The jewelry industry was full of complaints. At this time, they not only criticized Ding Rongbang, but also yelled at Huo Wenyao for his price butcher.

In addition, they also used connections to find Huo Wenyao, hoping that he could leave a way for them to survive.

It's a pity that Huo Wenyao was indifferent.

At Dingfeng Gold, the situation was also very bad. One of its two major businesses was lost, causing Dingfeng Gold's profits to plummet.

What's worse is that this affects not only the gold business, but also others! reason?

Very simple!

People only have so much budget. Because of Huo Wenyao's behavior, now they all use it to buy 'Mr. Huo's' gold jewelry. Who has spare money to buy diamonds?

In just the past month, Dingfeng Gold's profits have plummeted to the point of being virtually non-existent.

If you continue to play like this, you will lose money.

Blood loss!

The Ding family all turned into ants on a hot pot, almost going crazy with anxiety, but there was nothing they could do.

Ding Shanben has extremely outstanding abilities, but even he doesn't know what to do when faced with this situation.

It is true that other people's products are not as good as yours, but they are not far behind. They are also engaging in a bloody price war with you, and are one-third cheaper than yours. How can ordinary consumers choose?

Even if you think with your toes, you know which one to choose.

This is offline. on-line.

The Huo Group's attack on New Hope Development Real Estate Company and Chunghwa Electric has also officially begun.

New Hope's stock market value is 3.6 billion, with a total share capital of 400 million, or 9.4 yuan per share!

The Ding family holds a total of 25% of the shares.

Chunghwa Electric has a market value of around 2 billion, with a total share capital of 200 million, or 10.2 yuan per share!

The Ding family holds a total of 22% of the shares!

The Ding family is the largest holder of these two listed companies. At the same time, Ding Rongbang also relies on the strong connections he has cultivated over the years to influence other shareholders and firmly control the board of directors.

Just over a month ago, Huo Group began to frantically scan the stocks of these two major listed companies.

Different from previous investments, this time it can be said that it does not count the cost.

In just three days, Huo Group bought 10 million shares of New Hope, significantly raising New Hope's share price.

After that, they continued to increase their efforts to sweep goods, and soon they reached 90 million shares. They already held 22.5% of New Hope's shares, and New Hope's stock price also reached 14.4 yuan.

The entire scanning process cost an average of 12.4 yuan per share, and a total of 1.116 billion Hong Kong dollars was spent!

Huo Wenyao's offensive against New Hope Development Real Estate was already fierce enough, but his offensive against Chunghwa Electric was even fiercer. It was like a mountain roaring and a tsunami, and it was earth-shattering!

On the first day, Huo Wenyao purchased 5% of the goods and reached the mark-up line.

In the following days, Huo Wenyao made bold moves and continued to invest. He soon purchased 25% of the shares, surpassing the Ding family's shareholding in one fell swoop. However, Huo Wenyao's acquisitions have not stopped yet.

In the next month, he slowed down his purchasing speed, gradually and steadily, and did not stop until his shareholding was fixed at 34.9%.

The reason why we have to stop is because a regulation on securities supervision on Hong Kong Island is about to be triggered.

Once any actor acquires 35% of the shares of a listed company, it will automatically trigger the comprehensive acquisition rules and must initiate a comprehensive acquisition proposal for the listed company!

The initial share price of Chunghwa Electric was 10.2 yuan, but with Huo Wenyao so determined and frantically buying goods, Chunghwa Electric's stock price was like a rocket, rising by leaps and bounds.

When Huo Wenyao stopped, China Electric's share price had reached 15.6 yuan, an increase of more than 50%!

Of the total share capital of 200 million, Huo Wenyao holds 34.9% of the shares, which is 69.8 million shares, nearly 70 million shares. The acquisition price per share is 12.5 yuan, which costs a total of 875 million yuan!

New Hope's side is 1.116 billion. Add the two together, which is 2 billion!

In other words, in just over a month, Huo Wenyao threw away 2 billion. I don’t know whether he will make a profit in the future, but he is definitely losing money now.

New Hope's market value is definitely seriously overvalued.

Chunghwa Electric?

This is not a loss, ordinary people cannot see it, but Huo Wenyao can see it clearly.

The price of Chunghwa Electric has been seriously underestimated by the capital market!

The market value of this old power company with a long history must at least double to be worthy of its true value.

More importantly, what Huo Wenyao values ​​​​is still its future.

After the dinner that night, Huo Wenyao had a conversation with Lei Yingdong. He said that his grudges with the Ding family would only end if revenge was successful.

He wants to cut the flesh of the Ding family!

That piece of meat is China Electric!

Yes, from the beginning, Huo Wenyao's goal was extremely clear, which was to control the public service industry controlled by the Ding family. Although New Hope was also very good, it was nothing at all.

It's just a listed real estate company, there is no new hope, there are other things, just get another one that is more worthy of investment.

But China Electric is unique!

People in Hong Kong who are interested in stocks and have some spare money to play with are all going crazy!

So damn rich!

What did Huo Wenyao do?

In more than a month, he single-handedly disrupted two stocks and raised New Hope's stock price from 9.4 yuan per share to 14.4 yuan, an increase of 5 yuan!

For Chunghwa Electric, the stock price rose from 10.2 yuan per share to 15.6 yuan, a full increase of 5.4 yuan!

As long as you have these two stocks in your hands before, or bought them recently, even if you sell them again, you will still make a profit.

Whose profit?

Huo Wenyao is the biggest shopper. He pays the price difference, and the profit is of course his.

Judging from Huo Wenyao's strong record in the past, it is impossible for him to engage in loss-making business. Everyone thought that he was going to play green blackmail again this time to extort money from the Ding family.

But I didn't expect that from beginning to end, Huo Wenyao had no idea of ​​selling stocks. He just wanted to take control of these two listed companies! at all costs!

No matter the cost!

This really blinded countless people and caused their glasses to shatter on the ground.

Faintly, everyone seemed to understand something.

It is true that Huo Wenyao does not engage in loss-making business, but he has always been decisive and ruthless in his conduct and work, and he must avenge himself.

The Ding family first added insult to injury and attacked the Huo Group. This time because of He Xin, they stood against Huo Wenyao again.

What else is there to say?

Of course, you must avenge yourself and pay back tenfold!

This time, it’s not about getting money, it’s about revenge!

Having said that, everyone still couldn't help but sigh: Is this the so-called boss's world?

Just for revenge, money is burned like a piece of paper?

Your revenge is so extravagant!

Both Ding Rongbang and Ding Shanben have a big heart and extremely strong psychological quality.

They have been fighting hard and have no intention of admitting defeat.

But more than a month later, Huo Wenyao performed a shocking operation that was as fierce as thunder, and showed no tendency to stop. The Ding family could no longer bear it.

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