Looking back at the development history of Jiang Wanmeng and Wan Yan, it is easy to see clearly.

In real history, in March 1993, Jiang Wanmeng teamed up with Sun Yansheng to jointly invest US$17 million to establish Wanyan Company, hoping to use MPEG technology to manufacture audio-visual products.

Jiang Wanmeng worked hard for six months to build the world's first VCD, and in September of that year, it was successfully developed.


Then, of course, it was time to put in advertisements, revolutionize the life of video recorders and combo speakers, and spend two years to completely open the market. But what they didn't expect was that when the market opened, it was also the beginning of Wanyan's decline.

The first mistake Jiang Wanmeng made was that he did not apply for a patent!! what's the result?

As a result, after the first batch of 1,000 VCD machines produced by Wanyan came out, they were split up and studied by major domestic and foreign institutions. After figuring out the core technology, they could produce it themselves by changing the brand!

You haven’t applied for a patent anyway!

You must know that in 1997, more than 10 million VCD machines were sold in Yanguo alone!

Before the price war among major domestic VCD manufacturers, the price of each VCD machine was more than 2,000 yuan. Even if they only charge 1% of the patent rights, it would still be 20 yuan.

10 million units is 200 million!

How did Qualcomm make money while lying down in the Internet era? It depends on all kinds of patents!

Once you have money, do research and development.

Then, the Snapdragon series of chips attracted money crazily around the world and became the only one in the world, making many chip manufacturers such as MediaTek and Samsung unable to hold their heads up!

This is a perfect virtuous cycle!

So how does Qualcomm collect patent fees for selling mobile phones in my country?

65% of the net wholesale selling price of the complete machine will be charged!

This was a fatal mistake made by Jiang Wanmeng and Wan Yan. even.

This isn't just fatal, it's stupid.

The reason why he made such a stupid mistake was because applying for a patent required paying money every year, and Wan Yan was not that rich.

The second mistake was not his.

It’s still the same word: money!

In the early stage, Wanyan was engaged in research and development, and in the mid-term, it was to develop the market from scratch and introduce VCD to the public. These things were very expensive.

Within two years, Wan Yan could no longer support herself.

Since Wanyan is a private enterprise, it is difficult to get money from banks in the current environment.

In this way, Wanyan's market share dropped sharply from 100% to less than 3%, and the country it had worked so hard to build was lost to others.

But now, because of Huo Wenyao, neither of these situations will happen!



Huo Wenyao looked at the anxious and nervous father of VCD in front of him, smiled slightly, and said:"Mr. Jiang, don't be too nervous, come and sit down"

"Why am I looking for you? You will know soon"

"Ah Shuang, make a cup of tea for me, yourself, and Mr. Jiang, and let’s chat slowly. Maiti

Shuang's eyes widened and he said exaggeratedly:"Wow, Ayao, are you mistaken? I'm a business elite here, not a secretary, but you actually arranged for me to make tea?""

"You disrespect me so much."

That's what he said, but he was very diligent with his hands and feet. He smiled at Jiang Wanmeng and joked:"Don't worry, Ayao doesn't have the habit of cannibalism."

"You'll be fine."

This joke is not funny at all.

Jiang Wanmeng forced a smile on his face, came to Huo Wenyao's desk and sat down. Seeing the program books on Huo Wenyao's desk, he murmured in his heart.

What the hell?

He is not from Hong Kong. The richest man in Austria, oh no, it’s not just the Hong Kong Olympics, but the richest man in China.

How can such a person read such a boring book?

Could it be that he did some homework in advance because he wanted to find me? But it's a bit too forced. Without several years of systematic study, it is impossible to master these things.

Jiang Wanmeng thought so in his heart, but he also saw Huo Wenyao's sincerity and inexplicably relaxed a lot, no longer as nervous as before.

Huo Wenyao Said:"Mr. Jiang, what do you think of MPEG technology?"

Jiang Wanmeng said:"Moving-Picture-Experts-Group was established just two months ago by ISO and IEC. It is an organization that specifically formulates international standards for moving images and speech compression."

"Just from the name, you can tell what the role of this organization is, to combine dynamic images and speech into one……"

Jiang Wanmeng is not only a professional engineer, but what’s even more rare is that he also sees the world with open eyes, and the landscape is not as big as usual.

When Scober showed the mature MPEG1 technology, no one else thought about what to do with it, but he suddenly had an idea and immediately understood that he could borrow this technology to create a product that was not available in the world.

The next ten minutes will be Jiang Wanmeng's performance time.

He talked non-stop.

Huo Wenyao did not interrupt and listened with interest.

Mai Tishuang next to Jiang Wanmeng was in trouble!

Damn it!

What the hell is this? Are monks chanting sutras? Balabala, I don’t understand what you are talking about at all.

Mai Tishuang felt like he was going crazy!

He kept smoking and drinking tea, looking at Jiang Wanmeng and then at Huo Wenyao.

Something even worse happened.

Huo Wenyao was different from him. He actually seemed very happy to hear it?

What the hell is this?

Boss, just pretend!

Fifteen minutes passed, Jiang Wanmeng finally finished speaking, and suddenly realized that he was a little out of sorts, smiled awkwardly, and said:"Mr. Huo, I'm sorry, have I disturbed you?"

"That's the way I am. Once I talk about something I'm interested in, I don't care about anything else."

"I am sorry. Huo

Wenyao shook his head and said with a smile:"No need to apologize. I was very happy because you spoke very professionally.""

"Having said so much, have you ever thought about it, if we develop MPEG-1 technology and turn theory into reality, can we use it to make a product?

Jiang Wanmeng frowned and asked instinctively:"What?" Huo

Wenyao leaned his upper body forward and said slowly:"A product that is not available in the world. The CD player only has sound and no animation.""

"Nowadays, if the DVD players on the market want to produce sound, they need to use speakers."

"What if we borrow MPEG-1 technology and create a product that is not yet available in the world, which can synchronize audio and video with lower price and better quality?"

"What do you think will happen?"


Jiang Wanmeng's pupils widened in vain. At this moment, countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and he looked at Huo Wenyao in disbelief.

Mai Tishuang understood this.

He stared, thinking from a business perspective, very He said naturally:"Then what else is there to say? If there is such a delicious product, as long as the market is developed well, it will definitely be a big seller."

"Yanguo, Europe, Lighthouse State, Goguryeo, Sangguo...these are all key attack directions."

"Once it is done, it will not be difficult to make tens of billions a year."

"Oh, and there are patents. If other companies still want to produce, they must pay patent fees, which is another income."

"Very rich."

Jiang Wanmeng still didn't answer. He was completely shocked by Huo Wenyao's words, his brain was running wildly, and he was thinking quickly.

Huo Wenyao didn't rush him, smiled, and began to talk about his understanding of computer technology.


The next fifteen minutes , it became Huo Wenyao's performance time again.

Huo Wenyao talked a lot, and it was also very complicated.

Some were to answer Jiang Wanmeng's doubts just now, and some were to explain a product like VCD that has not yet appeared in the world.

Damn it!!

This time, Mai Ti Shuang was shocked, and looked at Huo Wenyao in confusion and disbelief.

Damn it!

Boss, you are not pretending, you really understand! It’s so magical!

Computer, this is a computer, and look at the person sitting in front of you This senior engineer, he was shocked by you! Hey!

This world is so unreal.

Also feeling very unreal is Jiang Wanmeng.

He never expected that Huo Wenyao really understands.

Not only does he understand, but he also studies well. Extremely profound, even compared to myself, the feeling is not much different



Many years later, when Jiang Wanmeng became famous and became a benchmark for an era, when he talks about this conversation again, he still has lingering fears and vivid memories.

I have lingering fears, not because of fear, but simply because of excitement!

It was precisely because of meeting Mr. Huo that his life changed dramatically.

This day was the turning point in his life.

In this world of the Internet age, this conversation is brought up all the time.

Because this is a miracle!

Huo Wenyao had already planned everything before MPGE technology turned from theory into reality.

The world's first VCD machine was born out of today's conversation.

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