The two EK killers were killed so easily. No one took them seriously and continued to drive the camel forward.

When they got closer, everyone fell off the camels.

Huo Wenyao looked at the plane, Shaqiang, Xigui and others, and ordered:"You all stay outside, check the resources they brought, and collect all the food and water"

"Then, don't do anything, just wait for my order."

The plane nodded and said in a deep voice:"Brother Yao, don't worry, as long as we are here, nothing will happen here!"


Si Qiang nodded.

Huo Wenyao said no more. With a wave of his hand, he led the four masters Peng Yixing, Feng Yuxiu, Zuo Wei, and Tachibana Masahito toward the entrance of the base.

Feng Yuxiu and Tachibana Masahito were in the front. Zuo Wei was in the middle.

Huo Wenyao and Peng Yixing were at the back. Peng Yixing had no problem with his marksmanship and was a real gunner. But in close combat, he was still far behind the other three. They were not in the same world at all. A few minutes later, Huo Wenyao A group of five people have arrived at the wide passage. There are many corpses lying on the ground, including Arctic Fox people and EK killers. In addition to corpses, there are also injured people. There are 4 people in total, all EK killers!

See Huo Wenyao and others' expressions changed drastically.

"fuck! fuck! Why are there still people? Who are you?"

"Damn it! who are they?"

"We are EK International! You must have heard, don’t mess around!"

"We can share the gold in it equally, everyone has a share, don’t shoot, don’t——" boom!

Feng Yuxiu's face twitched, and he was extremely fierce. Without thinking, he decisively drew his gun, pointed it at the heads of the four EK killers, pulled the trigger, fired more than a dozen shots, and fired all the bullets in the box. Guang said coldly:"I can't even understand what birds are saying!"

Well, the death of those four killers was not unfair at all.

Feng Yuxiu couldn't understand English at all.


After killing these four wretches, everyone continued to move forward and soon came to the bloody elevator, which also contained several corpses.

Just from so many corpses, you can see how fierce the previous battle was.

Tachibana Masahito blew out the butt of his cigarette and said,"Boss, Misaki and I will go down first. If we make sure there is no danger, you can go down again."

Huo Wenyao nodded.

Feng Yuxiu also walked into the elevator.

Originally, Zuo Wei could have followed Huo Wenyao, but he glanced at Tachibana Masahito and said with a smile:"Let's go together."

It felt cold up there.

Even without Huo Wenyao, Zuo Wei was a little tired of being a killer. Compared to this, what he wanted more was to be sincere friends of the same level.

Unfortunately, there are too few such people.

But after following Huo Wenyao, Tachibana Masahito came and became stronger than before.

The two got along very well, which made Zovi feel like a friend.

He doesn't want anything to happen to his friend!

Tachibana Masahito smiled back and said,"Don't worry, I won't be killed so easily, but... let's go together."

Zovi smiled and strode into the elevator.



During the time when Huo Wenyao arrived, the situation inside the base changed drastically again.

John Wick received a report from his men and was shot dead before he could say a few words. He immediately realized that something had happened and decisively chose to make peace with the remaining Arctic Fox people.

Now, there are only three people left in the base.

On the SG side, headed by Li Jie, Tian Yangsheng, Abu, and Wang Jianjun, they have the largest number of people. Without Li Jie and Tian Yangsheng, there are 9 people, including 4 people in one group and 5 people in the second group.

The rest were either killed or injured and temporarily lost their combat effectiveness.

Arctic Fox and EK are the two worst forces.

After half an hour of bloody battle, there were only four Arctic Fox people left, including Rambo and Judge.

EK's side is not much better, there are still 5 people, mainly John Wick and Marcus.

The total number of people from both parties is only 9!

Regardless of their skills, if they only competed in numbers, they would have already lost.

Oh, in addition to these 9 people, there is also an old guy in a wheelchair. Adolf is still alive. Whether it is a fierce battle or anything else, no one is interested in him for the time being.

He was also lucky that no stray bullets hit him during the fierce battle.

"Hey! Mr. Judge, listen to me, do you still remember Mr. Shen in the hotel?"

"He is here too"

"If I guessed correctly, the first ones to arrive at the base were also his people. Then he guessed that we would come and deliberately stayed at the back, just to catch us all."

"Although he is an opponent, I have to admit that he is really powerful"

"This is his setup"

"If we continue to fight, we will only benefit them! So many people have already died, there is no need to continue fighting. There are 240 tons of gold in it, enough for us to share"

"What do you think of my proposal?"

Whether it was Rambo or the Judge, both felt that John Wick's proposal was very good, and decisively chose to join forces. The two parties rushed into the base!

Not only did they join forces, but they also felt that enough people had died, and there was no need to do more. They continued to kill, and they did the same to SG's people, but the target they bewitched was not Tian Yangsheng, but SG's mercenaries.

In the base, the two coalition forces of SG and EK and Arctic Fox were in opposition, and the situation was temporarily stagnant.

Everyone went their own way Looking for a bunker, he hid.

John Wick shouted:"Gentlemen, please listen to me, there are 240 tons of gold here, worth more than 2.5 billion US dollars, divided equally among the three parties, each party can get 80 tons!"

"Too many people have already died. There is no need for us to continue killing. It is meaningless."

"Of course, you have the advantage now. Even if you have to divide, you can divide more."

"We, EK, and Arctic Fox each have 40 tons of gold, and the remaining 160 tons of gold are all yours. Don't be impulsive. Please consider it carefully."

Finally, it's a heart-wrenching sentence.

"I think your boss definitely doesn’t think so, because it’s his designThe trap is waiting for us to crawl into it"

"He will definitely not compromise, but what about you?"

"If the fight continues, even if you can kill us, there will definitely be heavy casualties, and the one who gets the gold in the end will be your boss!"

"There are 240 tons of gold here. How much does your boss give you? 10 tons or 20 tons? Definitely not 20 tons! Ask yourselves, is this worth risking your life?"

These last words are not sowing discord, they are really murderous and heartbreaking.

10 tons?

20 tons?

1 ton of gold is worth about 90 million Hong Kong dollars, 10 tons is 900 million, and 20 tons is 1.8 billion!

There is no 900 million!

Not 1.8 billion!

Only a mere 36 million!

Damn, it’s really not worth it!

The scene of the stalemate suddenly became quiet and fell into a strange atmosphere.

The atmosphere was quiet, but people’s hearts were floating..

Even - restless!

Most of the SG members who are still alive, such as Wang Jianguo, Chen Wu, Lai Lao, etc., have inexplicable emotions on their faces. They are all upset, hesitant and irritable. They look at each other. , they all saw the... deep desire for gold in each other's eyes!

There were only four people who were not tempted, all members of a group, headed by Abu. Tian Yangsheng looked on coldly and said nothing.

In the main control room, Li Jie, who saw this scene through the bulletproof glass, couldn't help but sigh softly.

People die for wealth, and birds die for food.

But I don't know how many people will die this time.

Kick, kick, kick!!

At this moment, a burst of footsteps came from came from the entrance.

At the same time, Huo Wenyao's voice came:"Mr. Night Demon, you overestimate me. I am not as generous as you think.""

"There are no 10 tons, 20 tons of gold, not even one ton, only 36 million"

"Not US dollars, but Hong Kong dollars"

"This 36 million Hong Kong dollars is not given to everyone, but to everyone involved."

36 million Hong Kong dollars?

Oh my God!

John Wick was slightly startled and thought to himself: So many people are sharing 36 million, and there are 240 tons of gold here. How dare he do this? How can anyone see so much gold and not Betrayal?

Damn it!

What kind of person he is, I really don’t know what he thinks!

Not only John Wick, but Rambo and Judge also think the same.

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