Huo Wenyao said:"For tomorrow's peace talks, Zuo Wei and Tachibana will accompany me. Rick, Rambo, and Madman. You three are responsible for perimeter security. Whoever dares to take action will die."

"If Mike wants to have a Hongmen Banquet, everyone attending this meeting will die."

"Can it be done?

Peng Yixing saluted Huo Wenyao and said loudly:"No, problem?""

"Boss!!", his movements were very standard, but he was wearing a clown mask, which made him look funny and weird.

Huo Wenyao's mouth twitched, and he was a little worried.

If this continues, don't let Peng Yixing have other psychological problems. Keep it to yourself During this time in the Persian Gulf, if you have free time, you'd better chat with him more.

After being serious for two seconds, Peng Yi smiled happily, shrugged and said:"Ayao, don't worry about this kind of thing, it's taken care of by us. body"


"I think that Mike is not an idiot, he really wants to make peace, and what he is preparing is not the Hongmen Banquet."

Lan Bo and Feng Yuxiu also nodded.


Huo Wenyao and the five people simulated tomorrow's meeting in detail. The intelligence agency had already set off early to investigate the environment outside the venue.

Half an hour later, the meeting ended.

The others dispersed.

Huo Wenyao left Rambo alone and said with a smile,"Rambo, sit down wherever you want. How is your injury?" Rambo sat down and said angrily:"Boss, it has been so long since I was 13 and I have recovered a long time ago.""

"That's good."Huo Wenyao said,"Don't blame me for being ruthless. What kind of character you are and what the situation was at that time, you know even if I don't tell you."

"clear. Rambo shrugged and said with a smile:"In that situation, you were not willing to give me a chance to survive. You had already taken a very big risk, and then you entrusted me with a heavy responsibility. I will be grateful.""

"I'm still a fighter!"

Huo Wenyao smiled and chatted with Rambo for more than ten minutes before letting him leave.

Everything is ready, just wait for tomorrow!



Time flies, and it’s daytime on the second day in a blink of an eye.

The SG intelligence agency continued its activities, investigating the environment around the peace talks venue, and reported that the situation was not unexpected. McCorleone was very sincere and was not a Hongmen Banquet.

He really intends to negotiate peace, which is consistent with the old godfather.

A few years ago, during the white-faced dispute, the old godfather was shot three times and almost died. Then McCorleone killed the agent. He could no longer stay in the Lighthouse Country and had no choice but to return to his hometown.

It took Mike two or three years to return to Newyork.

During this period, the old godfather's eldest son Sonny was also shot and killed. With such deep hatred, the old godfather actually held back and held a peace conference to promise that he would never take revenge.

His only request is that his youngest son can return to Newyork. , apart from that, there is nothing else to ask for!

After so many years, the old godfather seemed to have forgotten all the unpleasantness in the past, but in fact, he knew very well that he had left those people to his younger son to deal with.

As long as he dies, the leaders of the other four major families will also be buried!

Let’s get back to business, let’s talk about Abbas.

This is a port city in southern Iraq and the capital of Hormozgan Province. It is located on the north shore of the Gulf of Hormuz and at the exit of the Persian Gulf. It has four large terminals and more than ten berths.

These wharves and berths can accommodate ships with a pool water of 9.4 meters to 10.4 meters, which shows their huge cargo volume!.Decades ago, Britain invaded and colonized this place. In modern times, the wave of independence surged around the world, making colonial rule impossible, and Britain gave up. However, the entire Middle East was still within the sphere of influence of European and American countries. Abbas has only a permanent population of 180,000, and most of the floating population is engaged in the oil industry.

This is the city McCleone chose for peace talks. It was because of McCorleone's attitude that the underground forces in the entire Persian Gulf fell into a brief period of peace. Of course there are still small-scale fights, but large-scale fighting has completely disappeared.

Everyone is looking forward to the outcome of this negotiation, because it will affect the pattern of underground forces in the entire Persian Gulf!

A magnificent five-star hotel called Burj Al Arab.

This is the final venue for peace talks.

In order for the peace talks to proceed smoothly, McCorleone reserved the 25th to 27th floors of the Burj Al Arab Hotel. The venue has already been arranged, and it is on the 26th floor!

There are also rules for entering the venue. You can only bring a maximum of two followers, and you are not allowed to bring any communication equipment!

Pagers are prohibited, as are mobile phones and voice recorders, which are completely prohibited. arms?

Of course weapons are not allowed, even a small dagger is not allowed.

The Corleone family is responsible for the security of the entire venue. They guarantee that there will never be any problems. If an accident occurs at the venue, it will all be blamed on the Corleone family.

This is both a promise and a deterrent!



That night, 20:55!

Burj Al Arab.

Floor 26!

In the large conference hall, there is a huge long table with oval shapes at both ends, each with a seat.

Although there are incandescent lights in the conference room, the brightness is very low.

The table is dark red, and the walls are also mainly dark red, making the entire conference room extremely dark.

The seats at both ends are undoubtedly the most prestigious, and of course they are prepared for Huo Wenyao and Mike Corleone.

The former has not yet arrived, but the latter is already in place.

There are 6 seats on both sides of the conference table. Each seat is occupied by one person, a total of 12 people. There are two seats behind each person, which are prepared for each person's entourage.

Some people bring only one entourage, and some bring two people. Behind the leader Mike Corleone is only Tom Hagen.

The other 12 people are all famous.

The representative of the Yamaguchi-gumi is named Sato Akiaki. He serves as Wakatou within the organization and is second only to Takenaka Takeshi, the fifth generation leader in terms of status.

The representative of the Pine Forest Gang is naturally Huang Liuyi.

The representative of the Sanlian Gang has also arrived. It is none other than Zhonghai He Guang!

What is the situation with the Sanlian Gang?

Since Lei Gong's death, the major factions within the gang have been vying for the position of gang leader. Ding Yao took advantage of the fire and quit the fight after receiving a huge inheritance plus compensation.

Lei Fuxing, the son of Lei Gong, took over and became the new gang leader.

This guy is a top student, graduated from Bentley University, very smart, and very politically ambitious. He is the gang leader, not at all to expand the gang's power.

The real purpose was to use the Sanlian Gang as a springboard for his own political career. Three years later, his ambition was exposed.

Some of the people below agreed with his ideas, but most of them were firmly opposed because his father only elected legislators and did not abandon the Triple Gang in 310, but he was different.

This guy really uses the Sanlian Gang as a urinal and wants to throw it away after using it. When he enters the political arena, he wants to completely distance himself from the Sanlian Gang.

To put it simply, he wanted to sell the Sanlian Gang to gain a future for himself!

The current Sanlian Gang is in chaos and is not as powerful as before.

If this continues, either Lei Fuxing is capable enough to deal with the others in one fell swoop, or else he is incompetent and will be dealt with by others, and by then, his life may not be saved.

There is no third possibility!

If he really wants to be killed, Lei Fuxing deserves it.

They just want to step on the gang to get to the top, but don't want to make any contribution. Then after they succeed, they want to burn bridges and completely whitewash themselves.

It is simply unbearable to live in this situation.

The Sanlian Gang has a total of 12 gangs in Baodao.

During this period of extreme chaos, the Viper Hall developed in a low-key manner and grew quietly, becoming the mainstay of the Sanlian Gang.

12. At the entrance of the lobby, the Viper Hall is among the best!

Within the Sanlian Gang, there are already other voices coming out, saying that they want to abolish Lei Fuxing and support the rise of the Mediterranean!

He handles the underground oil trading rights on behalf of the Sanlian Gang, which has proven how popular and status he has within the Sanlian Gang.

In addition to these people, the Lucchese family is worth mentioning.

There are eight big families involved in the underground oil trade on the Mafia side. The Corleone family is mainly responsible. The Lucchese family assists, or supervises.

Just balance.

Barney attended on behalf of his father, Joe Lucchese.

He's kind of on Mike's side.

Attending this meeting is just to observe and learn. The one who really makes the decision is Mike Corleone. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - hide, recommend, and share! (13413206572)

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