Dakou Nan is also a master. He vaguely noticed that they were being followed. He was frightened and his nerves were highly tense!

Even though Meng Bo is no longer following, they are still on high alert!

When it was almost twelve o'clock, the sparsely lit Kowloon Walled City appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Until then, they breathed a sigh of relief.

No longer as nervous as before, everything relaxed.

Dakou Nan originally brought 6 boys on board, and Kuang Renhui sent 8 more boys to pick him up, bringing the number of Sijiuzai to 14.

The streets of Kowloon Walled City are so narrow that there is no room for even a car and it is impossible to drive in.

Five cars stopped at the entrance to the walled city.

14 boys got off the bus first.

The six people watched vigilantly at the scattered pedestrians, while the remaining eight people surrounded Chen Jincheng's car and waited for Chen Jincheng to get off.

Dakounan relaxed and said:"Mr. Chen, we have arrived at the walled city. We are safe. It seems that Huo Wenyao has given up attacking us."

Chen Jincheng was also extremely nervous. When Dakounan said this, his face suddenly became extremely ferocious and vicious. He gritted his teeth and said:"Huo Wenyao! Gao Jin!"

"Those two bastards, I won't let them go!"

"They set up a trap to trick me, even if they win 34 million from me, they actually dare to blind my eyes. If they don’t avenge this, Chen will not be a human being!"

Dakou Nan was extremely uneasy, worried that Chen Jincheng would anger him, so he hurriedly said:"Mr. Chen, I'm extremely sorry, I couldn't protect you!"

"none of your business! Chen

Jincheng sneered in his heart, but said decisively on his face:"In that situation, people were under the eaves and had to bow their heads. There was nothing you could do.""

"It is better for me to become blind than for you all to become blind.

Dakou Nan hurriedly said:"Thank you, Mr. Chen, for your understanding. Thank you, Mr. Chen, for your understanding.""

I understand!

Huo Wenyao and Gao Jin deserve to die, but you guys are not doing things well and don't even dare to fight. You deserve to die too!

Why should I give you so much money?

I just want you to stand up in this situation. , otherwise why should I be your big water pipe?

A bunch of damn losers!

Chen Jincheng gritted his teeth and cursed in his heart, and said calmly on his face:"Okay, don't talk about this anymore, let's talk about it when we get back."


Dakou Nan responded and quickly got out of the car.

After getting off the car, he hurried to the other side, opened the door, helped Chen Jincheng out, and said:"Mr. Chen, Brother Hui is already waiting inside. You will see him soon."


Chen Jincheng responded, and with Dakounan's support, he walked into the walled city.

Although everyone was relaxed now that he was back in the walled city, Dakounan still protected Chen Jincheng extremely tightly, and the four-nine boys surrounded him tightly. Li Jie didn't leave any chance to snipe Chen Jincheng.

Fortunately, Li Jie didn't intend to snipe.

Not far away.

Li Jie was wearing a peaked cap, like a drunkard, walking around.

"Mr. Qi!!"

An excited voice sounded.

Kuangrenhui, Meng Bo has his information. Li Jie has seen the photo and knows his appearance, but he has never heard Kuangrenhui's voice.

But just by the sound of"Master Qi", Li Jie was sure that that guy was Kuang Renhui!

A cold light flashed in Li Jie's eyes, and with a flick of his wrist, a black walkie-talkie slipped out of his sleeve and shouted:"Do it!"

After the words fell, he threw away the walkie-talkie, first took out a black hood from his arms, put it on his head, then touched his waist with his right hand, and there was already a Glock pistol with a silencer in his hand.

Whoops, whoops!

The muzzle of the gun was raised, and it was pointed at the four people on guard outside the walled city. He decisively pulled the trigger, killing two people in an instant.



At the same time as the gunfire sounded, a cold light suddenly flashed, and there were 2 people left. The person's throat was penetrated at the same time. It was a dagger and a forty centimeter long military spur.

The owner of the dagger was called Zuo Wei.

The owner of the military spur was called Tian Yangsheng.

Of course, Tian Yangsheng, Zuo Wei, or Li Jie, wearing a hood.

After they succeeded, Tian Yangsheng and Zuo Wei ran towards Dakou Nan and others at the same time.

They were there in a few seconds!

When Tian Yangsheng passed by one of them, he pulled out his own spur, then suddenly jumped into the air, The two sides of the alley wall were the footholds. Several four-nine boys flew past the heads of the four-nine boys behind them. From top to bottom, they headed towards Dakou Nan and Chen Jincheng!

There were eight four-nine boys who fell at the back. Jiuzai looked at Tian Yangsheng who was flying over the wall in shock.

They were not shocked for a long time, because in less than three seconds, they either turned into dead people or fainted.

Whoops, whoops!

The gunfire rang out again, and Li Jie once again Shoot and kill the two of them.

Zoe Wei takes action at the same time.


With one punch, a certain forty-nine boy's head hits the wall hard, blood spurts out, and he faints instantly.


Another punch, a certain unlucky guy's head hits the wall. He was hit in the neck and instantly vomited a mouthful of blood.

When Li Jie and Zuo Wei took action, the fourth black shadow shot out!

Feng Yuxiu also took action.

His body was agile, and he flashed and flew like Tian Yangsheng. Passing Chen Jincheng and Dakou Nan, they stared coldly at Kuangren Hui, who was thirty meters away.

This sudden assassination shocked everyone!

Only then did they react.

Dakou Nan changed his color in shock, and his eyes were full of disbelief..

I'm killing his mother!

Are these guys all fucking crazy? They have already returned to the walled city, and they still dare to take action?!

Chen Jincheng couldn't see anything, so he could only shout in panic:"Anan, what's going on? What happened? Is Huo Wenyao coming? Haven't we already arrived at the Walled City? How dare he take action?"

One question after another, like a machine gun, was asked suddenly.

Dakou Nan couldn't answer!

Thirty meters away, Kuang Renhui stood stunned.

He successfully received Chen Jincheng, and he was greeting him warmly. He was very happy at first, but unexpectedly he At this moment, four killers suddenly arrived!

Even if you think with your toes, you can guess who sent them.

Huo Wenyao!

Kuang Renhui's face turned red with anger and he shouted:"You are so paralyzed!"

"Huo Wenyao!"

"How dare you, how dare you?! This is the fucking Kowloon Walled City, my territory!!"

Just when he was yelling and scolding, Li Jie and Zuo Wei had already dealt with the eight Forty-Nine boys behind them. With Tianyangsheng Army thorns in their hands, they headed towards Dakou Nan and Chen Jincheng.

Beside them, there were two Four-Jiu boys..

The Tianyangsheng Army stabbed through the throat of Sijiu Zai on the right, and with a knife from his left hand, he slashed the head of Siujiu Zai on the left side fiercely.


The Siujiu Zai hit the wall hard, causing his head to bleed. His eyelids rolled up and down, and he fainted.

Tian Yangsheng's eyes were cold, and the general withdrew his sting.

"Go to hell!!"

Just when Tian Yangsheng was dealing with the two forty-nine boys, Dakou Nan touched his waist with his right hand, quickly pulled out the dagger, and stabbed Tian Yangsheng in the face with a loud shout.

Tian Yangsheng turned his head sideways!

Dakou Nan didn't either He sheathed the knife and slashed toward Tian Yangsheng's temple!

At this time, Tian Yangsheng had already drawn out the military thorn and held it in his hand!

Just when Dakou Nan's dagger was about to hit him, his right hand swung it upwards from bottom to top like lightning, swinging the big mouth open. Dagger of the South

"Didn't you give up?"

A trace of surprise flashed in Tian Yangsheng's eyes, and he said coldly:"You are quite capable! Just for this reason, I will spare your life."

While talking, the two of them attacked each other with fists and kicks, and after a few moves.


Tian Yangsheng put his knee on Dakunan's chest, and knocked him against the wall. After he fell to the ground, he vomited blood from his mouth.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, don't kill me……"

"I don’t want to die yet, I don’t want to die!"

"Tell Mr. Huo that I know I was wrong and I shouldn't go against him. I haven't lived enough and I really don't want to die!"

Chen Jincheng stumbled and fell to the ground, but even if he was crawling, he was still struggling to escape. He is obviously an old man in his seventies, and half of his body has not been buried in the loess, but this old guy has a stronger desire to survive than any young man. And nothing less.

Tian Yangsheng's face was cold, he strode forward, stepped on Chen Jincheng's back, and nailed him to the ground. His right hand was like a steel clamp, strangling Chen Jincheng's neck, and then lifted him up. Get up.

The military thorn was placed horizontally on Chen Jincheng's neck. With a little force, a few drops of blood came out!

Chen Jincheng became more and more frightened, and his voice was as hoarse as a night owl:"Don't kill me! Do not kill me! Do not kill me!!"

"I still have money!"

"A lot of money, all for you, save my life!! Tian

Yangsheng sneered:"Old guy, you are almost seventy years old, and you are still so afraid of death?""

Chen Jincheng just said in fear, don't kill me.

At this moment, something happened suddenly!


Suddenly, from the corner thirty meters away, there was the sound of machine gun fire.


Tian Yangsheng's eyebrows jumped, and instantly Sensing something bad.

Kuang Renhui was responsible for Feng Yuxiu.

When Feng Yuxiu chased him, Kuangren Hui turned around and ran away without even thinking, leaving several younger brothers to stop Feng Yuxiu.

As for now, Kuangren Hui is naturally the one responsible. Use machine guns!!

This is the special thing about Kowloon Walled City. The terrain is extremely complicated. If you stray into it, you will definitely get lost.

Wanting to pursue Kuang Renhui here is just nonsense.

Feng Yuxiu didn’t believe it before, but now He had to believe it, because when he chased after him, Kuang Renhui had disappeared without a trace.

After he killed several of Kuang Renhui's younger brothers, Kuang Renhui came back again.

Well, he killed him with his younger brother and a machine gun. This carbine!

He has a machine gun in his hand, and those younger brothers are not bad either. Pistols are standard equipment, and there are four mini-submachine guns. He shoots Feng Yuxiu at random. The one who turned around and ran away this time became Feng Yuxiu!

No matter how good his skills were, he would be useless in this maze-like city with its narrow alleys. If he dared to charge, he would definitely be shot into pieces.


Feng Yuxiu rushed out from the corner and shouted sharply at Yangsheng, Zuo Wei and Li Jie.

He was shot in the left shoulder and chest.

Fortunately, he wore a body armor at Li Jie's strong request, otherwise the bullet in his chest would have been taken. His life.

That's where the heart is!

"Dragon, cover!"

This was the second sentence Feng Yuxiu said.

Tian Yangsheng no longer hesitated, and with a strong stroke of his right hand, he slit Chen Jincheng's throat. Blood spurted out like a fountain. Turn around and leave!

Li Jie was responsible for covering.

Around the corner, Two forty-nine guys holding Uzis came out.

Li Jie decisively pulled the trigger.

Whoops, whoops!!

One bullet killed one person, and the gun shot his head. Some people didn't believe in evil, but when they showed up, they were killed by Li Jie again with one shot. Li

Jie's miraculous marksmanship immediately shocked Kuang Renhui's people.

There was not much time, only a few seconds, but it was enough for peerless masters such as Zuo Wei, Feng Yuxiu and Tian Yangsheng.

Zuo Wei was the first to withdraw.

Secondly It’s Feng Yuxiu, Tian Yangsheng, and finally Li Jie himself.

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