On the day"Star Daily" announced Makino's identity, at 9:30 in the morning, a shocking news was reported to the newspaper.

All 370,000 newspapers were sold out!

The news naturally came from the Distribution Association. Not only are they responsible for weekly magazines and magazines, they are also responsible for distributing newspapers.

《Star Daily Newspaper Agency.

Yang Du was busy until three o'clock in the morning yesterday, and it was already four o'clock when he returned home to rest.

Originally he wanted to sleep, but his upper and lower eyelids started to fight, but he couldn't help it, he was too excited. After washing, he lay on the bed and tossed and turned, but it was difficult to fall asleep!

Just like this, I slept lightly for a few hours. I was woken up at half past eight. After hurriedly washing up, I rushed to the newspaper office. journey.

Countless pedestrians were talking about it, and many of them were holding copies of"Starlight Daily"》


Yang Du thought excitedly.

When he arrived at the newspaper office, there was an even bigger surprise.

With a bang, the entire newspaper office exploded!

"Mr. Yang! All 370,000 newspapers were sold out. We won the bet!"

"Not only that, it’s only half past nine now"

"Yes, if we print another 30,000 copies and sell them all, there will be no problem, then the sales volume of our newspaper will instantly exceed 400,000 copies!"

"Mr. Yang, we are done!"

Many staff members spontaneously gathered around Yang Du and started talking excitedly, which shocked Yang Du.

Although he had set the print run of 370,000 copies, he just wanted to test this issue. I never expected that the number of copies of the newspaper had reached 370,000, but I still couldn’t detect it!

"Lao Yang, all 370,000 copies were sold out in less than four hours. This is so surprising!"

"We all underestimated Mr. Huo's energy!"

At this moment, even the mature and steady Zhong Huaigu couldn't help but get excited. He walked out of the editor-in-chief's office and came to Yang Du.

Yang Du smiled bitterly, shook his head and said,"Not all of us underestimated Mr. Huo, only me. In the entire newspaper office, before today, I was the only one who knew that Makino was Mr. Huo. What does this have to do with you?"

"it does not matter. Zhong

Huaigu also shook his head and laughed heartily:"Hey, why are you talking about this now!" Newspaper sales have increased significantly, which is a good thing, a great thing, be happy! Yang

Du said with a smile:"You should be happy indeed. I still did something wrong. I didn't think carefully enough.""

"I only considered the curiosity of the people in Hong Kong about Makino, but I forgot that Mr. Huo himself is the biggest hot spot. Don't say that he is Makino himself. Even if he just publishes articles in our newspaper under his real name, it can greatly increase the sales of the newspaper."

"Misstep, misstep."

Zhong Huaigu felt the same emotion in his heart and couldn't help but sigh:"Old Yang, this is not entirely your fault."

"I think that even if I knew in advance that Mr. Huo was Makino, I would only set the print run at 400,000 copies at most, and I would not dare to print more than that. Who could have imagined that Mr. Huo would have such a huge influence?"

"It's too exaggerated."

Other young staff members were not afraid of flashing their tongues when speaking big words, and they all said,"Mr. Zhong, that's not an exaggeration at all. That's Mr. Huo."

"If I had known in advance that Mr. Huo was Makino, the print run would have been at least 450,000 copies!"

"I’ll order 500,000 copies!"

"In my case, 500,000 copies is just the starting price. I dare to go for 300,000 copies. By the way, I will break the highest single-day sales record of the local newspaper."

"Hahaha, shut up, Ah Jin, you are printing a newspaper, you don’t think you are printing toilet paper, right? Zhong

Huaigu couldn't help but laugh and said to the crowd:"You guys, you dare to talk big words. Okay, let's all disperse. Keep working. I know you are happy, but work is the most important thing. Don't lose the big for the small.""

Everyone nodded, and some sighed with fascination. They wondered if they would have the opportunity to meet Mr. Huo.

Starlight Newspaper didn't make much profit, but among the entire Huo Group, Huo Wenyao still valued it.

However, his actions It is out of proportion to his regard.

So far, he has never been to the newspaper office.

Not to mention the ordinary staff, even the editor-in-chief Zhong Huaigu has never seen Huo Wenyao.

After hearing the words of the employees, Yang Du and Zhong Huaigu They didn't know how to reply.

They couldn't guarantee it.

Zhong Huaigu shook his head and said,"Hey, don't think too much about it, Mr. Huo has so many properties that you can't think of. He has so many things to do, and 24 hours a day is not enough. Why would he come to the newspaper office specifically? All went back to work. Yang

Duze laughed and said:"Today is a milestone for us at Starlight Daily. After work, I will treat everyone to a big dinner!""

"good!"Thank you, Mr. Yang!""

The staff members cheered loudly, dispersed, and went to work.

Their dream soon came true, because within half an hour, He Min made a phone call and told them that at two o'clock in the afternoon, Huo Wenyao would be there. The newspaper office accepted Huang Zhan's interview.

As a result, the entire newspaper office was excited.

At 11 o'clock in the morning, ATV staff arrived at the newspaper office, brought various equipment, and began to arrange the scene.

All arrangements were made by Le Huizhen. She did everything herself.

After she set her goal of becoming the Queen of ATV in the future, she stopped working as a reporter, transformed behind the scenes, and became a program producer.

Although this woman is usually careless, she was like a fish in water behind the scenes.

After the initial stage After the adaptation period, she was able to handle all tasks with ease.

Faintly, she already had the demeanor of a strong woman in the workplace.

Let’s talk about Huo Wenyao.

When he agreed to be interviewed, of course he not only wanted to help Le Huizhen, but also wanted to use the ATV platform to fight once Free advertising pushed Starlight Newspaper out.

ATV also understood his intentions and cooperated very well.

The entire interview was divided into two parts. The first part was about filming the"Starlight Daily" newspaper office. Many employees will also go abroad. Mainstays like Yang Du and Zhong Huaigu are even more important interview subjects.

Of courseThe person interviewing them was not Huang Zhan, and he had not yet reached the level.

This job is for ATV reporters.

The second part is Huang Zhan's dialogue with Huo Wenyao. There are no specific questions, only a general scope, and it only needs to revolve around Huo Wenyao's creation.

With Huang Zhan's urine, he definitely wouldn't play like this.

Before two o'clock in the afternoon, the shooting of the first part had ended, and the shooting of the second part started next.

Huang Zhan arrived half an hour ago.

He is only in his forties. He wears glasses, suits and leather shoes. He looks polite, but once he opens his mouth, he can't hide the romantic feeling in his bones.

Of course, this guy never wanted to hide.

For this salty and wet genius who is famous in Hong Kong Island, life is nothing more than living happily and openly.


Amid high expectations, Huo Wenyao arrived on time at two o'clock in the afternoon, causing everyone at the scene to exclaim in surprise.

Nothing else - so pretty! too young!!

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