After the shootout at Mingxin Hospital ended, the people from the Huo Group left as quickly as possible.

Police officers began processing the scene.

At this time, the police in charge of the district had just arrived, and the one in charge of Mingxin Hospital was the police station where Chen Jiaju worked. Director Lei Meng and Sir Dong Biao were all dispatched.

Of course Chen Jiaju, the desperate man, also took action.

Unfortunately, they arrived too late.

The fierce fighting was long over.

In fact, after Li Jie teamed up with Li Wenbin to deal with Johnny Wang's vanguard, they got the news and immediately gathered their men and rushed to Mingxin Hospital.

But Li Wenbin teamed up with everyone in the Huo family to set up a pocket formation, and with Jiang Lang's undercover assist, Johnny Wang was defeated in a very short time.

From the beginning to the end of the shootout, it only lasted five minutes, leaving no room for them to perform at all.

The remaining bandits were seriously injured and received treatment, while the uninjured were taken into custody. Everything was in order and no further accidents occurred.

Jiang Lang was also detained.

He has successfully completed the mission, and even more fortunately, his identity has not yet been exposed. In this case, it is natural to act to the end and let him disappear as a dwarf mule.

If this guy still wants to be a police officer, of course he should directly announce his identity and be promoted to the third level.

Unfortunately, he didn't want to.

A few minutes later, Li Wenbin, Yuan Haoyun, Chen Yongren and others were all present in the temporary command center.

Jiang Lang was brought in.


After he entered the door, everyone looked at him.

The police officer responsible for guarding him immediately opened his handcuffs and apologized quickly, saying:"Brother, I'm sorry, people outside are so blind, so this is the only way."

Jiang Lang was in a good mood and said with a smile:"It's okay, I understand. , you are protecting me."


Li Wenbin raised his hands and slapped them hard.

Snap, snap, snap! follow closely.

The entire temporary command was loyal, and all the police officers followed suit and applauded, looking at Jiang Lang with eyes full of respect.

Jiang Lang thought that he had become hard-hearted after being undercover for so many years, but when his eyes swept over the face of a famous waiter, his heart couldn't help but become hot.

I am, the police!

At this moment, what came to his mind was the solemn and sacred oath he made when he was admitted to the police academy ten years ago.

He did it, right?

It should be... sort of.

At this moment, he actually felt a little reluctant to give up. He actually wanted to stand upright with these guys and fight side by side!

But forget it.

He was too tired and wanted to have a good rest. He also wanted to start the second chapter of his life, go boating and fishing on the sea in Northern Europe. That was the paradise life he dreamed of.

Alas, I just don’t know if the superiors are willing to let him go. As long as they insist on staying, I will probably stay.

The applause was loud and long, lasting for a full minute.

Li Wenbin waved his hand.

Everyone just stopped.

Li Wenbin walked up to Jiang Lang, smiled and said,"Alang, hello, my name is Li Wenbin.""

"Although it is the first time for you and me to meet, I know who you are, and that is enough. You have done a good job. Leave the rest to us, and you will fulfill your dreams with a new identity. Jiang

Lang was stunned and couldn't help but said:"Sir Li, it's not that simple, right?""

"If it were just me, of course it wouldn't be that simple. Li

Wenbin laughed heartily, patted Jiang Lang on the shoulder, and said,"But the problem now is that Mr. Huo has spoken and he will be responsible for you. That couldn't be simpler.""

What the hell?

Jiang Lang was shocked and thought to himself: Mr. Huo is rich and everyone in Hong Kong and Austria knows it, but this Mr. Huo actually has such huge energy. Can he even interfere in the internal affairs of the police?

Yuan Haoyun Bai Jiang He glanced at it and said:"You don't know what kind of bad luck you have, but you are actually appreciated by Mr. Huo.""

"Don't be surprised"

"Since Mr. Huo is responsible for you, you will definitely be able to fulfill your dream and go boating and fishing in Northern Europe."


Speaking of this, Yuan Haoyun rolled his eyes and complained angrily:"Mr. Huo also appreciated me very much before and gave me a big gift. Oh, he was not Mr. Huo at that time."

"They treated me like that then, why are they treating me like this now? They didn’t tell me in advance about such a big thing as killing Johnny Wang."

When he complained, all the policemen on the scene couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing.

In this relaxed and happy atmosphere, Lei Meng and Dong Biao angrily led their troops to kill and asked why Li Wenbin went out of bounds to handle the case. They refused to even inform them in advance.

Li Wenbin hurriedly ordered people to torture Jiang Lang to avoid exposing the secret.

Facing the questioning of Lei Meng and Dong Biao, Li Wenbin was also very bachelor. He only said that all this was arranged by Mr. Huo, and he also There was no way.

If they had been informed at that time, they would have alerted the enemy.

Raymond and Dong Biao were like eggplants beaten by autumn frost, wilting instantly. It would have been easier if someone else had provided the information, but if the informant was Huo Wenyao, there was really nothing that could be done about it. No.

Of course, he came wherever he felt comfortable.

After that, reporters also rushed to Mingxin Hospital.

The police were over there.

Fang Jiexia and her colleagues from the Public Relations Department also rushed there as soon as possible. How to deal with reporters? It's her job to use this major case to improve the image of the police as much as possible.



After the fierce battle at Mingxin Hospital ended, Li Jie immediately reported the situation to Huo Wenyao.

Huo Wenyao?

He didn't react at all. Everything was expected and under his control. No accidents occurred.

In the past, it might have been a bit troublesome to deal with someone like Johnny Wang.

But for him, who is now able to mobilize all the prefix resources in Hong Kong Island, this is just a simple and trivial matter, and it can be done easily.

Huo Wenyao never took this matter to heart.

His attitude was clearly displayed when he met Zhou Chaoxian and Johnny Wang. He ignored them!

That night, the news of the demise of Johnny Wang's gang spread as quickly as possible in the world of Hong Kong.

By the morning of the next day, word had spread throughout Hong Kong and Olympics.

In fact, this should be the end of the matter.

No matter how sensational Hong Kong and Olympics are, it will only be limited to the inside.

There is no other reason. In this era, information is not very developed. There are also big events happening in other areas, and there is nothing to care about. But if you are intentional, it will be different.

For example: Zhou Chaoxian!

The Hong Kong Ao Jianghu side was still a little shocked. They said they would play for 72 hours, but in less than 24 hours, the arrogant and arrogant Johnny Wang was eliminated.

I have never heard of anything Huo Wenyao did. His understatement was terrifying, which made Huo Wenyao's reputation even better. then.

For all the Jianghu people in Hong Kong and Austria during this period, an iron law, or truth, was subconsciously formed in their minds.

That is: Don’t mess with anyone, Mr. Huo!

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