Time flew by, and a few hours passed in the blink of an eye, and it was already the morning of the second day.

The Aomen rivers and lakes have returned to calm, and everyone in the rivers and lakes is waiting quietly.

Waiting for the final verdict.

The adjudicator, Huo Wenyao!

Previously, Brother Ji and George rose up, killing many bosses and occupying a lot of their territory.

Now that the two are dead, it stands to reason that they have a reason to take back their territory.

But theories are just theories, and this is not the case in practice.

There is no other reason.

Before Huo Wenyao took action, no one could take down these two guys.

Now that the two of them were dealt with by Huo Wenyao in an understatement, the territory was no longer theirs. God had completely taken it over. No one dared to have an objection. They just wanted to see if Huo Wenyao was that greedy.

The answer is, of course, no!

With Huo Wenyao's current status, he doesn't need those at all.

If he were still a Jianghu person, he would have no problem occupying the entire Omen.

But if you do this again now, it will undoubtedly give people more reasons to attack themselves. The benefits will not be much, but the risks will increase for no reason.

The gain outweighs the loss.

This is a bad deal.

Not to mention the attitudes of people in the world, the official attitude of Austrian officials was also very playful. The death of a police officer, Chen Lao Chen, was not investigated in detail at all and was directly defined as a prefixed merger.

Not only Cha Laochen, but also other big guys such as Ji Ge and George.

Without going into details, just investigate superficially.

Otto Costa's attitude was already very clear, and he clearly supported Huo Wenyao.

Of course, ordinary people cannot understand his subtle attitude.

Because in their eyes, this was Cha Laochen's attempt to usurp the throne, and he caused so many things. As a result, the usurpation failed, which ultimately led to the collapse of the two major forces of Ji Ge and George.

That guy can be considered a generational hero.

In this absurd understanding, Cha Laochen's image began to change, from Ji Ge's confidant to a tragic hero with deep city power and extremely clever means.

The reason why he lost was not because he was not strong enough, but because his opponent was already super.

Losing to Mr. Huo is not considered a defeat, let alone embarrassing!

It spreads widely in various street stall literature and word of mouth among the citizens of Omen, and has far-reaching influence.

The real person involved naturally sneered at this.

Bullshit legend!

It was just a chess piece chosen by Mr. Huo. He had no control over his own destiny and was pushed along the way.

However, it just can’t stand the hearts of ordinary people!

Their imagination added a lot of legend to Cha Laochen's short life, and he lived as brightly as a shooting star.

In just a few decades, countless powerful bosses have emerged in Omen, including Mo Dingping in the front, Bengyaju and Heihong in the back, Baitou Lao, Yu Lancan and others in the near future, and finally Ji Ge and George.

The power and strength of these people are all greater than Cha Laochen.

But in this kind of oral transmission, passed down to later generations, Chalaochen's reputation actually surpassed all of them and became a legend of an era.

Several biographical films have even been made.

As for the truth, no one knows.

It's ridiculous, but that's how history works sometimes.

Ridiculous and funny.

Ordinary people were unaware of the official attitude of the Portuguese and Austrian people, but high-level celebrities such as He Xin and Ding Rongbang understood it instantly.

When He Xin learned everything, he couldn't help but fell silent.

He realized he had made a big mistake.

His failure was not only because Lei Yingdong and Ding Rongbang all turned to Huo Wenyao, but also because he failed to control his bad emotions, which forced Costa to side with Huo Wenyao.

Costa has made it clear what his requirements are during this period, but he has been ignored.

From originally standing on his own side, to remaining neutral, and then completely leaning towards Huo Wenyao.

The change in Odo's attitude means too much.

Fortunately, the power of his entire family is still there, and he still has a chance to make a comeback!

This mistake was not too fatal.

After all, Costa will leave Austria in two months.

The most valuable lesson I learned from this incident is to stay calm at all times!

Never be dominated by anger. absolute!

But what happened next was beyond He Xin's expectations. The mistake he made was fatal!



Three days after the incident, Huo Wenyao still stayed on Hong Kong Island to deal with various matters.

He didn't care at all about what happened in Omen.

Not even a question.

For him, taking control of the Austrian gaming industry and becoming the king of Austria is already a certainty. Ji Ge, George and the like are just He Xin's death struggle and cannot change it at all.

He has more important things to do.

The first thing is to establish the Huo Wenyao Charitable Foundation!

The Huo Wenyao Foundation has long been established, but this foundation is more of an investment nature. Of course, it will also do charity, but the proportion of charity is relatively small, and various rules and regulations do not allow it.

After getting 240 tons of gold and winning Omen, he has more financial resources and energy.

It’s finally officially launched!

The Huo Wenyao Charitable Foundation is affiliated to the Huo Wenyao Foundation. It has been preparing for this period. There are two specific people in charge, one is Zhan Mi and the other is He Min.

He Min already has a bit of a holy mother's heart, and doing this is the most in line with her wishes.

This even exhilarated her.

However, her professional ability is not up to par, and her ability to interact with various characters is not as good as that of Ding Yao, Zhan Mi, Yao Keke and others, and needs to be strengthened.

When her abilities improve in the future, the charity foundation will be completely handed over to her.

The Huo Wenyao Foundation has had charity business before. What does it do?


Those at the bottom of the housing estates are the main targets of the Huo Wenyao Foundation, and families with hidden families like Dadong and Chen Yaowei are also included.

Yes, from the beginning, the undercover plan and the Huo Wenyao Foundation were matched.

Are other prefixes suspicious?


Huo Wenyao had already taken precautions. In addition to assisting the secret agents he sent out, there were also families with names ranging from Hongxing, Dongxing, Heliansheng, and New Kee, as well as countless short mule families in Hong Kong..

If you really want to doubt it, how can you get over it?

With Huo Wenyao's rise, countless short mules wanted to follow him, and his reputation was as good as ever.

Apart from the fact that he is really powerful and sharp, this is a very important reason!

Countless dwarf mules have suffered from him directly or indirectly. With their parents, brothers and sisters nagging gratefully to Huo Wenyao, how could they have a bad opinion of Huo Wenyao?

This is a subtle influence that, once caused, will affect their lives.

This kind of thing has been started since Huo Wenyao started to implement the undercover plan, but the scope of the influence was very small at that time. It was just to cover Dadong, Chen Yaowei and others, and to help more than a hundred families.

Later, the Huo Wenyao Foundation was established, and the scope of assistance was further expanded, benefiting more than 1,000 families.

How much does each family need to pay each year?

There is not much, ranging from 300 to 800 per month, with an average of 500 yuan, which is 6,000 yuan per year, and 1,000 companies is only 6 million. Adding the daily operations of the foundation, the maximum is about 7 million.

After the subdivision, the Huo Wenyao Charitable Foundation was born, and the number of beneficiary families will increase exponentially.

The effort will be more, but the benefits will be equally great.

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