Time flies, and two days have passed in the blink of an eye.

It’s time to return home!

There were several reporters on the Oriental Princess, and they were invited to the Diamond Room to witness Gao Jin and Chen Jincheng's bet of the century.

After this ups and downs duel was over, they sent the news back as quickly as possible.

Hong Kong Island, Aomen, Treasure Island, and even the gambling world in Southeast Asia are all sensational!

This bet of the century is indeed exciting enough.

Gao Jin lost first and then won. He made a huge comeback and killed Chen Jincheng in one fell swoop. The twists and turns of the plot exceeded everyone's expectations.

In response to this duel, there are naturally some people making offers.

If Gao Jin wins, he will pay one for three, while if Chen Jincheng wins, he will pay three for one.

You can tell whose strength is more recognized just from the odds alone. and.

This is not just about strength, but also about character.

Everyone knew Gao Jin was a good person and knew that he would never betray someone intentionally, so they bought three and lost one.

When the results came out, some people laughed and some cried.

Although most people are optimistic about Gao Jin, Chen Jincheng's loss of three to one is still quite tempting, and there are many people who are lucky.

This is normal, most people are gamblers.

In addition to the excitement of the entire duel, the amount of money being gambled between the two sides was so exaggerated that it exceeded everyone's expectations.

In this battle alone, both parties invested a total of more than 100 million U.S. dollars, and Gao Jin won Chen Jincheng's 34 million U.S. dollars in one fell swoop!

After converting it, it would be -

270 million!

This is an extremely terrifying number, breaking the largest number of duels in the history of Hong Kong Island!


Huo Wenyao saw through Chen Jincheng's cheating and gouging out his own eyes also caused a huge sensation, but not many people sympathized with Chen Jincheng and thought he had brought it upon himself.

Two words: deserve it!

Chen Jincheng turned into a piece of smelly shit, and even He Xin's face was dull and he suffered a big fall.

Just because everyone knows that behind Gao Jin is Huo Wenyao, and behind Chen Jincheng is He Xin.

Gao Jin and Chen Jincheng certainly had a grudge, but in this bet of the century, it was Huo Wenyao and He Xin who were also competing. As a result, He Xin lost again and was disgraced.

It is said that He Xin was so angry after hearing the news that he broke several pieces of his favorite porcelain.

The feud between Gao Jin and He Xin was stirred up again by the good guys.

How did the three giants Gao Jin, He Xin and Lei Yingdong join forces to win the Olympic gambling license? How did He Xin kick out the gossip about Gao Jin and out and become the favorite of Hong Kong Olympic people when Lei Yingdong had no intention of becoming the gambling queen? chat.

Facing Huo Wenyao, he was defeated again and again, and Gao Jin won the game to regain face for himself. Various factors accumulated together and finally made He Xin lose control.

Of course, these are not the most important.

There was only one thing that really made He Xin furious, and that was Huo Wenyao's gambling on the high seas!

The more successful Huo Wenyao is, the greater the impact will be on Omen Gaming.

This is He Xin's serious problem!

On He Xin's side, Chen Jincheng had a bad reputation and was no longer of use, so he decisively kicked him away and looked for other solutions.

Huo Wenyao didn't pay much attention.

The reason is very simple. No country can control gambling on the high seas. Unless it is not managed well, no one can stop it.

This is the general trend of history.

In Huo Wenyao's view, He Xin's various actions were nothing more than a small worm shaking a big tree, which was ridiculous and overestimated.

Apart from these things, Chen Jincheng and Dakounan did not dare to make any small moves.

For the past two days, they have been staying in their room without leaving the door.

Chen Jincheng also cooperated very much with the 15 million US dollars, and he cooperated too much. All of them were transferred to the account designated by Huo Wenyao.

Gao Jin won $34 million from Chen Jincheng, and Gao Jin didn't get it alone.

In this war, he invested a total of 70 million U.S. dollars, of which 50 million was prepared by Huo Wenyao, 10 million was his own, and the remaining 10 million came from his friends from the Sang Kingdom.

He went up the mountain to invite Gao Jin to fight Chen Jincheng on his behalf. The purpose was just to defeat Chen Jincheng and comfort his father's spirit in heaven.

It was because Gao Jin agreed that these things happened.

Originally, he planned to share the bet with Gao Jin when he went up the mountain, but the bet became bigger and bigger, far exceeding the funds he provided. In addition, he felt so guilty that he refused to accept it.

Not even Gao Jin.

Whether it was using Zhou Yun to win against Chen Jincheng or Gao Yi's affairs, it was all thanks to Huo Wenyao's help.

Most importantly, he no longer has any desire for money.

Huo Wenyao is different. He is a teenager and still has to fight with He Xin.

According to Gao Jin, this 34 million US dollars should be regarded as a small help and gift for his revenge and happiness, and Huo Wenyao must accept it.

Huo Wenyao was not pretentious and accepted this huge sum of HK$270 million



Sunday, night.


Three cruise ships, Oriental Princess, Sea Dragon and Blue Pearl, returned to Hong Kong Island.

In the office.

Ding Yao has contacted Bobo and Boss Fan to summarize the results of the two gambling ships Sea Dragon Star and Blue Pearl and is reporting to Huo Wenyao.

She has a very calm personality, but she can't calm down at this moment.

Just because the results of the three cruise ships far exceeded her imagination, how profitable gambling on the high seas was was also beyond her imagination.

"Let’s talk about our Oriental Princess first. Not counting the duel between Gao Jin and Chen Jincheng, other gamblers brought a total of 240 million Hong Kong dollars to board the ship. After settlement, they could only take 180 million Hong Kong dollars off the ship, leaving 60 million Hong Kong dollars on board!"

"Over at Hailongxing, all the gamblers converted a total of 180 million chips and exchanged them for 140 million, leaving us with 40 million for Hong Kong Entertainment!"

"Finally, there is the Blue Pearl. All gamblers exchanged a total of 200 million chips for 150 million, leaving us with 50 million for Hong Kong Entertainment!"

"In other words, just from this voyage, not counting ship maintenance and labor costs, we made a total profit of 150 million Hong Kong dollars!! Ding

Yao said with a smile on her face,"Ayao, the profits from gambling on the high seas are beyond my imagination!" Huo

Wenyao smiled and said:"Be happy, but don't be too excited, lest you be blinded by victory.""

"This time, it is the first show of gambling on the high seas. That’s why it is so exaggerated. It will definitely not be like this in the future. Moreover, there are many rich people who are looking for novelty and new ideas. If you want to completely retain them, you still need to work hard."

"Of course, the most important thing is that no one competes with us!"

Pause for a moment.

Huo Wenyao thought for two seconds and continued:"Our gambling debut was so successful, and others are not blind. Within three months, someone will definitely follow up."

"Hurry up, it's possible in two months"

"So next, Ayao, the focus of your work should be how to improve the competitiveness of your own gambling boat and secure the top spot in the high seas gambling boat.

Ding Yao chuckled and said,"I understand." Don't worry, I'll do it well"


Huo Wenyao nodded and quickly calculated in his mind.

The three gambling ships cost 150 million, cruise maintenance, labor costs, etc., leaving 20 million can operate normally, 130 million can be taken away, plus Gao Jinying and Chen Jincheng 270 million, which is 400 million Hong Kong dollars!

All of these 400 million will be injected into Anhe Real Estate to continue to purchase land, shops, and expand the scale of its real estate.

As long as the supply exceeds demand, anything will definitely become expensive!

Don’t look at Hexinaomen The casino was prospering, but most of the money he earned through Macao gambling was invested in real estate. In a land like Hong Kong and Macau, where there is a lot of money, there is no more cost-effective deal than investing in real estate.

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