Before the operation, Johnny Wang went through a rigorous body search and took away all the communication equipment of all his subordinates to prevent them from feeling strange and tipping off others.

The one who carried out this was Jiang Lang.

Johnny Wang was so smart that he guarded those undercover men for a moment, but he didn't know that the real undercover was the person he valued most!

Unfortunately, Jiang Lang failed to make that call.

He was always looking for opportunities, but Johnny Wang pulled him beside him and didn't give him any chance.

Jiang Lang was extremely anxious!

But what he didn't know was that just as they were on their way to Mingxin Hospital, Huo Wenyao had ordered the Chinese Zodiac to take action and also revealed the news to Chen Yongren.

Chen Yongren then reported it to Li Wenbin, who was horrified and took action immediately, leading twenty plainclothesmen to secretly sneak into Mingxin Hospital.

Over there, action has already been taken!

In the morgue of Mingxin Hospital, more than a dozen people in charge had already killed the original hospital staff, put on their uniforms, and started working.

They are cleaning up the scene.

At this time, Li Jie, Zuo Wei, Feng Yuxiu and others arrived. After confirming the matter, Huo Wenyao notified Chen Yongren, and took action immediately after Chen Yongren arrived at the scene.

In this current situation, whether Johnny Wang's entire gang can be destroyed is no longer that important.

Being able to save so many people at Mingxin Hospital is a great achievement!

While doing these things, a small accident happened, that is, the explosive detective Yuan Haoyun who had been keeping an eye on Johnny Wang also tracked down here.

Seeing Chen Yongren and thinking of Huo Wenyao, Yuan Haoyun was stunned. ha?

Mr. Huo actually knew what he had finally found out?

Haven't you told yourself yet?

This made Yuan Haoyun feel depressed and sad. Of course, he also knew that Huo Wenyao's purpose of doing this was probably to give this gift to Chen Yongren, so he understood.

Huo Wenyao is not an informant. If he can cooperate, everything will be fine. How can he ask for more. then.

Several people joined forces and attacked at the same time. Without any effort, they took down all the vanguard troops sent by Johnny Wang to Mingxin Hospital.

The final result:

4 people were shot dead on the spot; 8 people were shot and seriously injured and are being rescued; 7 people surrendered and were captured by Chen Yongren, Li Wenbin, and Yuan Haoyun, who will appear in court to testify against Johnny Wang.

If after tonight, Johnny Wang is still alive.

On Johnny Wang's side, when the car was halfway through, Jiang Lang finally found an opportunity, contacted Huo Wenyao, and quickly informed Johnny Wang of the overall plan.

Huo Wenyao's reaction was beyond Jiang Lang's expectation.

He wasn't surprised, nor did he order anything. He just said three words:"I got it."

Then he hung up the phone.

Jiang Lang was completely stunned!

What the hell?

Give me some feedback. After all, bullets don't have eyes. If there is a real fight later, at least do something in advance to ensure that those guys don't reward me with peanuts.

I am an undercover agent and I am already dangerous enough. The mission is about to be completed. It is not worth dying at this time.

There was no time to complain, because Johnny Wang had already sent someone to look for him.

He got out of the car just by draining water from his body.

Over there at Mingxin Hospital.

After destroying Johnny Wang's vanguard, before the police officers could celebrate, Li Wenbin received a call from Huo Wenyao, telling him that Johnny Wang would bring people there soon and asked him to prepare early.

Li Wenbin was shocked and immediately began to deploy.

There were a total of 22 people on their side, but there were also about 20 people on Johnny Wang's side. This strength alone was not enough to form a tight pocket formation and completely surround the opponent.

If other police officers in the district are called, firstly, it may not be available in time.

Second, there are many people and many hands, which are difficult to control.

Third, the noise was too great. If Johnny Wang noticed it in advance, something bad would happen.

It doesn't matter, Huo Wenyao has already made arrangements.

The two brothers Tian Yangyi and Tian Yangzhi had already arrived at Mingxin Hospital, bringing eight experts with them, including Abu.

Plus Li Jie, Zuo Wei, Feng Yuxiu and Tachibana Masahito among the twelve zodiac signs, there are 14 people in total.

A perfect pocket formation has been formed!

Next, what they need to do is to wait quietly, but Yuan Haoyun is very nervous while waiting, and his face is full of hesitation and entanglement.

He was wondering whether he should tell Li Wenbin and others about Jiang Lang's true identity.

If you send someone undercover, it must be top secret.

But the question now is, if we don't tell him, and there will be a fight later, and the bullets have no eyes, who can guarantee Jiang Lang's absolute safety?

Yuan Haoyun, a rough man, hesitated for a few minutes, gritted his teeth, and finally came to the temporary command room, found Li Wenbin, and whispered:"Sir Li, come here, I have something to tell you."

Li Wenbin had been suppressing laughter, and it was really hard at this time Unable to bear it anymore, he couldn't help but said:"Sir Yuan, is there anything you can't say here?"

Yuan Haoyun said coyly:"This matter is very important!"


Li Wenbin responded and said,"Do you want to tell me that among Johnny Wang's group, there is a confidant named Jiang Lang. This Jiang Lang is actually not a dwarf mule, but our buddy?""

"Does he look like this?"

As he spoke, Li Wenbin reached out to Chen Yongren. Chen Yongren took out an inch-haired photo and handed it to Yuan Haoyun.


Yuan Haoyun's eyes widened and he pointed at the photo with an extremely exaggerated expression.

In the temporary command room, the four police officers laughed together.

Chen Yongren said:"Sir Yuan, Mr. Huo told us a long time ago that Jiang Lang is one of our own, and he also promised to get Johnny Wang, so he planned to resign and buy a yacht in Northern Europe."

"Mr. Huo also agreed to him. He said that the most satisfactory ending would be for an undercover agent like Jiang Lang to realize his dream."

"In other words, as long as we can capture Johnny Wang tonight, this will be the last night of Jiang Lang's undercover career.It doesn't matter if you are exposed or not."

Yuan Haoyun was completely stunned.


How dare you make a fuss for a long time. Everyone on the mission tonight knows that Jiang Lang is his buddy, but he is still in the dark and worried about that guy?

It's really... stupid!

Again It's that Mr. Huo!

You are so damn powerful, and you actually know it again?

Is there anything else you don't know?

Yuan Haoyun's mouth twitched, speechless.

At this moment, the frontline officer The surveillance man reported that Johnny Wang had arrived with his men!

Li Wenbin's expression changed and he said solemnly:"Everyone, return to their posts!"


The order was issued, and all the policemen took action, returned to their positions, and set up an ambush.

Three minutes later, five cars arrived!

The five cars, most of which contained five people, and a few of them six, drove like lightning until dawn. The main entrance courtyard of the Heart Hospital.

When the car stopped, Johnny Wang frowned and immediately realized something was wrong.

Just before they appeared, there were many people at the entrance of the courtyard, including nurses and doctors, and most of them were patients..

But when they appeared, those guys disappeared as quickly as possible.

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