Solving Johnny Wang was just a trivial matter for Huo Wenyao, and he didn't put too much energy into it.

Now, the biggest thing for him is to make a big move into the mainland and plan for the future.

The Huo Group has the 180 tons of gold in reserve, so it has no shortage of funds. policy?

The mainland's reform and opening up began a few years ago, and Hong Kong investment is very welcome. Various preferential policies have been introduced. In order to attract investment, many places have very low land resources.

If compared to later generations, it is simply a waste.

Why do many people dislike Li Bancheng?

It's not just because the Li family has various land enclosures in the mainland, and various places let him go there, the original intention is to let him invest and promote the development of the region, so a lot of land is half sold and half given away.

But what did the old gentleman do after he got the land?

Just so deserted.

Waiting for the country's economy to develop and the land value to soar. In this way, he doesn't have to do anything. He can make a huge profit just by reselling the land!

Of course, it is not a complete shortage, but a rapid development. After all, we have to answer to the local government.

A building was promised to be completed in three years, but the construction period has been delayed again and again. It has not been completed for ten years. The reasons are endless and strange, and you can always find them.

Doesn't he have money? of course not!

He has money, but his money is not used for this, but for buying land, an industry with a fast return on investment.

In a small place, if the economy develops slowly, so does he.

But in international metropolises like Yanjing and Shanghai, which have strong economic strength, the construction speed is very fast, because the office buildings can be rented out immediately after they are built.

The funds come back much faster than those small places.

This is what the old gentleman said. He is just a businessman, and any decision he makes is from the perspective of a businessman.

Don't overestimate him, don't denigrate him too much.

Very rational and realistic, but also very cold-blooded and rogue!

He also didn't think about it. If many local governments knew that he had this kind of urine, how could they give him so many preferential policies?

If he had explained it in advance, he would have been a good man.

But he just didn't say anything and made such remarks afterward. It was a typical example of him getting an advantage and acting like a good boy.

Even if someone sprays you to death, you can't blame others.

Among the many Hong Kong businessmen, there are not only doers like Lei Yingdong who are sincerely serving the country, but also speculators like Li Bancheng.

The latter is often more common than the former.

Even, much more!

This is the greedy nature of businessmen.

Getting back to the topic, as far as this era is concerned, it can be said that we have the right time and the right place, and now there is only one person left.

Any of this will come soon!

Although Huo Wenyao was not very familiar with this person, he had met him once before.

Right at the Government House.

When Fok Wenyu met Hong Kong Governor Youde, there was also a senior official from the mainland.

His name was Li Houze. He did not take the initiative to tell him his specific background at the time, nor did the Hong Kong Governor clarify it. Huo Wenyao did not ask.

Afterwards, Huo Wenyao did not investigate.

It was not that he was not curious, but he knew that the old gentleman must have his own reasons for not saying anything at the time.

When the time comes, even if he doesn't ask, he will take the initiative to speak.

Now, the time has come!

In the midst of the chaos of the past few days, Huo Wenyao received a call from Li Houze, asking him to go see the scenery at Yingming Ridge in Tin Shui Wai at five o'clock in the afternoon.

Huo Wenyao readily agreed



Tin Shui Wai is located in the Yuen Long District of the New Territories of Hong Kong Island. It is surrounded by several villages such as Sha Kong Wai, Fung Ka Wai, and Ha Mei Sun Village. It is about 25 kilometers away from the Central City.

Since the late 1970s, Tin Shui Wai Development Co., Ltd., headed by Cheung Kong Holdings, has obtained land qualifications for Tin Shui Wai. However, in 1982, the company reached an agreement with the Hong Kong Island Government.

The government acquired all the land in Tin Shui Wai and turned it into government investment development.

Cheung Kong Industries is Li Bancheng's foundation.

At this time, Tin Shui Wai was far from developed. There were mountains and green waters everywhere, and it was also a good place for Hong Kong residents to visit during their holidays.

At 3:30 that afternoon, Huo Wenyao set off and left the Starlight Building. Accompanied by Tian Yangsheng, Tian Yangyi, Qian Qian, Sha Qiang and others, he rushed towards Tian Shuiwei and arrived at 4:40.

Huo Wenyao and Li Houze agreed to meet at five o'clock. In the past, Huo Wenyao would definitely arrive on time.

Today we are almost half an hour ahead of schedule, and we are very sincere.

I never thought that the other party was more sincere.

Huo Wenyao was so far in advance, but when he arrived at the agreed point at the foot of Yingming Ridge, he still saw Li Houze.

Six cars parked in a line, the brands were very special, not BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, but -


This era is far from the future, and the Hongqi sedan alone can explain a lot of things.

Around the car, more than a dozen security personnel stood in an orderly manner.

When he saw the leader's face, Huo Wenyao smiled knowingly, which explained a lot of things.

Because that guy, his name is

Xu Zhengyang!

Although this person is just the security chief, his level is not low at all.

If Huo Wenyao remembered correctly and the plot was correct, this Z Nanhai bodyguard was at least a school-level officer. parking.

Twelve people including Tian Yangsheng, Tian Yangyi, Qian Qian and Sha Qiang got off the bus as quickly as possible.


Tian Yangsheng personally opened the car door for Huo Wenyao, and he got out of the Bentley business car.

When Li Houze saw Huo Wenyao arriving, he walked out of the car, greeted Huo Wenyao with a smile, and joked:"Mr. Huo, I have heard of your style of meeting people for a long time."

"Never a second too early, never a second too late, always on time"

"Today, you broke your own rules. Huo

Wenyao responded with a smile and said:"Rules are made by people, and of course they have to be broken by people. This is nothing.""

"Times are developing, and so are people"

"There are no rules in this world that are immutable. Better rules can be considered good if they last for 20 or 30 years. If you want to develop, justNeed to change"

"Just like now, isn't our country also undergoing reform and opening up and embracing the world?

Li Houze's eyes lit up, he smiled and nodded:"It makes sense." Huo

Wenyao smiled and continued:"Besides, I came earlier, but Mr. Li came earlier than me.""

"It seems that it was a wise choice for me to break the rules I set for Mr. Li."

Li Houze chuckled.

Everyone said that Mr. Huo from Hong Kong Island was domineering and arrogant, but it also depends on the situation and the person. At least when he got along with this Mr. Huo, he was like a spring breeze, relaxed and happy.

When the two of them chatted and laughed, At this time, Xu Zhengyang's eyes were like lightning, and he kept scanning the faces of Tian Yangsheng, Tian Yangyi and others, refusing to let go of any detail.

Xu Zhengyang's heart went crazy when he saw Qi Qian and Sha Qiang.

It was not just Xu Zhengyang, but also the others. Those bodyguards all exuded an aura that they couldn't describe, but made their hearts palpitate inexplicably. They were all bodyguards, but the difference was extremely obvious, and their professional temperaments were very different.

Even if they were Tian Yangsheng and Tian Yangyi, maybe they I can still compete with him physically, but in terms of professional skills, I'm far inferior.

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