said:"We, the Sanlian Gang, agree!"

"Our Emperor Group also agrees!"

"Fortunately, Mr. Corleone was careful. As Mr. Huo said, this distribution plan cannot be better."

Other parties also expressed their opinions.

Naturally, no one had any objections and the vote was unanimously passed.

"Okay, let's continue talking."

McCorleone was not surprised by this result, and continued with a normal expression:"Since it has been decided to give up 40% of the underground oil trading rights as a reward for the K1 World Series"

"Let’s discuss in general how the rewards should be distributed and how many shares each ranking corresponds to."

"I also did this in advance"

"Tom, show the K1 World Series plan to all the gentlemen, and let me talk while you read it."

Tom Hagen nodded, stood up immediately, took out the prepared documents from the black briefcase, and distributed one copy to everyone present.

Huo Wenyao took the document and quickly browsed it.

After he finished reading, he His eyes lit up!

Mike, this guy, created another surprise for him.

According to the plan, 40% of the underground oil trading rights are distributed like this: 15% for the champion, 8% for the runner-up, 5% for the third runner-up, and the remaining The bottom 12% will be divided into the 4th to 16th places!

In other words, the top 16 will all get a share of the pie.

At the same time,

McCorleone's distribution method also implements the old tradition of the lighthouse country's elections. That is the winner takes all. As long as you become the champion, you will get a full 15% share.

This is magical and exaggerated.

But Huo Wen glanced at everyone from the corner of his eye and discovered something interesting.

Regarding this distribution It seems that everyone is very satisfied with the method, and it seems that everyone has great confidence in themselves.

After thinking about it, I can understand it.

In the past, I couldn't get so much share even if I fought to the death, but now I can get it through a boxing match. It can be said that they are changing their fate against the will of heaven, which makes them all excited.

Everyone is eager to try, and can't wait for the first K1 World Series to be held soon.

Huo Wenyao couldn't help but smile.

This distribution method will probably pass smoothly..

But it was not this that made his eyes light up, but Mike Corleone's business acumen.

He just heard him say:"The K1 World Series will be held every year. As long as it is held beautifully, it will become a regular event in the future!"

"I plan to promote this no-rules fighting game to the whole world!"

"Of course, if it is promoted to the whole world, it will be divided into two versions. One version has rules and will impose various restrictions. It is best not to cause human life. This is better for promotion and more suitable for ordinary audiences."

"The real version has no rules. As long as you enter the ring, life or death is up to you."....0

"The international version is for the future. Let’s first organize the first unregulated K1 World Series."

"I don’t need to say more about how many boxing fans there are in the world. Everyone knows that even many of us are boxing fans, and the market is extremely vast."

"K1 World Series, just the tickets alone are a huge amount of revenue"

"At the same time, I will also introduce gambling!"

"I have also completed this work. I have reached an agreement with Poly Group, the largest gaming company in Europe, half a month ago. They will be fully responsible for the first K1 World Series!"

After a pause.

Mike Corleone glanced at everyone and said slowly:"Gentlemen, according to my estimate, the K1 World Series alone can bring us at least 20 million US dollars in revenue."

"This is only the first session. As the K1 World Series becomes more and more famous, the income will increase dramatically in the future."

"If the K1 World Series can be commercialized, the rate of return will be huge."

"All these incomes will be collected by the Persian Gulf Brotherhood, and all members will be able to share a share. This is the benefit of peace, and what I really want to say."


Mike Corleone's plan for the K1 World Series not only shocked Huo Wenyao, but also shocked others. It was like thunder and roaring.

They originally thought that this meeting was just a simple peace, but they did not expect that Mike Corleone would come up with Surprises, one after another, really exceeded their expectations.

As long as it is operated properly and the fight is beautiful, it can really make K1 famous in the World Series!

The boxing market is infinitely vast!

In an instant, everyone present started from Mike Corleone. In the beautiful blueprint outlined, I saw the golden corpse of banknotes._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Faloo Novel APP!??06572), support Faloo Novel Network ( original works, all available

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