After the general direction was agreed upon, the conversation ended.

Policies for attracting investment and specific cooperation details are not Li Houze's job, and he doesn't know much about them.

He is only responsible for taking the lead.

Huo Wenyao and Li Houze stood on the mountainside of Yingming Ridge and chatted for more than half an hour before leaving under the protection of Xu Zhengyang and others.

During this meeting, the two of them talked about not only investment, but also things on Hong Kong Island.

Li Houze tactfully said that he would need more help from Huo Wenyao in the future.

Huo Wenyao happily agreed.

For him, a stable social system is undoubtedly beneficial to himself.

While the two were chatting, Li Houze was a little curious about Huo Wenyao's choice.

His doubts were actually the same as those of Lu Qichang two years ago.

That is, with Huo Wenyao's talent, he doesn't have to wade into the muddy waters of the world and concentrate on business. In a few years, he will definitely be able to reach his current level and become the richest man in Hong Kong and Olympics.

If that's the case, why would you choose this way?

Huo Wenyao chuckled.

His answer was only four words: I don’t want to bow my head!

Huo Wenyao's answer to Lu Qichang at that time was that he was unwilling to pay because he was angry and unhappy, but this was just an appearance.

The real answer is actually these four words - don't want to bow!

After hearing this answer, Li Houze fell silent. He finally understood it, but he didn't know how to evaluate it. to the end.

He just sighed softly and said nothing.

These are crazy times, no matter where you are..

Whether it's the Hong Kong Olympics or the Mainland, there are countless clubs, corners, local emperors, and road tyrants.

In European and American countries, there are mafias and various gangsters who rob banks.

All kinds of monsters and monsters appear on stage.

Rampant and lawless.

In this era, if you want to do business, you will never give up. You just want to make money standing up. How can it be that simple?


Then Huo Wenyao's choice is really the optimal solution.



The next morning, 9:00.

A certain building.

There were several people in the conference room. This building is not owned by Huo's family. Anhe Real Estate only bought three floors of it for rent. Huo Wenyao chose it to hold an internal meeting today.

It's not in the Starlight Building, Huo's headquarters. That's because the people attending the meeting today have special status.

In addition to Huo Wenyao and Zhan Mi, there are also Li Jie, Peng Yixing, Zuo Wei, and Tachibana Masahito, all of whom are zodiac signs.

Feng Yuxiu didn't come.

There was no way, that guy was a pure martial arts idiot, with super strength but no brains. I could order him to do things, but I couldn't discuss things with him, so I simply didn't call him over.

In addition to these people, there is another guy, and that is Abu from the SG mercenary group.

Now, he has grown up.

His strength is already good. In terms of skill, he is not weaker than Tianyuansheng and Fengyuxiu. In addition, he has successfully passed the test of 240 tons of gold in the Sahara Desert before, so his loyalty is not a problem.

Therefore, during this period, after another contact, Abu was also selected into the Chinese zodiac, codenamed Zirat.

Together with the dog John Rambo, there are ten people in the Chinese zodiac.

The current SG mercenary group has two main leaders, one is Abu, and the other is Rambo. The latter is the commander-in-chief, and the former serves as the deputy commander.

After the golden incident, Huo Wenyao paid no attention to them and allowed them to develop wildly and crazily abroad.

Abu just returned to Hong Kong last night to report two extremely important things to Huo Wenyao.

The first is Africa’s diamonds and gold mines!

The second is oil in the Middle East!

To be more precise, what they are fighting for is oil trading rights, which are extremely profitable. If they do well, they can make hundreds of millions of dollars a year, or even more than a billion!

The bigger the cake, the more people want to share it.

The Middle East is a paradise for mercenaries!

The forces of all parties are intertwined, and the fighting there will be fierce no matter how rich the interests are.

In recent times, SG mercenaries have begun to take root and have fought against the original forces. They have fought several times. There have been casualties on our own side, but the enemy has suffered greater damage.

Huo Wenyao didn't pay much attention to this before, but now he found it quite interesting to hear Abu talk about it with his own ears.

After staying in a civilized society for a long time, suddenly hearing this kind of story is like being transported back to the barbaric era.

No laws, no moral constraints, everything is just for survival!



In the conference room.

Zhan Mi took the lead in reporting the situation of Guoke Technology to Huo Wenyao. Mai Tishuang's drastic reform was nearing completion, and the resources of the six factories had been fully integrated.

The next step is to complement each other's strengths and weaknesses and continue production.

Huo Wenyao has other things to talk to Zhan Mi, but royal business has nothing to do with the Chinese zodiac. What they need to do is deviant business. then.

Huo Wenyao signaled Jimi to shut up first and asked Abu about the situation of SG mercenaries in the recent period.

Abu answered quickly.

There is nothing to talk about the diamonds and gold mines in Africa. As long as you have enough money, you can buy them. When they are shipped back to Hong Kong Island, it is time for 'Mr. Huo Jewelry and Gold Industry' to come into play and use them as raw materials.

This is a perfect industrial production chain, from raw materials to jewelry design, to making craft products and selling them to consumers.

In every aspect of this, as long as you are capable enough, you can make a lot of money!

In a chaotic place like Africa, sometimes there is no need to buy diamonds, gold mines, etc., just grab them.

The same is true for Middle East oil trading rights.

The difference is that the oil market is much larger than diamonds and gold mines. The latter are just luxury goods that many people may not be able to afford, but the former involves all aspects of modern industry.

Huo Wenyao is more interested in this.

After listening to Abu's report, Huo Wenyao was slightly startled because countless familiar names appeared again.

For example: Mafia!

The outstanding representative among them is the Corleone family, the head of the five major Newyork families.

At this time, the family's firstActing godfather Victor Corleone has retired and the rights have been handed over to his son Michael Corleone.

Mike Corleone didn't take the throne for long, only two years.

This second-generation godfather is really a ruthless man, much more ruthless than his father. He is currently suppressing his hatred and has not retaliated against the other four major Newyork families, but he is not idle either.

The first thing he did was to transform the family industry, which has slowly begun to clear his name.

Let’s not mention other industries for now, let’s just talk about oil trade.

He dragged the other four major families into the water, and the Corleone family took the largest share. Then, under the skin of an international trading company, they boldly entered the market and won a lot of market share.

The Corleone family, as well as the other four major families in Newyork, are from——


Another example: Kings-group!

Translated, it is the Imperial Group.

This is the undoubted king of the Taiguo world. He is so far ahead of the second-ranked organization that you can't even see the taillights of their Kings-group car.

As long as they are around, other gangs don't dare to fart or speak too loudly.

This deformed organization seems to have exhausted all the luck in the Taiguo world, so that except for them, they can no longer get another qualified one.

The big drug lords that Hong Kong and Olympic fans often deal with are from the Emperor Group.

Huo Wenyao is interested in this organization because it has the so-called eight peerless masters, all of whom are Jin Mengkong.

One of them is named


Thinking of this person, Huo Wenyao couldn't help but glance at Zuo Wei.

If it weren't for him, these two guys would have had a fateful showdown, and then they would be heroes and cherish heroes, and finally create a duo of 'Double Heavens Supreme', who would become a legend in the dark world.

I don’t know what will happen now.

In addition to these two major forces, there are also the Yamaguchi Group, the Sanlian Gang, and the Pine Forest Gang.

There are so many more.

To put it simply, any gang that is somewhat famous in this world all uses their homeland as their base camp. When they find an opportunity, they expand wildly abroad and get a share of the oil trade.

Now, Huo Wenyao also wants to eat this bowl of rice!

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