Being surrounded by reporters like this, as a member of the Ye family and most likely the successor of Ye Xiaoli, Ye Rongyi has certainly experienced it.

What he has never experienced is being truly respected for who he is.

What others respect is just his identity as a member of the Ye family.

That was Ye Xiaoli's legacy and had nothing to do with him.

The same is true for Ye Rongjin.

On the contrary, it was Ye Rongtian and Xu Wenbiao who had the final say, because like Huo Wenyao, they also started from scratch.

Over there, Huo Wenyao was being interviewed by reporters with a smile.

Hearing the reporters' questions, he shrugged and joked:"Frankly speaking, I should thank the Industrial and Commercial Daily, why?"

"It's very simple. If it weren't for them, even I wouldn't know that I am so rich."

"Thanks for letting them know"

"Let me tell you how I feel?"

"Please, I even need the Industrial and Commercial Daily to tell me how much money I have. You want me to talk about my feelings. Isn't this too much?"

"My teeth haven't been brushed yet."

You haven't brushed your teeth yet, this is a nonsensical line from"Westward Journey". In this world, this movie has not yet existed.

It doesn't matter.

Because nonsensical comedies have already emerged a few years ago, and the so-called nonsensical is actually inexplicable, I don't know what to say.

Everyone laughed when they heard Huo Wenyao's nonsensical answer.

It wasn't actually funny, but it was so funny because the person who said it was Huo Wenyao.

In this kind of chat, five minutes passed.

Huo Wenyao waved He raised his hand and chuckled:"Okay, everyone, this dinner is to raise funds for Huo's Charitable Foundation. The theme should be a charity auction. You should be more concerned about this matter.""

"Tomorrow’s report will be left to you. Those who have money will contribute money, those who have no money will speak out. Just do what you can and do your best."

"Hong Kong Island is not anyone’s Hong Kong Island, but Hong Kong Island for each of us."

"It is the responsibility of all of us to build Hong Kong Island into a better place, so that poor people no longer endure hunger and cold, and so that children from poor families can study, have jobs, and have opportunities for advancement."

"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility."

The scene suddenly burst into cheers and thunderous applause because of Huo Wenyao's speech.

"good! good! good!"

"Mr. Huo said it well, our"Wen Wei Po" will definitely report it on the front page!"

"Mr. Huo said it very well!"

Someone shouted in response.

Then, the staff of Tianci Security began to work to maintain order on the scene.

The reporters dispersed and returned to their jobs to prepare for the next charity auction.

Ding Yao, Le Huizhen, He Min and others also dispersed, each claiming to be the hostess of the Huo family, greeting different people, and doing the work of entertaining guests. The first people Huo Wenyao went to greet were Lei Yingdong and Wen Lishi.

Lei Ying Dongzhong was full of energy and said with a smile:"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.""


"Ah Yao, what you said is really good!

Huo Wenyao said:"Although I really want to take this sentence as my own, this sentence is not what I said."

Lei Yingdong asked curiously:"Who said that?""

"A comic from the Lighthouse Kingdom called"Spider-Man", Lao Lei, you must have never read it"

"How could I possibly see it!"

Lei Yingdong laughed.

After chatting with Lei Yingdong for a while, Huo Wenyao chatted with Wenlish for a while, but Wenlish's mood was obviously not as good as before. Without even thinking about it, he knew it was because of Santi. The question has no solution.

Huo Wenyao could only chat for a few words, then left to say hello to others.

Among them was Ni Yongxiao.

It was not Ni Yongxiao he was looking for, but Ni Yongxiao who came to look for him in person. He was filled with emotion and said sincerely:" Ah Yao, thank you so much!"

"If it weren't for you, it's really unknown what would have happened to the Ni family in the future."

"Looking back at the past with today's eyes, it was so stupid at that time. We, the Ni family, had obviously found enough money, but still refused to stop. In the final analysis, it was still the same word."


Huo Wenyao smiled and didn't say much. He was also happy to see the Ni family's early transformation.

The first step for the Huo family to make a fortune was God's gift, and the God's gift to make a fortune was to use the Ni family as a stepping stone to build Tsim Sha Tsui East.

After that, , the Ni family did not retaliate due to various reasons. In the situation at that time, it was normal for the Ni family not to retaliate, but it was rare that the Ni family was willing to help Tianci in turn.

Ni Kun and Ni Yongxiao had a very good personal relationship with him, and in addition As long as they are willing to put an end to their relationship with A-Ren, it would be best if they would not end up like the Yan family.

That was an old thing three years ago. When I think about it again, although everything that happened at that time is still fresh in my mind. Seeing Ni Yongxiao in front of my eyes, it seems like it was a lifetime ago.

When I saw Ni Yongxiao again, Huo Wenyao felt a lot of emotion in his heart.

At that time, no one could have imagined that he could reach this level in just three years, right?

Even he at that time , I can’t even imagine.

Such a world and such a life can be considered interesting.

After Huo Wenyao greeted several people, he walked towards Huo Jingliang, Li Zhaotian, Ye Rongtian and others

"Mr. Huo!"Hello, Mr. Huo!""

When Huo Wenyao walked over, everyone spoke one after another and greeted him with a smile.

Li Zhaotian held a cigar between his fingers and exaggeratedly praised:"Wow, Mr. Huo, you really stole the show this time, and you are really powerful, so light. Easily get the title of the richest man in China!"

"Do you know how many people here are envious and want to replace you?

Huo Wenyao smiled and said,"You said it too, it's just a title.""

"The financial market is very imaginary. If the Japanese yen depreciates, my 70 billion will soon become 20 billion or 10 billion, and it may even be liquidated. As long as I haven't withdrawn, it doesn't matter."

"Besides, he is just the richest man, and he is not hereditary. He comes in turn."

Li Zhaotian laughed.

Huo Wenyao looked at Ye Rongtian and said,"Ah Tian, ​​I heard that your development has been very good in the past two years."

"Congratulations. Although he was a little embarrassed, Ye Rongtian behaved generously and smiled softly and said:"Where, compared with you, Ayao, my achievements are not worth mentioning.""

"Also, thanks to your favor, it makes it much easier for me to do things"

"If you really want to say it, I owe half of the achievements I have made to you, Ah Yao."

After a pause,

Ye Rongtian changed the topic and said:"By the way, Ayao, as I told you before, I have two good brothers, and they also want to get to know you. If you don't mind, I can introduce them."

"He is Xu Wenbiao, and he is Ma Zhiqiang."

Xu Wenbiao and Ma Zhiqiang immediately greeted Huo Wenyao.

The former's expression remained unchanged and did not react much.

The latter was different.

Ma Zhiqiang was trembling with excitement and was extremely excited. He also said that Huo Wenyao was his idol. His mental quality was worrying and his mind was even worse. Worrying.

Litian is still a troika now, but it will soon turn into a confrontation between two heroes.

Ma Zhiqiang could no longer keep up and was thrown off the ship.

Huo Wenyao smiled and nodded at the two of them as a response.

Also here At that moment, Huo Jingliang, who was not far away, walked over a few steps away. He looked at Ye Rongtian and sneered,"Your understanding of yourself is still as accurate as ever.""

"You, and you, what you two brothers are best at are two things"

"One is betrayal!"

"The second is to take advantage of the situation!"

"There is no need to explain the first point. How you treat me as a master can be seen by anyone who is not blind."

"As for the second point, taking advantage of the situation is to give you face, but to put it more harshly, it is just a fake act of power!"

"Of course, Mr. Huo did not make mistakes back then. You two brothers are both good and capable. Let's continue playing and see who can kill whom!"

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