The story is divided into two parts. When"The Dragon Back to School" was attacking the theaters and defeating Shaw Brothers and Golden Harvest, Huo Wenyao was solving other problems.

In fact, a mere movie can no longer catch Huo Wenyao's eyes.

No matter how high the box office of this movie is, so high that it breaks the box office record in Hong Kong Island's history, the profit will still be too great for Fok Wenyu.

Take"Play Back to School" as an example.

Wang Jin is already a fast shooter. He shot the movie in less than two months. It took another half a month for post-production and promotion, and more than a month for the release, for a total of four months.

It hasn't been released in other places yet, and the box office is unknown, so I won't care about it for now.

The box office in Hong Kong Island is HK$34.5 million. Production costs, publicity costs, and labor costs are not included. Just treat this 35 million as pure profit.

For ordinary people, this is naturally good. even.

This was great news to Uncle Shao Liu and Zou Wenhuai, but to Huo Wenyao, it was nothing.

Hong Kong’s film and television industry is still too small.

In another twenty years, Uncle Shao Liu will be worth only over 10 billion, and now it is only worth over 1 billion.

Once Huo Wenyao's gambling ship on the high seas opens, as long as he does well, he can easily steal not only half, but a quarter of Austrian's business, and his worth will soar in a straight line.

This is the basis for him to be on an equal footing with He Xin!

Capital society, in the final analysis, depends on the amount of money, and then the social influence.

When Huo Wenyao entered the Hong Kong film and television industry, he was a capital tycoon.

Mastering the right to speak is one thing, increasing one's influence is another, and winning theaters is another.

Cinema lines are linked to real estate!

When Huo Wenyao took over those movie theaters, he also took down the land.

He can operate and wait at the same time.

In another twenty years, the land alone for those movie theaters will be sky-high.

Huo Wenyao is only responsible for producing scripts, and Dongzheng Media is responsible for everything else. And his trouble comes from the Yamaguchi-gumi!

The matter of Miyagi Taro broke out!

The Yamaguchi group started a secret investigation more than half a month ago, and finally found He Liansheng Jin Yagui and Huo Wenyao.

To be more precise, they are Luo Sen and Chen Yaxie.

But both of them are Huo Wenyao's people, so it is reasonable to consider Huo Wenyao.

Huo Wenyao didn't take it to heart.

The Yamaguchi group has sent people to Hong Kong to talk to Huo Wenyao. chat?

Huo Wenyao ignored the nonsense.

Huo Wenyao didn't know what happened to the Yamaguchi Group in his previous life, because there was no intersection between the two and he had never understood it at all.

Many things are only known roughly.

He didn't even know what the structure of the Yamaguchi Group was.

After coming to this world, he specifically learned that the leader of the Yamaguchi-gumi has now passed down to the fourth generation, named Hisashi Takenaka.

Three years ago, in 1982, the Sandaime passed away.

The following year, the condition of the most popular successor to the fourth generation leader worsened, and he died in prison before the results came out. After another half year of trouble, Yamamoto Yoshi took over as the acting team leader, and Takenaka took on the role of Wakatou.

Ruotou means the leader, that is, the second in command.

Within the Yamaguchi-gumi, there are two major factions: Yamamoto and Takenaka. Everyone wants to be the leader of the fourth generation team, and they compete with each other and refuse to give in, causing a lot of trouble.

Just last year, the rivalry came to an end temporarily, with Hisashi Takenaka winning and becoming the fourth generation.

The period was naughty and quickly turned into a comma.

Because just after Takenaka inherited the name of the fourth generation head of the Yamaguchi-gumi, Yamamoto Yi led his subordinates to form the Ichigai to fight against it.

This is equivalent to Big D not choosing the person to talk to He Liansheng, and getting angry and creating a new He Liansheng.

The difference is that Big D was scared, and Yamamoto Yi, that tough guy, really did it.

At present, Shan Yi's resistance has entered its final stage.

Yamamoto's loyalty has been exhausted.

In the early days of Yamaichi's resistance, Takenaka had 57 direct group leaders and about 11,000 members in the organization; Yamamoto Yi had 42 direct group leaders, but the organization had more members than Takenaka, with a total of 12,000 people!

There is also a difference between team leader and team leader. Some team leaders have only a hundred people under their command, or even less, or even dozens or dozens of people, but some powerful team leaders can have thousands of people under their command!

In the early days of the split, Yamamoto Yi was undoubtedly more powerful.

But in the mid-term struggle, Takenaka showed his superior skills and used various means to defeat Yamamoto Yi.

Now there are 92 direct team leaders under Takenaka Hisashi, and the number of organizational members is approaching 20,000, which has basically restored the peak scale of the Third Generation Period. However, the strength of the First Alliance has dropped sharply, with only about 3,000 people left.

Yamamoto Yoshi is just hanging on for a living. It will be a matter of time before the Ichigai disbands and the remaining members return to the Yamaguchi-gumi.

Everyone knows that Shanyi's resistance is coming to an end!

Defeating Yamamoto Yoshi, Takenaka's reputation reached the peak of his own history, becoming the idol of all Yamaguchi-gumi members.

In this case, Zhu Zhongjiu sent someone to contact Huo Wenyao, intending to launch an attack.

Huo Wenyao has a lot of things on his mind and doesn’t pay attention to them.



The time came to August 20, 1985."Playing Back to School" was completely finished yesterday, and naturally the next step was the celebration party.

Starlight Building.

Huo Group, in the large conference room, the recent work report is in progress, but not all industry leaders are there, including Lu Fu.

Nothing else.

The development of Fuxing United Garment Group is completely on track. A report will be submitted every week. There is nothing to report.

Those who came to attend this meeting were mainly Ding Yao, Yao Keke, and Yang Du.

Most of the others were senior executives of Dongzheng Media. Many of them were meeting Huo Wenyao for the first time, and it was inevitable that they would be excited.

Oh, Wang Jin and Yin Tianchou are also here.

Fatty Wang's face was glowing red, and his whole face turned into a chrysanthemum when he smiled; Yin Tianqiu was shy and introverted by nature, and got nervous when there were many people. Although he was also very happy, he sat in his seat without saying a word.

There is naturally a reason why so many people came to Dongzheng Media.

They are so popular!

《As soon as"Play Back to School" came out, Dongzheng Media completely became famous, and everyone from top to bottom was proud.

He said he was reporting on work, but actually he wanted to meet his legendary boss.

Then there is the celebration banquet tonight. I hope Huo Wenyao can attend. This is not only recognition of their work, but also a great encouragement and honor.

Yao Kexiao said:"Boss, do you have time at 7:30 tonight?"

Huo Wenyao said:"Paris, if you want me to participate, just tell me directly, and you say it so tactfully. The celebration banquet is scheduled to be at the Peninsula Hotel, right?"

Yao Wenyao said Coco nodded.

Huo Wenyao said:"I will go there"

"great!"Yao Keke shouted excitedly.

The staff of Dongzheng Media were also extremely happy.

Huo Wenyao smiled, waved to them, and signaled them to leave.

Yao Keke stood up, nodded slightly to Huo Wenyao, and said respectfully:"Boss, I will go to the Peninsula Hotel to arrange the venue in person, and you can continue your work."

After that, she led her staff to leave.

Wang Jin and Yin Tianchou also stood up, but were stopped by Huo Wenyao and sat back down again.

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