There were 5 cars, with Mike Corleone and Tom Hagen riding in the middle one.

Both of them are in suits and leather shoes, and they have a strong upper class atmosphere.

Mike Corleone is mainly dressed in black, while Tom Hagen is mainly dressed in silver white. Both are standard gentleman's outfits.

It's not just them, even the most ordinary members of the mafia usually wear suits. This is the difference between Eastern and Western cultures. For them, this is basically considered daily clothing.

The atmosphere in the car was a bit depressing because the matter was serious


Mike Corleone asked:"What did Mr. Eastern Godfather say? Still no reply?"

Tom Hagen shook his head.

Mike Corleone said calmly:"I know."

But the next moment, his eyes flashed, his face was fierce, and he gritted his teeth and said:"Damn it! That guy is stalling for time. He wants to gain more leverage for the next negotiation!"

"He's so greedy, it's good to have him in, but he wants more!"


Tom Hagen nodded and said:"Judging from the current situation, it should be like this."

"So where did he think this was?"

"Hong Kong Island, Omen?"

"Or a treasure island?"


Mike Corleone said coldly:"This is the Persian Gulf! middle East! Our power lies, our territory! He thought he was making all the difference in Hong Kong and Olympics, so he could come here?"

"Since he doesn’t want to talk, then continue to fight. I will prevent his whip of God from gaining a foothold in the Middle East!"

"The whip of God?"

At this point, Mike Corleone paused for a moment, with a touch of sarcasm appearing on the corner of his mouth, and said:"He really chose a good name, but he is too arrogant."

"Who does he think he is, the Mongol Emperor Temujin? Tom

Hagen shrugged and said,"Maybe he really thinks so. After all, the Mongol Empire was the most extensive territory in history.""

"Oh, that is, the Yuan Dynasty"

"Temujin and his descendants, like the Huns, swept across the Eurasian continent, a vast territory unprecedented in ancient times."

Mike Corleone sarcastically said:"Then we will wait and see whether Mr. Whip of God is worthy of his name."

"middle East"

"This place has always been a hunting ground for us Westerners. So far, no Yanguo people have been able to gain a foothold here. I think he is used to being arrogant in his own territory."

"Now, he should learn how to 'revere' others——" boom!!

Before he finished speaking, a crisp gunshot sounded. boom!!

What followed was an explosion!

Peng Yixing, take action!

Mike Corleone's expression suddenly changed, and he shouted:"What's going on?"

A look of panic appeared on Tom Hagen's face, and he said:"Someone is attacking!"

"I know!"

Mike Corleone said coldly:"I have eyes and ears. I can see and hear. What I want to know is who is attacking us and whether we can break through the encirclement!"

Tom Hagen stopped answering and immediately began to contact the leaders of the front and rear convoys.

Bang, bang, bang!!

The next moment, there was a loud sound of gunfire, and a fierce gun battle began.

Peng Yixing first let go of the two leading cars and directly faced The car in the middle launched an assault, and by the time the two leading cars came back, it was already too late, because they had been completely cut off by the SG's first detachment.

As long as they got out of the car, they would die!

Even if they dared to come back, there would be no chance of them coming back. Let's go.

This is a perfect pocket formation!

Mike Corleone's idea was shattered. In such a short time, they neither knew who was attacking them nor could they break out.

The gun battle only lasted ten minutes and ended.

In such a short time , the first SG detachment failed to completely defeat the opponent. It ended because the opponent raised the white flag when they were unable to break through.

Peng Yixing waved to the people around him, and more than ten of his men immediately moved forward and surrounded five vehicles..In the car.

Tom Hagen had calmed down and said:"Mike, I’ll get out first!"

"Well, stay safe."

Mike Corleone responded.

Tom Hagen nodded.


Tom Hagen opened the car door, raised his hands, and walked out slowly. The bright incandescent lights made him unable to open his eyes, and said in his mouth He said loudly:"Friends, who are you?"

"what do you want?"

"No matter what conditions you have, just mention them and we will definitely satisfy you."

At this time, a burst of strange laughter sounded.

Peng Yixing walked forward quickly and came to Tom Hagen. When he saw the clown mask, Tom Hagen's pupils dilated in vain and his heart skipped a beat. Damn it!

He is actually from the Eastern Godfather. What does he want to do? Is he too lazy to negotiate and want to swallow up the entire market?

How is that possible!


What did they think of attacking the mafia leader?

What a bunch of madmen. Crazy!

Mike Corleone, who was still sitting in the car, also saw the clown through the car window, and his face became extremely ugly.

He was thinking more.

Huo Wenyao dared to attack him directly. This was crazy enough, but the most disturbing thing was Mike Corleone was shocked that he actually did it. This was the greatest humiliation for him!

Finally, how did he know all this information?

There must be a mole around him!

Damn it!

Tom Hagen Calmly:"Mr. Clown, what do you want to do? Peng

Yixing grinned, his eyes bright, and said sincerely:"Oh, I don't want to do anything. I just learned that Mr. Corleone was here and came here to say hello.""


Peng Yixing comes from a middle-class family. He studied in Britain before, and his English is very fluent and authentic.

As he spoke, he tilted his head and waved to Mike Corleone in the car.

This car has one-way light glass. You can see the outside clearly from the inside, but you can't see anything from the outside.

It doesn't matter.

Peng Yixing knows that the people inside are definitely looking at him.

Tom Hagen:"……"

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Heck, you came here to say hello. Is this how you Yan people say hello?

It’s really special!

Tom Hagen shook his head slightly and said:"Mr. Clown, stop joking. What exactly do you want to do and what conditions do you have? You can raise it. I have already said it.""

"We will try our best to satisfy those who can."

Peng Yixing was still tilting his head and waving to Mike Corleone in the car. Hearing Tom Hagen's words, his head turned. His eyes were staring at Tom Hagen.

The smile on his face disappeared and became serious..

He just stared blankly, his eyes were straight, indifferent, without a trace of human emotion, for half a minute, without saying a word.

It made Tom Hagen feel scared.

The entire convoy was about Of the dozen or so mercenaries, four died, and the remaining ones were driven down.

Peng Yixing's posture shocked even people like them who licked blood from the tip of a knife.

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