Time flies, and a few days pass in the blink of an eye.

In the past few days, many mercenary masters such as 'Crazy Dragon' Rambo and Judge gathered over the Arctic Fox. The number was not very large, but it was more than Huo Wenyao's SG, with 24 people dispatched.

They have appeared in central Africa.

EK International Energy also took action, led by 'Night Stalker' John Wick and his old friend Marcus, a total of 16 people.

The difference between the two is that Arctic Fox is mainly retired soldiers and gangsters, while EK is more of a killer.

Top killer!

Li Jie and Tian Yangsheng led two groups of 18 SG people, who had also arrived long ago, waiting for more accurate information.

The information is coming soon!

In the past few days, Feiying rushed to Europe, met his count client, and obtained an accurate map. At the same time, by coincidence, he completed the team formation.

Three women.

The first woman's English name is Ada, which is transliterated as Ada. She is of Chinese origin, but has lived in Europe since she was a child. She is a geologist.

The second woman is named Elsa.

This person has a great background. It was his grandfather, Adjutant Hans, who was responsible for burying the gold. When his men completed the task, in order to keep it secret, Hans ordered all his men to take poison.

One of the soldiers named Adolf refused, so his legs were broken by Hans, but in the end he was killed by Adolf.

After Adolf killed his commander, he escaped from the base.

Among the people eyeing this batch of gold now is Adolf!

He has the most information, and as long as he gets the map in the hands of Fei Ying and others, he can quickly find the base. In the original plot, Fei Ying, Ada and his team found the base completely by chance.

The third woman is completely soy sauce, a Sangguo native who goes by the pseudonym Taozi.

In a certain art market in Europe, she had a chance encounter with Flying Eagle. When she came to Africa, she happened to meet Flying Eagle again, and then she joined the treasure hunting team inexplicably.

To be honest, this section is ridiculous and seems to have been shoehorned in.

This is treasure hunting, not tourism! and.

Still 240 tons of gold!

For such a big event, a woman of unknown origin casually joins it without worrying about whether she has other intentions. Either Feiying is an idiot, or everyone is an idiot.

Whether they are idiots or not, Huo Wenyao doesn't know and doesn't care.

If it's an idiot, of course it's better.

In the past few days, his mission was to send people to pay close attention to the flying eagle's every move. Then after the flying eagle arrived in Africa, he immediately followed and arrived in Africa.

Later, Huo Wenyao met with Li Jie and Tian Yangsheng.

Li Jie's reconnaissance skills once again showed great effectiveness, quietly tracking Qiao Ying, Ada and his party.

What happened next was unexpected, but not unexpected.

While Li Jie was following him, several other groups were also watching.

Among them, there are large-scale and powerful international mercenary organizations such as Arctic Fox and EK, as well as some petty thieves, such as the two funny believers in the original plot.

Li Jie couldn't help but laugh when he talked about them.

Because those two guys were just funny and didn't have any tracking skills, they were almost noticed by the flying eagle several times.

What they didn't even know was that when they were following Fei Ying, they were also being followed by Li Jie.

In addition to these things, the entire Sahara Desert became turbulent due to the appearance of Fei Ying, Aida and their group, and the mercenaries who came for the gold had already surrendered in advance.

Just because Huo Wenyao heard about it, there was no shortage of news!

The latest conflict was the most exaggerated and bloody.

The Arctic Fox faced off against an indigenous mercenary organization in Africa. There were about fifty people in that organization. As a result, the entire army was wiped out and no one survived!

《"Eagle Project" can be regarded as an adventure comedy. Even if a gun is used, there is no blood. But the movie is just a movie after all. The real world is so cruel and bloody, and there is no comedy at all.

This is normal, the core of comedy is tragedy.

After this battle, the Arctic Fox became famous!

Flying Eagle has also encountered messy things since entering the desert. For example, three women were kidnapped by a local indigenous tribe. Flying Eagle teamed up with others to rescue them.

At this point, there is some deviation from the original plot.

In the original plot, only Ada and Aisha were kidnapped, and Feiying and Taozi rescued the two together. Taozi also played a big role.

But now, all three of them have been kidnapped.

Amid all these disturbances, Feiying, Ada and their group came to a desert hotel, which was the last hotel near the Sahara Desert.

Going further, we will enter the desert.

All people who go to the Sahara desert will stop at this hotel to replenish food and water, especially the latter.

You can go several days without food in the desert, but you cannot go a day without drinking water!



Desert Inn, evening.


Fei Ying, Ada and their group entered the hotel half an hour ago, and then in this half hour, Judge, Madman, Wandering Warbler and other Arctic Fox members came to the hotel.

John Wick and Marcus are also here.

No matter who he is, whether he is a killer or a gangster, he needs to replenish resources.

During this time, Arctic Fox was very famous, and John Wick and Marcus recognized them when they entered the hall.

EK No one else came.

After replenishing resources, they left the hotel, but they didn't really leave. Instead, they stayed around the hotel.

They are not stupid.

Now this hotel has become a place of war. It is best to stay away from it.

This is the nature of a killer!

Unless they have no choice, they don't really want to fight with others before the final battle and let others take advantage of them.

Of course, this is also the order of John Wick and Marcus.

John Wick and Marcus knew the Judge and others. The Judge and others did not know them, but they did not need to know them. Just their calm and unhurried temperament could tell that these two people were not ordinary people. hall.

This is also a restaurant. There are about ten tables, which are almost full. Only one table is still empty.

After John Wick and Marcus entered the door, they walked straight towards the table. not far away.

The judge, the madman, and the wandering warbler were eating, but they were not used to the food here, which made the madman very unhappy, and he said angrily:"Nary!"

"What the hell, do Africans usually eat this stuff?"

"It tastes terrible!"

Liu Ying gave the madman a white look and cursed:"Fuck! You're crazy, and you don't even look where you are! Some of the food is pretty good, but there’s so much nonsense!"

The madman had nothing to say to his woman.

When he saw the judge looking intently at John Wick and Marcus, he also looked over and said carelessly:"Judge, is there something wrong with those two ghost guys? The judge took out the purple handkerchief from the breast pocket of his suit, wiped his mouth, and said with a smile:"You can see it, then there must be something wrong with them.""

The madman was full of anger and had nowhere to vent his worries.

Hearing this, he immediately stood up, twisted his strong neck, grinned, and said fiercely:"Then I'll go over and play with them! We'll start soon, there's still time"

"If they know each other, they can still save a small life, but if they insist on seeking death, I will help them immediately!

The judge shook his head slightly and said,"Sit down.""

"Playing with others?"

"Where do you think this is? Hong Kong Island? Bangkok? Omen? You haven't seen that those two guys are both ghosts. If you can't even understand what others say, how can you play with others?"

The madman responded depressedly:"Oh."

Sit back again

————— ps: The computer is broken and I have to reinstall the system. All the data is lost. I am extremely depressed. Sorry!!

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