There was a lot of discussion among Hong Kong citizens, and major celebrities also participated. The four most talented people in Hong Kong were inevitably asked about their views on this matter, and they also expressed their thoughts.

Jin Yong:"Mr. Huo, I still admire him a lot.""It would be a pity if his final work was not perfect, because his"Zhu Xian"》、《"Sou Shen Ji" is really good"

"If his final work is extremely perfect, so perfect that he can be the first person to write science fiction, then I will be even more regretful, because he has such a talent but has to close it."

The remaining three talents from Hong Kong were asked when they participated in a variety show at the same time.

Huang Zhan laughed and teased his old friend:"Ni Kuang, have you heard the propaganda? You are the number one Chinese science fiction writer. Soon You are about to lose your insurance. How do you feel?"

"When other people advertise like this, I just think it’s a joke, but this is Mr. Huo"


"I don't care how rich he is, but he is really interesting and talented. He never talks big. Since he dares to promote it like this, he must have real skills. You are in danger."

"You are really in danger, hahaha!!

Ni Kuang said magnanimously:"Not only do you admire Mr. Huo, but I also admire him. His writing style, conception, and plot are all superb. He is the best in science fiction. If Mr. Huo wants to take it, take it.""

"Because I can’t write science fiction novels at all, it’s a well-known fact."

The scene suddenly burst into laughter, and the atmosphere was relaxed and joyful.

Although Ni Kuang's science fiction novels are indeed not that hard, they are also related to science fiction, and others cannot compare with them.

Now that he said this, everyone regarded him as him Self-effacing.

Finally, no matter how powerful Huo Wenyao is, he has never written any articles related to science fiction before. Now that a series has come out, he wants to be the first Chinese science fiction writer?

What nonsense!

Then his Three-Body series, he has to be How excellent is it?

In addition to his bold words to ridicule Star News, Yang Du’s grand wish to print 1 million copies of Star News almost made the entire newspaper industry laugh.

Jin Yong said humorously:"Huo Mr. Dare to be the first in the world. Every time he does something that ordinary people dare not do or cannot do, he actually does it in the end. This is the most admirable thing."

"I hope that Star News can uphold Mr. Fok's fine tradition and create miracles, breaking the single-day sales record of Hong Kong Island newspapers."

The other people in the same industry are in full taunting mode.

"1 million copies?"

"1 million toilet paper? It must be like this, 300,000, no, I count him 600,000, 600,000 will be sold, and the remaining 400,000 will either be used as toilet paper, or it will be produced and sold by oneself!"

"Hahaha, the vice president of the Distribution Association said so, so that must be the case."

"Does Mr. Yang know what the concept of 1 million copies is? At least 1 out of every 5 Hong Kong people buys it. How is this possible? It’s so fantastic."

"It's just publicity, it's a gimmick. I can guarantee that"Star Daily" will not print so many copies!"

"What if there are really so many printed?"

"What else is there to talk about? Just make a fool of yourself and pretend to be fat."

"Mr. Huo will soon be the richest man in Hong Kong and Austria. Let alone 1 million copies, even if he can print 1 million copies, it is just a drop in the bucket for him."

"If you have a lot of money, you can burn it however you want."

Compared to Huo Wenyao's final work, it is a science fiction novel, and it is also a hard science fiction novel, and it will be the first to be the best when it is written.

Many people are still merciful, just thinking that Huo Wenyao is joking.

So Yang Du is not ashamed to speak so loudly. , the attitude is completely different, unbridled cynicism, no scruples



Amid Yang Du's bombardment of publicity, three days passed in an instant, and Huo Wenyao's vacation was almost over.

This evening, at nine o'clock.

Huo Wenyao, Sandy, Jonny, Huang Xiaogui and others gathered together. First, they went to a food stall. After dinner, it was still early, and Sandy's best friend Julie suggested going to KTV to sing.

Everyone roared in response.

Huo Wenyao has no interest in singing karaoke, but everyone is very happy to have a rare gathering.

Now that they are in contact with Huo Wenyao, they have become cautious and not as comfortable as they were in high school. In another two years, the more they come into contact with society, the stronger this feeling will be.

After being exposed to society, they will grow and become more mature.

By then, you will know how big the gap is between you and Huo Wenyao, and there will even be many people who will ask for help from Huo Wenyao, and it will definitely not be like now.

This is human nature and does not depend on personal feelings or will.

Therefore, Huo Wenyao also cherished this time and did not want to spoil everyone's interest, so he went to the Monopoly to sing K with everyone.

Monopoly, whose full name is Regal Club, is located in the prosperous district of Wan Chai.

This is an extremely high-end shopping mall with a disco dance floor, KTV, and massage. It is a comprehensive entertainment venue.

If you want to spend money here, you can't do it without a millionaire.

It is for this reason that he is also called the"rich man".

After Huo Wenyao ordered his people to make arrangements, he and everyone came to the rich house and started singing. at the same time.

The two highest-level VIP boxes next to them also have guests of different statuses.

Box on the left.

Entertainment superstars such as Yang Qian'er, Long Wei, and Yin Tianqiu happened to have a party. Yang Qian'er and Yin Tianqiu were in the same company and had collaborated on three movies, so their friendship developed.

Although this guy Long Wei is lecherous, he is also a sweet-tempered person and is very good to his friends.

Therefore, although he is a Jiahe action star, he has also collaborated with Yang Qian'er several times and soon became friends.

Today, a family comedy in which the two of them co-starred has just finished filming. A group of friends gathered together and went to the Monopoly to spend money, which was both a celebration and a release of stress.

The box on the right is amazing.

In the large and luxurious box, there were several men and a dozen beauties accompanying them.

Yingyingyanyan, so lively.

On the sofa in the middle, sitting in the middle position, is a middle-aged man with a dignified appearance and wearing a silver suit. His facial features are sharp and angular, and he is extremely tough, giving people a very domineering feeling.

Coupled with a pair of eyes as sharp as swords, his domineering temperament is further enhanced.

This domineering man is none other than

Zhou Chaoxian!

There were initially two major forces in Baodao Jianghu, namely the Sanlian Gang and the Sihai Gang. They were both created by people from other provinces. Originally, they were bullied by the locals when they first arrived and stayed together to keep warm.

As a result, after playing around with it, it became the two prefixes with the most powerful power in Baodao.

Here comes the irony.

When the Sanlian Gang and the Sihai Gang become stronger and bigger, it will not be the local prefixes that bully them, but they will bully the local prefixes.

Whether in society or in prison, the word"local" cannot be lifted up.

So what is the situation with the prefix Baodao?

Corner head!

The prefix Baodao is local, and its nature is territorial. The members are mainly native Baodao people. There is no organizational structure, and the group is relatively small, with only dozens of people at most.

Less? Several people have it!

The largest local force has only more than a hundred members. The boss is called the corner head. There are only two or three levels within the group, the boss and the junior, or the boss, the elder brother, and the junior.

Take Taipei's Wanhua District, also known as Menga, this district alone has as many as 17 corners!

The two most famous ones are Geta and Masa.

Both of these two people are from the movie"Monga".

Gata is the corner leader of the Miaokou Gang. The most powerful one in the entire Monga is Miaokou, followed by the Houbicuo with Masa as the corner leader.

In this case, the Baodao native gangsters united and formed the Pine Forest Gang.

Zhou Chaoxian is not yet forty years old, and is relatively young among all the corners. However, he came out to work as a dwarf mule in his teens, so he has enough seniority and is extremely capable.

Therefore, after the establishment of the Pine Forest Gang, he was elected as the"general liaison" of the Pine Forest Gang.

It means that all the corners of Baodao are united internally and united externally.

A difficult one, P Plus support!

He, Zhou Chaoxian, was both the initiator and the general liaison.

In the eyes of the outside world, Zhou Chaoxian, the general liaison person, is the leader of the Songlin Gang.

This guy is indeed very capable. Since he became the general liaison of the Pine Forest Gang, he has been determined to forge ahead and led the local gang to continuously expand their territory, causing the Pine Forest Gang to rise rapidly.

In just a few years, the Pine Forest Gang has become as famous as the Sanlian Gang and the Sihai Gang.

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