Sima Xiang and Luo Minsheng were very efficient. After dozens of phone calls, the matter was almost settled.

Of course, the reason why the efficiency is so high is that the name of Huo Group is very useful.

"The three words"Huo Wenyao" are more useful!

On the second day,"Industrial and Commercial Daily"》、《financial daily》、《Oriental Daily》、《Star Daily》、《Ming Pao and more than 30 newspapers published Huo Wenyao's article.

Some publish only one article, while others publish all three.

For example, Huo's"Star Daily".

Whether they published only one article or all three, all newspapers retained Huo Wenyao's earth-shattering and even ground-breaking stock market prediction:

【Within two months, a stock market crash sweeping the world is bound to happen! 】

Public opinion is in an uproar!

The financial markets in Hong Kong and Austria exploded instantly!

If it were someone else who said this, it would never have such an effect, but the person who said this is Huo Wenyao. He is the richest man in China, so his power is certainly extraordinary.

On this day, public opinion fermented and broke through the circle as quickly as possible, reaching the ears of Hong Kong and Olympic citizens.

A lively discussion began.

Huo Wenyao is no longer what he used to be. Just after his three articles detonated the Hong Kong Olympics, the news spread out of the Hong Kong Olympics as quickly as possible.

It has reached Treasure Island!



And, the countries in Southeast Asia!! then.

Countless economists, stock brokers, stock investors and other stakeholders from all countries and regions in East Asia and Southeast Asia all participated in the discussion and started a lively discussion.

The impact of Huo Wenyao's three articles was greater than even his own expectations.

Discussion is nothing, and no one loses anything.

What really matters is market sentiment!

Because it's about money.

Just after these three articles came out, the originally prosperous financial and stock markets were instantly poured cold water on them.


Let’s not talk about other regions for now, let’s just talk about Hong Kong Island.

On the first day, the Hang Seng Index plummeted 1.05%!

Don’t underestimate this 1.05%.

You must know that in the past two years, as Hong Kong Island's economy has taken off and people's incomes have surged, a large part of the extra wealth has flowed into the stock market, causing the stock market to prosper rapidly and the Hang Seng Index to rise.

As a result, because of the three articles written by Huo Wenyao, the richest man in China, the Hang Seng Index not only stopped rising, but also began to fall.

The huge impact is evident!

On the second day, the Hang Seng Index continued to fall, another 1.5%!

In the following days, the Hang Seng Index rose and fell, but overall, starting from the three articles published by Huo Wenyao, together, the Hang Seng Index has plummeted 12.25%!

Just a decline in the market is actually nothing.

What's worse is that the previously prosperous trading market has become a lot colder.

Because of Huo Wenyao's three articles, many cautious investors have the mentality of preferring to believe the truth rather than the lies. They choose to wait and see for the time being and survive the past two months.

On the government side, the Securities Regulatory Commission and the Stock Exchange have mixed reviews.

People of insight have praised Fok Wenyao in various public occasions, saying that he has done what the government has failed to do and successfully cooled down the financial and stock markets on Hong Kong Island.

Some people whose interests were harmed angrily accused Huo Wenyao of being alarmist and disrupting the financial market, and called him a big liar.

It is simply ridiculous that the global stock market will collapse within two months!

This is absolutely nonsense!

Hong Kong Island's economy is now so good and booming. Under such circumstances, even if there are some problems in other areas, it will not affect Hong Kong Island.

As long as there is no problem with the economy, how can the stock market collapse?

Sometimes, reality is so magical.

Is it wrong to argue like this?

Of course it is correct, and there is a certain logic to it.

According to conventional and rational thinking, Hong Kong Island's economy is booming, so how could the stock market suddenly collapse? Even if it collapses, it will definitely be a gradual process.

The magical thing about this matter is that all the logic is correct, but the result is a slap in the face.

Among these voices, the loudest one was that of financial tycoon Chen Wanxian.

The guy angrily rebuked:"Mr. Huo is known to have very accurate eyesight, but this time, he definitely made a mistake!"

"Why did the stock market crash for no reason? Is it simply because the stock market has been too hot in the past two years?"

"What reason is this?"

"Many people have analyzed and predicted in the past, but it has never had such a bad impact like this time. Why? Not because he, Huo Wenyao, is the richest man in China!"

"A person of Mr. Huo's status and status should understand one thing, and that is to be careful in his words and deeds!"

"His every move has a huge impact on ordinary people!"

"Originally, Hong Kong Island's financial market was still very good, even prosperous, but now it has been ruined by Mr. Fok. I wonder if he wants to realize his prophecy in this way!!"

The reason why Chen Wanxian was so angry was because he wanted to sell a large number of stocks at a high point and withdraw huge amounts of money to leave the market.

But Huo Wenyao's three articles completely destroyed his plan.

In the face of the media, he said It was still a relatively restrained response. In private, he went on a rampage and even had high blood pressure.

But in the public, there were also mixed reviews.

The same is true for ordinary citizens' views on Huo Wenyao.

"I lost it! Is there any mistake? What did Mr. Huo do? I just bought a lot of Chinese real estate a few days ago, and I expected Mr. Huo to buy some for me, but he suddenly did this?"

"What do you mean, I can’t support him even if I want to, but he has to force me to sell Chinese Land’s shares?"

"Then sell it, it’s always right to listen to Mr. Huo’s words"

"I plan to clear out all the stocks in my account and stay away from the market for two months first. I don’t know whether Mr. Huo’s words are true or not. Anyway, I will wait for these two months before making other plans!"

"Depend on! Uncle Wei, are you joking? Now you have two stocks that are easy to make money and have been skyrocketing. Are you willing to sell them?"

"Alas, it’s yours to get it, and besides, Mr. Huo said so"

"cut! I don’t know what you are thinking, but I think Huo Wenyao is using his status as the richest man in China to influence the market and facilitate his entry! If you don’t believe it, just wait and see!"

"Yes, yes, I think so too!"

"He must want to clear out other people so that he can acquire his favorite company. Everyone in Hong Kong and Austria knows who Huo Wenyao is. What he is best at is calculation and layout!"

"Hahaha, I have seen through his tricks!"

"Mr. Huo is indeed good at calculations and layouts, but his character is not bad. No matter what you say, I am going to empty the account anyway. I will wait and see for the time being. I will save two months without killing people. If the stock market crash breaks out, it will really kill people. , I mortgaged my house to the bank for stock trading, I can’t afford to lose."

"cut! I don’t believe in this evil. The more this time comes, the more I want to get involved!"

This is probably the case with all the heated discussions in the market. There are many conspiracy theorists.

But there are also many people who believe in Huo Wenyao, or empty their accounts and leave with the money they have found; even if they don't leave, they won't 100 % heavy position, only use half of the position funds to invest



On that day, Huo Wenyao's three financial market analysis articles were published and spread rapidly throughout the Eastern countries as quickly as possible.

Afterwards, a series of chain reactions were triggered.

Discussions continued and the popularity remained high.

A month later, Black Monday arrived on time, and the Newyork stock market suddenly collapsed without warning, which immediately spread to the world.

All the people in the Hong Kong and Olympic area were stunned and stunned!

Not only Hong Kong and Austria, but many countries in the East were shocked.

His three articles were rediscovered, triggering an even more violent response. When they spread to European and American countries, they caused an indescribable shock.

As a result, Huo Wenyao became popular instantly, became famous all over the world, and began to go international.

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