Twenty minutes later, the driver Weiguang took Brother Ji into a remote mountain path leading to the villa on the mountain.

Brother Ji is hiding here.

Driving around a corner, Weiguang suddenly stopped the car.

Brother Ji didn't doubt his presence and asked,"Weiguang, what's wrong?"

The driver didn't answer.


Brother Ji's expression changed, his pupils shrank in vain, and he said in surprise:"Weiguang, you——"

The words are not finished yet.

Kick, kick, kick!

There was a sound of footsteps, and soon, four people walked out from the corner. The leader was none other than Luo Tianhong, and the other three were Airplane, Shaqiang, and Xigui.

At this time, Wei Guangcai said expressionlessly:"Brother Ji, your road ends here."


Ji Ge was so shocked that he was covered in cold sweat and shouted:"You rebellious boy, when did you join Huo Wenyao?"

The driver didn't answer, pulled out the car key, and quickly got out of the car.

The next moment, click!

The plane opened the door fiercely. Brother Ji didn't even dare to pull out the gun, because there were already two guns pointed at his head. As long as he dared If you move around, you will be shot into a hornet's nest.

Luo Tianhong looked at Brother Ji coldly.

He smiled stupidly and said:"Brother Ji, do you want to get off the car yourself, or do we do it?"

Of course... do it by yourself.

Brother Ji walked out of the car, suppressing his fear, and said:"Brother Hong, I want to see Mr. Huo. It doesn't matter if I don't meet. Can you pass the message on my behalf? Can Mr. Huo give me a chance?"

"idiot! Luo

Tianhong said coldly:"Since you were willing to be He Xin's sword, it has been impossible. Now you are still saying this, what do you think?""

Just as Luo Tianhong was speaking, Shaqiang and Xigui took action at the same time, grabbing Brother Ji.

Qian took out a 500ml syringe from his arms and plunged it into Brother Ji's neck.

That was - an anesthetic!

Overdosage of anesthesia will definitely cause death. If 500ml of anesthetic is injected, I don’t know whether Brother Ji can survive. No one wants to know.

Because no matter what the result is, Brother Ji will die.

A tube of anesthetic is injected into Inside Ji Ge's body, he struggled wildly, but was pinned down by the plane, Shaqiang, and Xigui.

After a while, Ji Ge's eyes became distracted and he stopped struggling.

Shaqiang and Xigui moved Ji Ge back to the car again..

Luo Tianhong looked at the driver and asked about the chat between Ji Ge and Achen. The driver did not dare to hide anything and quickly said everything.

After listening,

Luo Tianhong's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and he said coldly:"Poor guy Chen, you are really talented. Even your boss was scared to death, but you are not afraid."

"Not only was he not afraid, but he also treated Brother Yao as a bad guy"

"If I don't give you some clues, don't you really think Brother Yao is a stinker? He looked at the plane and said,"

Next, do you know what you should do?""

The plane said:"I know!

Luo Tianhong said:"Send someone to see Yaodong and tell him what Cha Laochen said. I really want to know what his expression will be like when he learns all this.""

"I understand, Brother Hong."Jiang said.

Luo Tianhong gave Qian a look.

Qian nodded, and immediately drove away with Shaqiang and Xigui.

Next, they needed to cut off Brother Ji's head, stuff it into an Adidas backpack, and send it to Yaodong.

The remaining body needs to be sent to Cha Laochen's home.

As for the 5 million in Yaodong's hand, it also needs to be given to Cha Laochen. There are many ways, Fengfei can do it, and other police officers can too



About half an hour later, Yaodong arrived in Omen and spent twenty minutes first to arrive at the agreed upon location.

Under the guidance of a stranger, I got a plaid backpack.

This backpack is exactly the same as the one he is carrying.

The difference is what's inside.

After getting the backpack, Yaodong opened it and took a look. Not surprisingly, it turned out to be Brother Ji's head.

Yaodong stared at Brother Ji's head thoughtfully. The seal was well made, without a drop of blood or any smell.

"Hit the streets."

He was secretly frightened and couldn't help but let out a sigh.

Then he picked up his backpack and left quickly.



Half an hour later, Yaodong took a bus to the bustling urban area and followed the address to a Chinese restaurant.

Sit down and start eating.

At the same time, Achen strictly followed Ji Ge's orders and started running around, finding all the killers who came to Omen to receive the hidden flowers, and then driving them away from Omen.

Achen has many resources at his disposal, including gang intelligence and the police.

In just half an hour, four killers had been found.

The other three people were driven away by others, and he came in person for the last one. It was in this Chinese restaurant that Achen and Yaodong met fatefully.

When Achen killed the killer, all the other diners were scared to death. Only Yaodong acted like it was none of my business, as if what was happening now had nothing to do with me.

It really has nothing to do with him.

With just one look, Achen knew that Yaodong was also a killer, and he also came to Austria to get hidden flowers!


Before leaving the restaurant, he suddenly came to Yaodong, stared into his eyes, and said coldly:"I don't like your face, leave Omen immediately."

Yaodong didn't say a word, just looked at Ah Dong calmly. Chen.

Achen leaves.

The first time the two met, it was over.

In the next two hours, a series of major events happened.

Yaodong's side.

He first asked Brother Ji's son Rong Shao to meet him at the Lido Nightclub and asked him for a secret gift of 5 million.

The boss of this Lido nightclub is called Da DaGong.

This person is George's confidant.

It is worth mentioning that Fengfei also worked in this nightclub, but Yaodong did not know at this time that Fengfei was the one who arranged for her to leave on the phone.

But soon, he knew.

Yaodong asked Rong Shao about the hidden flowers, which naturally meant to intensify the conflict.

Young Master Rong was domineering and brainless, so of course he fell into the trap. Without thinking, he drew his gun, aimed it at Yaodong's head, and asked him what he was talking about.

Yaodong looked as usual, without any trace of panic, and said fiercely:"I will get the 5 million hidden flowers from you!"

"The thing is that simple!"

Seeing that Young Master Rong was about to kill Yaodong with one shot, Feng Fei, who had drunk too much, couldn't bear it anymore and vomited a lot of it on Young Master Rong's newly bought pistol..

The originally tense atmosphere suddenly became weird and embarrassing.

At this time, Daesheng came out.

He stopped the conflict between Yaodong and Rong Shao, ordered the two to leave the venue in two directions, and finally escorted Feng Fei out of the nightclub. , but was shot in the head by Feng Fei in an alley.

After that, Feng Fei called the police and framed Rong Shao, saying that he was the one who killed Da Dao Gong!

The conflict between the Ji Ge and George factions instantly intensified.

Ding Yao’s behind-the-scenes fueling Next, borrow some people and use this matter, and it will soon become a powder keg with two big letters, which can be detonated by a spark.

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