Huo Wenyao said:"Next we have to do two things. The first thing is Zhan Mi and Master Su. You two will do it. Within three days, register a security company for me. The name will be Tianci, Tianci Security Company.".At the same time, you two find another lawyer to make a standard security contract. From now on, Yunhua Street’s charging method will change. In the past, it was paid every few days, which was too troublesome and irregular. From now on, it will be paid monthly. Hand it over!"

Master Su widened his eyes and said:"An, An, security company? Brother Yao, if you want to register a company, you have to pay taxes to the Emperor."

Huo Wenyao said:"Yes, we just want to pay taxes to the Emperor Pay taxes."

Luo Tianhong frowned and said:"Brother Yao, it's just a protection fee. There's no need to go to such trouble. You have to register a company and pay taxes. Send a few boys to Yunhua Street. The money Just put it up, it's easy."

Huo Wenyao smiled and did not explain.

Chen Xiaodao frowned and fell into thinking.

Chen Yongren looked at Huo Wenyao in surprise. Among the people, Zhan Mi and him were the smartest, and they obviously figured out the key.

Zhan Mi's eyes widened even more, and he slapped Master Su on the back of the head excitedly, and yelled:"You know what you are doing, you bastard. If you don't understand, just shut up! Brother Yao has already said that we don't want to be Young and Dangerous, we must be young and Dangerous." Formal business"

"Since it is a formal business, of course you need to register a company!"

"From now on, we are God-given security, responsible for the safety of food stalls and stalls on Yunhua Street. We work hard and they pay us, which is reasonable, reasonable and more legal."

"Brother Yao, this idea of ​​opening a security company is great, it’s genius!"

After Zhan Mi explained this, Luo Tianhong, Chen Xiaodao, Master Su, and Wu Ya suddenly realized it and suddenly became excited.

Chen Xiaodao slapped his thigh and shouted excitedly:"This idea is really brilliant. It not only protects our territory, I can collect money reasonably and legally, and still do the same work as before, but the charging method has changed!"

The crow laughed and said:"Hahaha, with Brother Yao's idea, we can't even try to be Young and Dangerous. If we conquer more territories in the future, wouldn't we be collecting money even if we lie down? Luo

Tianhong secretly said in his heart: Sure enough, he and Brother Yao are right. Not only is he better than him, he is also smarter than him! As soon as the idea of ​​Huo Wenyao Security Company came out, the younger brothers were all very excited.

Especially Chen Yongren and Zhan Mi.

Of these two people, one didn't want to be a young and Dangerous boy at all, and the other didn't want to but was forced by reality and had to do it. Now that someone is leading them on the right path, it would be great.

Huo Wenyao felt like it in his heart. Shaking his head. The vision of these young men under my command is still too low. Starting from 1984, the local economy was like a wild horse running wild until the financial crisis in 1998. There were too many opportunities. The famous rich people in later generations, Many people have made their fortune here. This is a golden age for making wealth!

Textiles, wigs, plastics, electricity, hotels, gold, futures, magazines, film and television, trade, real estate... countless industries are developing vigorously. It contains an unimaginable amount of wealth, but they still stare at their three-thirds of an acre of land.

Of course, this is Huo Wenyao's God's perspective.

Tell them yourself that in two thousand years, local housing prices will soar to It's hundreds of thousands, and a 90-square-meter apartment is worth tens of millions. I'm afraid they won't believe it even to death.

Huo Wenyao didn't explain, and continued:"The second thing is that I want to launch a magazine. I have already thought of the name, and it will be called""Feng Yue". Zhan Mi and Master Su, when you registered the security company, you also registered the magazine at the same time."

At this stage, the security company is only providing start-up capital for Huo Wenyao's future business empire, and his first pot of gold came from the"Feng Yue" magazine!


Chen Xiaodao was drinking tea, and when he heard this, he He spat out the tea and said in surprise:"No, Brother Yao, start a magazine? Although you said you want to do business seriously, I don't know how serious you want it to be. Of the one to two hundred magazines in Hong Kong, 70% are losing money, and the remaining 30% are struggling. Those who can survive are people like Ming Pao》、《We don’t have the resources for a big magazine like Oriental Daily."

Zhan Mi is not like Chen Xiaodao. The idea of ​​a security company is not something that ordinary young and Dangerous guys can come up with. He knew that Huo Wenyao must have his own plan when he said this, so he asked:"Brother Yao, what magazine do you want to start? ?

Huo Wenyao said:"We are from the housing estate and we are uneducated. What kind of magazine can we publish? Of course it is a salty and wet magazine.""

Salty. Wet magazine!!


Hearing what Huo Wenyao said, the eyes of the six people present, even the one with higher moral standards like Chen Yongren, lit up, and the two sluts Crow Crow and Master Su were even more excited. Laugh, you have to be as obscene as you want.

Seeing the reactions of these six people, Huo Wenyao knew that it was done.

Once it was completed, the monthly income would be at least one million!

What are the current prices?

Workers on the assembly line of a textile company , the monthly salary is 800; the monthly salary of ordinary employees in large companies is only 1,200; the housing prices are even more ridiculously low, and the luxury houses in Deep Water Bay are only two to three million, with the cheapest ones being hundreds of thousands.

As long as"Feng Yue" is completed, He earned a villa in one month. For Huo Wenyao at this stage, is there anything more profitable than this?


Chen Xiaodao said with a wretched face:"Hey! Brother Yao, your idea of ​​starting a security company is definitely brilliant, but compared to starting a salty and wet magazine, it is completely inadequate. As soon as"Feng Yue" came out, you became the benefactor of the whole island. Even I want to build a shrine for you. Crow

Crow gave Huo Wenyao a thumbs up and said with a smile:"Brother Yao, your merits are immeasurable, your merits are immeasurable.""

Everyone laughed.

Zhan Mi said confidently:"Brother Yao, leave the matter of registering the company to me and Stuttering Basu. I promise to handle it properly for you within three days."

Huo Wenyao nodded.

Zhan Mi、Ye Su is responsible for registering the company, while Chen Yongren, Luo Tianhong, Chen Xiaodao and Wu Wu are responsible for recruiting. It doesn't matter how Huo Wenyao is recruited, he only wants results.

His request was that the skeleton of"Feng Yue" magazine must be built within three days.

The chief editor, content editor, photo editor, and handyman must all be present. The four of them also patted their chests and promised to complete it.

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