《Star Daily", newspaper company.

The third day.

Tomorrow is the time for Makino’s identity to be officially revealed.

The staff were going crazy. Countless letters came from readers. In these three days alone, they received a total of 1,200 letters, more than usual in a month, and that was all because of the serialization of"Zhu Xian"》、《"Sou Shen Ji".

Most of those letters sent the most"kindest" greetings to Makino, and by the way, they also included newspapers.

Others asked the newspaper why it could not be made public earlier and had to wait three days.

Of course, although the staff were in high spirits, the pressure to reveal Makino's identity dropped drastically.

Everyone breathed a long sigh of relief and relaxed.

This hurdle is finally over.

This morning, Yang Du came to the office and was surrounded by staff.

"Hello Mr. Yang!"

"Mr. Yang!"

"Who is Makino? Can you tell me in advance?"

As soon as he walked in, the staff members greeted him one after another, and some asked playfully about Makino's true identity.

Yes, no one knew except Yang Du.

Although he was a staff member of the newspaper agency, they almost Everyone is also a fan of Makino!

There is no way, Huo Wenyao has stepped up his game in recent months, with all his firepower.

You don't like novels?

It doesn't matter, there are movies!

Don't like movies?

It doesn't matter, there are songs!

Novels, movies, songs , there is always a strange type that suits you, and it is too rare to be interested in any of the three. To put it bluntly, Huo Wenyao, invisibly wearing the Makino vest, has achieved another remarkable achievement, that is ——Full name Idol!

Faced with everyone's inquiries, Yang Du laughed loudly and responded:"Why are you so anxious? We will know who Makino is tomorrow. I have compiled various information about him and anecdotes from when he was writing the novel."

"Don't be anxious, everyone, don't be anxious."

He was in a good mood, because in the past three days,"Star Daily"》、《The results of"Star Evening News" are very good, for no other reason than Makino's exclusive news.

A middle-aged man wearing glasses and with a calm demeanor came forward.

This person is Zhong Huaigu, the editor-in-chief of"Star Daily".

If Huo Wenyao were here, he would probably lament that this world is really small, because this person has another level of identity.

He also comes from"Golden Years" and is Ding Shanben's second uncle.

In the original plot, Zhong Huaigu is the editor-in-chief of a newspaper.

In this world, he is still Yang Du's friend.

When Huo Wenyao wanted to create a regular newspaper and magazine, Yang Du's first thought was"Starlight Daily".

Everything is determined.

Ding Shanben's real name was Zhong Tianen, and he also had a younger brother named Zhong Tianci. He was six years old when his parents were killed, and was later rescued by Ding Rongbang, who was trying to escape from the family.

Zhong Tianci lives with his second uncle's family.

Seeing Zhong Huaigu, Yang Du asked excitedly:"Old Zhong, how is the situation?"

Zhong Huaigu was also very excited and said happily:"The day before yesterday, our newspaper sales exceeded 200,000 copies, yesterday it increased by 50,000 copies, and today it reached 280,000 copies Son!"

"It will definitely break 300,000 copies tomorrow!"

"Any higher, maybe 320,000 copies!"

"Lao Yang, this is the sales volume of first-line newspapers,"Oriental Daily"》、《Ming Pao》、《The three major newspapers, Sing Tao Daily, are nothing more than this. It is really surprising that it is because of such a trivial matter! Yang

Du said in surprise:"The rise to 250,000 yesterday was an exaggeration. I thought it would drop today, but I didn't expect it to rise instead of drop. It would actually reach 280,000?"!"

"More than that. Zhong

Huaigu chuckled and said,"We said 280,000 because we only printed 280,000 copies. In fact, the actual sales volume today has not yet been determined.""

Yang Du was inexplicably shocked.


He clapped his hands violently and laughed:"Okay! That's great!!

Zhong Huaigu asked:"Lao Yang, how much will you print tomorrow? How about 320,000?""


Yang Du frowned, thought for a few seconds, shook his head and said,"No!" You have to play it anyway, so play it to the maximum and print 50,000 more copies!"


Zhong Huaigu was stunned and said in shock:"370,000 copies? Is this too exaggerated?"

"No exaggeration! Yang

Du laughed loudly and said,"It's just 50,000 more copies. Even if we can't sell them, how much will we lose?" You won’t lose money!"

Zhong Huaigu nodded and said:"Okay, then print 370,000! Yang

Du felt a lot of emotion in his heart and couldn't help but said:"Although it was very troublesome before, judging from the current situation, Mr. Huo is right.""

"Makino should make this move"

"If Makino's identity had been revealed from the beginning, how could it have caused the current sensation? Zhong

Huaigu chuckled and said:"Lao Yang, this cannot be based on common sense. An ordinary author just writes a novel. How can he be like Mr. Makino's three unique talents of novels, songs, and scripts?""

"Otherwise, it would never have aroused public discussion like it does now. Yang

Du laughed and said,"Novel, song, and script? This is a good statement, but I am sure that Mr. Makino is definitely more capable than that."


Zhong Huaigu was shocked, looked at Yang Du in surprise, and couldn't help asking:"Old Yang, who is Mr. Makino?"

He is mature and prudent. Unlike other staff members of the newspaper, he is not that concerned about who Makino is.

But hearing what Yang Du meant, Mr. Makino had more powerful skills that he had not yet used, which immediately aroused his curiosity and also I really want to know the true identity of Mr. Makino immediately.

Yang Du patted Zhong Huaigu on the shoulder and laughed:"Old Zhong, don't be so surprised. When you know Mr. Makino's true identity, you... you will be even more surprised!""


Zhong Huaigu was dumbfounded by his old friend's turn.

He shook his head and sighed:"If this is really the case, then Mr. Makino is really talented.



In just these three days, the people in Hong Kong and Austria have been completely shocked.

"I lost it! I lost it! I'm so embarrassed! Is it finally going to be announced? Finally! I will burn paper for Grandpa right away!"

"I just want to say one word: grass!"

"Mr. Makino, no matter who you are, I am willing to be your lackey!"

"I didn’t say anything, awesome!"

"Have you not read"Ming Pao"? Jin Daxia has spoken. He said that Mr. Makino's true identity will shock us all, uh, the kind that will make our eyes pop out. How sharp is this?"

"Does that mean that Mr. Makino is not an unknown person?"

"That’s what it means!"

Yes, as one of the few people who knows the truth, Jin Daxia also took advantage of the popularity and published a 2,000-word long article on the front page of"Ming Pao", giving a detailed review of Huo Wenyao's works.

Praise him. From"Zhu Xian" to"Sou Shen Ji", the writing style has improved significantly, and the style is completely different, it is almost like it was written by the same person.

In addition, Huo Wenyao's imagination is even more praised, which is extremely rare.

The people of Hong Kong and Austria once again Exploded!

"Alas, no, am I the only one who noticed it? Master Jin already knew who Makino was!"

"Nonsense, everyone has noticed it, but if Master Jin doesn’t say anything, what can you do?"

"They are all first-rate literati. What’s so strange about Daxia Jin? He definitely can't say it, because there is a gentleman's agreement"

"That's right too"

"Your mother is too big to understand such a simple thing?"

A night passed in this atmosphere that was so boiling that it was about to explode.

The time to reveal Makino's true identity was finally here!

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