In the market, in addition to simply venting instinctive emotions and discussing the Three-Body plot, there is also a third voice.

Those are Yang Du’s two big words!

"Damn it, if Mr. Yang of Starlight Newspaper Company hadn't been talking big words, once"The Three-Body Problem" came out, it would really be possible for Mr. Huo to become a god in one step."

"Be more confident, it will be possible to get rid of it, and you will become a god in one step!"

"Ni Kuang should be the most embarrassed now. Everyone thought he was being self-effacing before, but who could have imagined the result. Mr. Huo used his tricks as soon as he came up, and his defeat was a complete mess!"

"Ha ha! Mr. Huo is awesome!"

"No matter what others think, as long as the content behind"The Three-Body Problem" can maintain its current level, for me, Mr. Huo will be the well-deserved number one in the Chinese world!"

This is Yang Du's first big story. As soon as"The Three-Body Problem" came out, Huo Wenyao became the number one writer of science fiction novels in the Chinese world.

"Damn it, now I finally understand why Star News dared to do this. This issue actually dared to print 1 million copies. What a great effort and courage!"

"Yes, even if there is Mr. Huo's reason, it still takes a lot of courage to dare to play like this."

"I have a hunch that these 1 million copies may really be sold out!"


"I haven't heard what Star News said. The first part of"The Three-Body Problem" will be serialized until the end. There will be no current news or advertisements during this period. What does this mean? This means that the next few issues of the newspaper, when connected together, become a novel! No matter what you think, I am going to buy several copies to treasure! In twenty years, this will definitely become a family heirloom! I'm not worried about Star News printing too many copies now, but I'm worried about the 1 million copies they talk about. I'm just saying casually that they haven't printed that many copies. Don't make it impossible for me to buy even if I want to!"

"Yes, I don’t know if Star Daily printed that many copies!"

"That’s 1 million copies printed! My uncle works in the printing factory of Starlight Newspaper, and his level is not low. This time Starlight Newspaper did not play tricks. They said they would print 1 million copies, and they printed 1 million copies. It almost scared him to death, and now he is still Before I could catch my breath, I acted like a darling and printed 1 million copies. This is truly a new record!"

This is Yang Du's second big story. This issue of"Three-Body Problem" will be published, and"Star Daily" will print 1 million copies! The vast majority of people buy the newspaper to read, but there are also many people who find business opportunities in it..

Yes, it is a business opportunity!

Otherwise, these issues of"Star Daily" are really special. They do not report current affairs news, and they do not even accept the most profitable advertisements. You can imagine how precious it is.

Buy it Collection, it couldn't be better!

What's more important is that Star News does not increase the price when the volume is increased. Each newspaper is still at the original price, which is the price of a breakfast. Anyone can afford it.

Even if it cannot be sold in the future, it will be in your own hands. , we can’t lose much.

As a result, the development of things completely got out of control and became weird and ridiculous.



That afternoon, 13:05!

Star News.

Newspaper agency.

Yang Du is here, Zhong Huaigu is also there

《All the staff of Starlight Daily are here, and they haven't been busy at all recently, because"The Three-Body Problem" will be serialized in the next few issues, so they don't have to do almost anything.

My work these days is proofreading, typesetting, and making the newspaper as good as possible.

With this little workload, how can we need so many people?

Both people can easily settle it!

Now they are all waiting anxiously. In the morning,"Starlight Daily" will be published and listed. They all ran out to conduct research and learn the people's true thoughts.

Received unanimously positive reviews, the effect is amazing!

Even if there are occasional negative comments, they are from readers who have no interest in science fiction, or even novels, and can be completely ignored.

Judging from the information fed back this morning, as long as you are not blind or stupid, you will understand everything:

《"Three-Body Problem", it's done!

The only thing they are looking forward to now is whether their"Starlight Daily" can create a miracle.

Sell ​​all these 1 million copies of newspapers!

After hearing the feedback in the morning, Zhong Huaigu was stunned.

He has already watched"The Three-Body Problem", so he naturally knows how good the quality is, but isn't this too exaggerated?

In fact, if you think about it carefully, you will know that this is not an exaggeration at all!

Because the author of this book is Huo Wenyao!

On the one hand, many of Huo Wenyao's previous works already have an extremely large number of fans. Looking at Huo Wenyao's works again, there is a natural filter.

On the other hand, it is Huo Wenyao!

He is now basically recognized as the richest man in Hong Kong and Austria. In addition, he also holds various titles such as Godfather, King of Austria, and Great Philanthropist, and he is in the limelight.

If it were anyone else, he wouldn't be able to achieve this effect.

In the editor-in-chief's office, even Yang Du, who threatened to print 1 million copies, was shocked.

Frankly speaking, he never thought about selling out all 1 million newspapers in one day. He just wanted to play a big game. If he couldn't sell this issue, he could just reduce the print number of the next issue.

But the development of the situation was beyond his expectation. It was really possible!

He was excited!


After lunch, he put aside everything and hurried to the"Star Daily" newspaper office, where he, together with others, waited for feedback from the distribution association.

The anticipation and excitement are beyond words!

"Jingle Bell!"

"Jingle Bell!"

A few minutes later, the phone of a staff member responsible for connecting with the distribution association rang!


In an instant, everyone rushed up like a tide!

The staff member answered the phone with trembling hands and said:"Hello, hello! , this is"Starlight Daily", what can I do for you?"

On the other end of the phone was a man with a shocked and slightly embarrassed face.

He smiled bitterly and said:"I am Huang Yongfa, the vice president of the Distribution Association. I want your editor-in-chief to answer the phone. If Mr. Yang is here, , it’s okay to ask Mr. Yang to answer the phone"

"Mr. Yang and Mr. Zhong, please give us the telephone number of the distribution association!"

The clerk roared excitedly.

The crowd dispersed automatically, and Yang Du and Zhong Huaigu walked over quickly.

Yang Du decisively answered the phone and said,"Hi, I'm Yang Du."

"Sorry, Lao Yang, do you want to do this? Hit me in the face every time. If you keep hitting me, my old face will almost disappear."

"I beg you, if you play so hard again next time, could you tell me in advance?"

Huang Yongfa smiled bitterly and complained repeatedly.

A few days ago, after Yang Du's million copies were announced, the Distribution Association firmly asserted based on long-term work experience that it would never be sold, and the one with the highest level was Huang Yongfa.

He and Yang Du They are also old friends. They have been dealing with each other since the beginning of Salty and Wet Magazine.

At this time, Yang Du didn't care whether he slapped Huang Yongfa in the face or not, and asked in a deep voice:"How is the sales volume of the newspaper today?"

"Speak quickly!"

Huang Yongfa came back to his senses, took a breath, and slowly exhaled it.

Then, his eyes flashed - and he suddenly shouted:"In half an hour, this issue of"Star Daily" will definitely be sold out!"

"You are powerful and sharp!"

"Of course, the most powerful one is definitely Mr. Huo. I am really convinced, completely convinced!"

"The market is extremely hot right now. Many guys are buying more than ten copies each and keeping them for collection. It’s really ridiculous. I’ve been in the business for so long and I’ve never encountered anything like this!"

"Lao Yang, hurry up and ask the printing factory of Starlight Newspaper to print more, and press forward to create an even greater miracle!"

"You can't do the same thing as when you launched Salty and Wet magazine this time, and engage in hunger marketing, right?"

"It's really not necessary, newspapers are different from magazines."

Huang Yongfa was afraid that Yang Du would behave like a salty and wet magazine again, so he took a dose of vaccination in advance.

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