Huo Wenyao didn't bother to waste any more words and just said casually:"The investment is still relatively small now. With the size of Huo Group, in the future, at least 3% of the profits will be used for research and development every year.""

"When Guoke Technology develops, Guoke will be responsible for its own profits and losses and invest at least 15% of its revenue every year."

"Even if we lose money, we still have to engage in research and development."


Hearing what Huo Wenyao said, Zhan Mi and Yao Keke were so shocked that their eyes almost popped out. Do you have to engage in R&D at a loss?

What the hell?

A secret thought: What does Brother Yao think? R&D is really so important. ?

One thought: What kind of stimulation did the boss have to make such a decision?

It’s no wonder that Zhan Mi and Yao Keke were shocked, because this decision now is really unfavorable to Huo Wenyao.

Looking at Huo Wenyao’s previous business achievements, which Didn't they make a lot of money once?

But now... well, they really can't understand it, but Huo Wenyao can say this, and they both know how determined his decision is, and no one can persuade him to change his mind.

They were not prepared to persuade me either.I want to hear Huo Wenyao explain.

It's a pity that Huo Wenyao didn't even want to explain, so he could only forget it and see what happens in the future.

Huo Wenyao looked at Ding Yao again and asked about the situation in Aomen.

Ding Yao quickly recounted what happened in Austria in the past few days, including the affairs in the casino and He Xin's agreement to convene the Olympic Entertainment shareholders' meeting. Tomorrow, the gambling king of Austria will change hands.

After listening, Huo Wenyao nodded.

Cha Laochen, as long as he is capable enough, Huo Wenyao doesn't mind letting him go. With his current status, there is no need to argue with a low-level fish like Cha Laochen.

But just as Yaodong said, he had humiliated Huo Wenyao so lightly before, and Luo Tianhong, Qi Qi and others refused to agree and decided to kill him.

Just do it, it won't harm the overall situation.

Yaodong is still alive.

He completed his task beautifully, earned himself a chance to survive, and even received the 5 million yuan in reward. He also disappeared and returned to Hong Kong to live.

He is considered a talent to some extent. If he is needed in the future, just look for him.

With everything settled, the next focus is tomorrow’s Aoyuan Shareholders’ Meeting.

Huo Wenyao said:"Aoyu's shareholders' meeting, there won't be any problems, right?"

"Won't. Ding

Yao shook his head and chuckled:"I have settled most of the other small shareholders, and He Xin has also given up. He has released some of the shares he previously acquired, and the Lee family has entered the game.""

"He Xin's reaction was beyond my expectation. It's okay to lose if he can afford it, and he can let it go.

Huo Wenyao said:"It's normal.""

"Since I entered the world, there are two people who can really afford to lose and let go. One is Ni Kun and the other is Liang Kun. They are still living well."

"Lian Haolong, Jiang Tiansheng, Luotuo, Lei Gong, Shuangyinghua, Bengyaju, Heihong, Kuangrenhui, Ding Ding, one by one, they are all dead."

"Compared with people in the world of martial arts, businessmen are more flexible and flexible, and there are more people who can afford to lose but still let go."

Ding Yao nodded slightly, that was indeed the truth.

Huo Wenyao said:"Okay, the matter is settled, let's break up the meeting and go back to work."

Then the meeting ended and everyone left.



Time flies and the next day arrives in a blink of an eye.

Belle Hotel!

Of course, Aoyue Company has its own office space. Not only does it exist, but it is also a building. No matter how grand the meeting is, it can be held here. However, this shareholders meeting was arranged here.

This is not like holding a shareholders' meeting of Aoyue, but more like a celebration ceremony.

This is indeed the case.

It was around eight o'clock in the morning, and the Aoyuan shareholders' meeting had not yet been held, but many people had already arrived.

They came to congratulate me.

This was of course Ding Yao's arrangement, but He Xin had been informed of it. If he agreed, it would be nothing. If he refused, there would be no loss. Unexpectedly, He Xin agreed after thinking about it for a moment.

Then, on the Aoyuan side, they started setting up the venue yesterday.

Ding Yao crossed the sea overnight and came to Aomen to personally take charge of the matter and checked again and again to make sure there would be no problems.

The board meeting is scheduled to be on the 20th floor.

The venue is located on the 19th floor.

At eight o'clock, many small shareholders arrived, but they came more to join in the crowd and watch the excitement. There were only seven people on the board of directors, and in the past, these were the only seven people who were truly qualified to vote.

Lei Yingdong and Ding Rongbang withdrew one after another, and Huo Wenyao and Ding Yao joined in as a matter of course, and there were still 7 people.

However, Huo Wenyao and Ding Yao are acting in concert, and legally, they only have one vote.

In addition to their vote, a representative from the Li family also entered. It was not Li Zhaotian, but a man named Li Mingwen. This was Li Zhaotian's distant second uncle, who was also considered a member of the Li family.

At around eight o'clock, Li Mingwen and several other board members had arrived at Belle Hotel, waiting for the two parties, Huo Wenyao and He Xin, to arrive.

There are still ten minutes until nine o'clock.

At this time, Huo Wenyao and He Xin arrived at Belle Hotel, which was naturally an appointment. downstairs.

Reporters in the Hong Kong and Olympic areas are like dogs with noses that cannot escape any smell. Naturally, they have known about such a big event for a long time.

At this moment, dozens of reporters were waiting downstairs of the hotel.

Seeing Huo Wenyao and He Xin get out of the car, his eyes suddenly lit up and he immediately rushed towards them.

The security personnel responded quickly and separated everyone decisively.

"Mr. He, many people say that there will be big changes at this shareholder meeting and Mr. Huo will become the new gambling king of Austria. What do you think of the rumors?"

"Mr. He, could you please say a few words?"

"Mr. Huo, you previously purchased Aoyuan shares at all costs and suffered huge losses. How do you feel at this moment?"

"Mr. Huo, you now own 46.6% of the shares of Aoyuan, far more than Mr. He. How confident are you in winning the chairmanship of Aoyuan?"

"Mr. Huo, Mr. Huo, please say a few words."

The reporters were holding long guns and short cannons, and they were bombarding Huo Wenyao and He Xin, taking pictures and asking questions.

They were chattering and noisy.

He Xin's face was full of smiles, without any anger. I have already scolded these guys who are afraid of chaos in the world.

A few words?

What can I say? Is it honorable to be forced to this extent by the other party?

Will I be in a good mood?

Huo Wenyao's heart They are also scolding, a bunch of idiots, asking questions with no technical content!

How do you feel?

Of course it is very, very exciting, why do you need to ask?

But even if it is exciting, you can't say it in front of He Xin, others have already done it If you don't give in, if you say this again, it's not being aggressive, but pressing the person's face to the ground and rubbing it.

He Xin gave in, just because he was concerned about face. If you don't give someone face now, who knows what will happen?

The clay figurine also has a lot of anger!

Huo Wenyao and He Xin ignored the reporters who were watching the excitement and quickly walked into Belle Hotel surrounded by security personnel.

Ding Yao followed Huo Wenyao and Zhao Zheng followed He Xin.

The four of them entered the elevator.

They did not go directly to the 20th floor. , He Xin first ordered Zhao Zheng to press the button on the 19th floor, and said with a chuckle:"Mr. Huo, many friends are here. If you don't mind, let's go over and say hello first?

Huo Wenyao responded with a smile and said:"He Sheng doesn't mind, how can I mind?""

"It all depends on He Sheng."

He Xin nodded slightly, and the numbers on the elevator began to beat slowly, from 1 to 2, and from 2 to 3...

Those beating numbers were just like He Xin's beating heartbeat at this moment.

As the elevator ascended, the two of them The chat started.

He Xin couldn't help but sigh:"Mr. Huo, in the past, I was either arrogant or dominated by emotions and failed to evaluate objectively."

"Only now have I had this opportunity"

"In the past few days, I have thought a lot and understood a lot. Frankly speaking, I have never met a young hero like you. It is really eye-opening and difficult to resist."

"If I could understand earlier, I should actually choose to cooperate with you instead of confrontation. Huo Wenyao said:"

It's impossible, He Sheng"

"Even if you were in your current state of mind at that time, your choice would not be cooperation - never. You would try every means to crush me to death with thunder."

On the surface, this dispute is just about gambling, but in fact, what is being fought for is the right to speak.

This is a fundamental conflict of interest, and there is no room for relaxation!

Even if He Xin understood Huo Wenyao as well then as he does now. Being strong, it is impossible to hand over the title of"Omen Gambling King" to others without doing anything.

He Xin understood instantly, thoughtfully, and couldn't help but fell silent.

In silence. On the 19th floor of Belle Hotel, arrive!

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