The next day, everything that happened on a rainy night in Kowloon Walled City spread throughout Hong Kong with lightning speed.

Those rumors are either true or false.

True or false is actually not important, the result is the most important.

In just one night, the Kowloon Walled City was completely reshuffled, and Su Sanhua became the big winner. However, in the eyes of everyone in the world, she was the spokesperson of Huo Wenyao, otherwise she would never have been able to achieve this level.

It was even difficult for her to survive.

In the next few days, the Kowloon Walled City carried out a series of reforms. Soon after, the board of directors to manage the walled city was formally established. The president, Su Sanhua, did his job, and Dan Tat Ren and Boxing Champion Yong were both vice presidents.

In addition to these three people, six more people entered and became nine-member directors.

From now on, all matters related to the Kowloon Walled City will be decided by the Council.

This is a very important signal, but not many people see it clearly.

Everyone thought this was just a formality, and the final decision maker was Su Sanhua.

There is no difference between the four major powers in the Walled City or the current Council. Whoever is stronger and has a stronger fist has the right to speak?

Just change the soup but not the dressing.

Whether it was Huo Wenyao, the Hong Kong Governor or the police, they were all happy to see this scene.

The trick to boiling a frog in warm water is to do it quietly.

In the past few days, Zhan Mi has been staying in Kowloon Walled City, taking full responsibility for preparing the Walled City Council and taking the lead in everything.

All of Su Sanhua's decisions came from Zhan Mi.

And Zhan Mi is the embodiment of Huo Wenyao's will.

On the police side, there were losses: 2 police officers died, several police officers were seriously injured, and many more were slightly injured.

But the harvest is also there, and it’s huge.

I won’t talk about individual contributions, just talk about the general picture.

The four major parts of the Walled City have been cleared, the council affairs have been smoothly advanced, and preparations have been made for the demolition of the Kowloon Walled City in a few years. The big goal has been successfully and successfully accomplished. This is already a great achievement.

In addition, they also captured a full 15 extremely vicious criminals!

What have these people done?

Robbery gold shops and cash trucks!

Kidnapping and tearing up votes! kill!

These 15 people committed all kinds of evil, and even if they were shot ten times, it wouldn't be too much.

In the past, when they committed crimes, they would hide in the walled city and live happily, and the police could not enter.

On the other side of the Walled City, due to various reasons, they were dragging their feet and refusing to let people go.

On the very next day, the police announced this shocking news, which caused a huge response in the society and greatly enhanced the credibility of the police.

Suddenly, both the media and the public praised the police.

In this operation, Li Wenbin was risking his own life!

He also fought out.

When the media learned that Li Wenbin was the commander-in-chief of this operation and had personally gone to the front line, they all became excited. After all, it was a big breaking point. This guy had already been kicked hard by Mr. Huo.

It was from then on that Li Wenbin hit rock bottom and his future was ruined.

But I didn't expect this guy to be so fierce!

Send someone over there.

Fang Jiexia from the Public Relations Department was also very knowledgeable. She followed up immediately and packaged Li Wenbin in all aspects, which ultimately changed Li Wenbin's image in the media and the public's mind.

With his image and merit, plus Li Wenbin's own connections, his promotion is certain.

Li Wenbin changed his destiny against the will of heaven!

The same person who changed his fate against fate was Chen Yongren.

His performance in this operation was also very fierce, so fierce that it made those who looked at him with colored glasses feel ashamed. Coupled with Li Wenbin's protection and Huo Wenyao's secret support, the future is bright.



During this period of time, Huo Wenyao was very relaxed. The disturbances from the outside world did not affect him, and he did whatever he needed to do.

In the foreign exchange market, Sima Xiang and Luo Minsheng are responsible for daily operations.

The appreciation of the Japanese yen is a general trend, but in the general trend, the Sango government is not completely inactive.

The exchange rate of US dollars to Japanese yen is 1:190, which is the psychological expectation of Sango's Finance Minister Noboru Takeshita. Seeing the continued appreciation of the Japanese yen, he panicked and constantly came up with various plans to restrain the substantial appreciation of the Japanese yen.

Although various policies cannot prevent the appreciation of the Japanese currency, they can have some effect on a small scale.

As long as there is lifting, there is room for operation!

Huo Wenyao no longer has much control over Imamura Real Estate. He has left all the management to Imamura Hiroshi. There is no need to worry. He is also experienced in the real estate industry.

With the appreciation of the Japanese yen, it is foreseeable that the Sango economy is about to enter a period of raging fire.

In addition, Sango's high-tech industry is not as good as that of Europe and the United States, and the return on investment entities is too slow. The appreciation of the Japanese yen is a huge blow to exports. Therefore, the sudden extra money will inevitably flow to the stock market and real estate.

The prosperity of these two areas is already foreseeable.

The major financial groups in Sang Country have sharpened their knives and begun to join in this gluttonous feast. The difference between them and Huo Wenyao is that Huo Wenyao knows when the bubble economy will collapse, and they do not.

When the economic bubble bursts, Sango will usher in an unprecedented wave of bankruptcies, and countless banks and real estate companies will suffer heavy losses.

At that time, it was another once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!



Li Jie and Tian Yangsheng's work is also in progress, and the SG mercenary team is making intensive preparations.

The first mercenary team has been prepared, with a total of 18 people.

Most of these 18 people are retired soldiers, and there are two or three people with special status. They are killers.

Such as Abu.

This guy comes from"Wolf Fang", and his fighting power is extremely strong. He is on the same level as Luo Tianhong and Tian Yangsheng. If they really want to fight against each other, his winning rate will be even greater.

Huo Wenyao used the brains of Fu Yi and boss Ma Ye to deal with him.

There is no grudge between A Bu and Ma Ye, but a certain nurse that Ma Ye killed was A Bu's lifesaver. A Bu is not from Hong Kong. He has been active in Southeast Asia all year round. After learning all this, he secretly came to Hong Kong.

He was going to take Mr. Ma's head and go to the nurse's grave to apologize.

Very simple idea.

But before he took action, Huo Wenyao had already ordered someone to kill Master Ma and send Master Ma's head to Abu, leaving Abu speechless.

Among those retired soldiers, the most outstanding one is undoubtedly Wang Jianjun!

Like Yang Qian'er and Song Shichang, this one comes from the same movie. He is extremely powerful. Taking Li Jie as a reference, he is only inferior to Li Jie.

It was not easy to capture him, because he also had to take in his younger brother Wang Jianguo.

Even so, it has not been completely won.

This group of people are very unruly, and there are quite a lot of them with good character. They will temporarily agree because of Huo Wenyao's name, but both Abu and Wang Jianjun have one request, and that is to meet Huo Wenyao.

Whether or not to stay will have to wait until then.

Even if they did not have this request, Huo Wenyao was still prepared to meet them.

Huo Wenyao's basic base is still the twelve zodiac signs, but they all have their own lives. No one wants to live the life of a mercenary all the time. Therefore, it will be Abu and Wang Jianjun who will be responsible for SG's overseas operations in the future.

In his plan, Tian Yangsheng and Zuo Wei will be involved in the early stage, and then he will find more suitable candidates and slowly transition.

Li Jie has extremely high professional qualities and is definitely the most suitable, but his personality is not suitable.

If he were really responsible for this, he might go crazy.

Tachibana Masahito is similar.

To put it simply, although Li Jie and Tachibana have extremely strong qualities in all aspects, their personalities are too upright and it is natural for them to live an ordinary life. But they cannot be placed in the bloody mercenary world of murder and arson.

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