"This won't work! Black

Star reacted and instinctively refused categorically, saying:"Mr. Huo, you may not be aware of the electoral system between us and the Liansheng spokesperson. Let me explain it to you.""

"First of all, the speaker can only do it once! You cannot be re-elected, let alone do it once and then be re-elected!"

"Secondly, the people who come out for selection do not need to be people who talk about things in the lobby. As long as they are from me and Lian Sheng, as long as they have certain strength and reputation and can develop the association well, they can be selected."

"This is to give every fellow student a chance to come forward, so that the club can always maintain strong vitality. It is also the fundamental reason why we and Lian Sheng are better than the other three!"

"Third, once you become an uncle, you will not be able to choose"

"Fourth, when the uncles choose people, the people who come out to choose must not be present."

There was a slight pause.

Black Star continued:"Finally, once the results are selected, they will never be changed. Just now, the results have come out, and you were elected unanimously!"

"Hei Guren serves as the fifth brother of the Red Flag in our Hongmen. He will never lie."

"If Mr. Huo doesn't believe it, you can ask him."

Black Star gave five reasons in a row, each of which was strongly against Deng Tianlin.

Huo Wenyao looked as usual and did not ask Shi Youchun what he meant.

He smiled and said calmly:"But the braggadocio has withdrawn from the election, you always You can't hold a knife to his neck and let him do it, right?"

Black Star's expression froze.

Huo Wenyao used only one sentence to KO his five reasons!

"In fact, this is not important at all. Even if he does not withdraw from the election, the speaker this time will not be him, but Uncle Deng. Huo

Wenyao spoke again and said:"Yes, tell me one more thing. I know everything you said, but I think times are different, and the rules should also change, otherwise they will be abandoned by the times.""

"After all, rules are dead and people are alive."

"No unchanging rules can be passed down for hundreds of years. I think that many of the rules originally set by He Liansheng must have changed. Since those rules can be changed, why can’t the rules for speaker election be changed?"

"This doesn't make sense, does it? Black

Star's pupils shrank, his whole body trembled slightly, and he said in a deep voice:"Mr. Huo, it seems that you have made up your mind to break the centuries-old rules of choosing who to talk to me and Liansheng Heritage?""

Huo Wenyao didn't answer.

Black Star didn't need him to answer. His face was very ugly and he said:"Since these rules can be passed down for hundreds of years, there is a reason why they can be passed down for so long."

"If you insist on doing this, no one will be convinced."


Black Star took a long breath and said:"Mr. Huo, you are no longer a Jianghu person at all, so why do you have to be like this?"

"This means nothing to you, since you are already the godfather of the Hong Kong Olympics anyway.

Huo Wenyao said casually:"Maybe you are the only one who thinks so, and others may not think so.""

"I'll choose!"

At this moment, Deng Tianlin suddenly stood up and said:"I am officially here to vote!"

"The reasons for not choosing Ah Le, Big D, and Ah Ji are very good. He just chose them because they had no other choice. But in fact, winning the title is entirely based on his qualifications. He is not capable enough to hold the leading stick. Considering the future development of Heliansheng, I'll choose!"

"I think Mr. Huo is right, rules are dead but people are alive!"


Black Star's expression suddenly changed, he turned his head and glared at Deng Tianlin fiercely, but soon his fierceness turned into desolation.

"Well, what Mr. Huo said makes sense, and what Uncle Deng said makes sense too. I support Uncle Deng!"

Shark Ming said, raised his hand

"The ability to brag is indeed not good. This is obvious to everyone. If he is elected, we and Lian Sheng will be destined to fail. I also support Lao Deng!"

Iron Snake also raised his hand

"Uncle Xing, um, Uncle Deng is indeed more capable."

Another guy raised his hand.

This was the third one.

Followed by the fourth, fifth, sixth... until all the uncles except Black Star raised their hands.

No one organized, No one went to see Black Star anymore.

When Deng Tianlin jumped out for the first time, there were people following him. Then the others looked at me and I looked at you, and they all raised their hands one after another.

In less than two minutes, the second choice The person ended.

Black Star's face turned pale!

Huo Wenyao smiled, looked at Black Star and said:"Look, they all seem to have their own ideas."

Although these people are very respected and have a high status in Heliansheng, the actual solution is far simpler than that of Shuangyinghua.

Because most of them only have status.

They just have the title of uncle."

Twenty people, all in their 60s and 70s, had been eating and waiting to die every day, and they had long since lost strength.

They themselves knew this better than Huo Wenyao.

For this reason, there was no need to ventilate it in advance. When Deng Tianlin did not hesitate to stand up Finally, they decisively chose to surrender, otherwise their fate would become extremely miserable, and they would be worse off than themselves, and even more terrible would be their families.

Black Star, an old-school gangster, seemed so lonely at the moment.

He let out a long sigh. , looked at Huo Wenyao, his lips moved, as if he was hesitating to speak, but in the end he said nothing.

Slowly, he raised his hand.

Huo Wenyao said:"Look, this is what I just said, the rules are Dead, people are alive"

"In this era, nothing remains forever. After saying that

, Huo Wenyao stood up, turned to look at Deng Tianlin, and said:"Uncle Deng, congratulations on your re-election, breaking the record of He Lian Sheng."

Deng Tianlin smiled bitterly and said,"Mr. Huo thinks highly of me."

Huo Wenyao looked at Shi Youchun as a witness and said,"My dear friend, what do you say?"

Shi Youchun said:"I think it's very good. It's completely in line with the rules. Since Uncle Deng has the ability, he should do it again even if he does it again.""

"I believe that Heliansheng will develop better and better under the leadership of Deng Bo.

Huo Wenyao smiled and said,"Uncle Deng, come with me. I have something to tell you.""

After that, Huo Wenyao turned around and left the box and went to another room.

Deng Tianlin followed.

Huo Wenyao said:"Do you know the purpose of doing this?"


Deng Tianlin nodded.

Huo Wenyao said:"In the past two years, you have been the talker of Heliansheng. You have to deal with their uncles, and you must also calm the internal affairs of Heliansheng, so that they accept that one person can be re-elected and can continue to work permanently."

"Lin Huaile, Big D, Yu Toubiao, these people are your absolute allies, they will help you"

"As for after two years, if you can still do it, then continue to do it. If you can't do it, who to choose depends on which one of them is more promising. We will talk about it later."

"I'll step in and win the battle, just this once, and I'll leave the rest to you.

Deng Tianlin nodded and said,"No problem!" Mr. Huo thinks so highly of him. I will not let Mr. Huo down and will handle it properly."


Huo Wenyao said no more.

The two left.

Deng Tianlin returned to the box.

Huo Wenyao did not go in again, but took Tian Yangsheng and went downstairs to leave.

When he walked to the second floor, a sudden voice came from the third floor. Come:"Mr. Huo, please wait a moment."

Shi Youchun!

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