At this time, Yao Keke took out his mobile phone and made a call.

After hanging up.

The door of the tea restaurant was pushed open by the waiter, and Feng Bingrong and Xu Maocai appeared and walked towards everyone.

Lei Juekun suddenly turned his head and glared at the two men fiercely.

Feng Bingrong and Xu Maocai were not vegetarians. They were not frightened by Lei Juekun. They approached Huo Wenyao, Shao Liushu and Zou Wenhuai with normal expressions.

Feng Bingrong said:"Hello, Mr. Huo, Mr. Shao, Mr. Zou."

Xu Maocai looked at Lei Juekun and said calmly:"Old Lei, no matter what Mr. Huo said, it is true. Both Lao Feng and I believe that Compared to you, Mr. Huo is more suitable to be the helmsman of Princess Jin."

"In the hands of Mr. Fok, Golden Princess will develop even better and become the largest and most profitable theater chain on Hong Kong Island, which is just around the corner."

Lei Juekun's eyes were fierce and he said sadly:"Okay! good! good!"

"You two are so nice!"

"I know that in the past few years, you have been dissatisfied with me a lot, but you have been helpless. Now you finally have the opportunity to kick me out. Congratulations, congratulations!"

Xu Maocai's expression was as usual and he didn't care.

Feng Bingrong said coldly:"Lao Lei, don't you know how domineering and domineering you are? Don't say that we are indeed optimistic about Mr. Huo. Even if we are not, this is normal for you. Is it so difficult to accept it?"

"Am I bossy, am I overbearing? Lei

Juekun laughed so hard that he almost burst into tears. He pointed at Huo Wenyao and said,"Don't tell me who he is. You don't know!""

"Judging from what he is doing now, isn't he ten times more bossy and domineering than me? Feng

Bingrong said naturally:"We just want to cooperate with Mr. Huo, but we don't want to cooperate with you, can't we?""

Lei Juekun's face froze, and he gritted his teeth and said,"Okay! Very good!!"

At this moment, Huo Wenyao took the mobile phone from Yao Keke and also made a call

"come on."

After the call was connected, Huo Wenyao only said these three words and hung up.

Huo Wenyao handed the phone to Yao Keke again, looked at Lei Juekun calmly, and said:"Let Mr. Feng and Mr. Xu come over. I'm worried that you think I'm joking again, so you can verify it in person."

"Next, I have a friend who will come over for this reason"

"Besides, I haven’t finished speaking just now."

"If I tell you at the end, in fact, Lee Zhaotian is my friend. His personal spending of 360 million is not an investment at all, and he insists on buying Kowloon Construction. He is simply doing me a favor so that I can fully acquire Kowloon Construction in the future."

"What do you think?"

As soon as Huo Wenyao released his ultimate killer weapon, Lei Juekun couldn't help but shudder and looked at Huo Wenyao in shock.

It turned out that this was really... a blow to the bottom of the pot!

Shao Liushu and Zou Wenhuai were also greatly shocked, and they all looked at Huo Wenyao..

The shock they received was no less than that of Lei Juekun!

Damn it!

What the hell is going on with this guy? It’s okay if he doesn’t take action. He’s so brutal when he takes action. He just wants to kill his opponent!

And that advantage ? Zhaotian, what is going on with him?

Even if his Li family is worth tens of billions, he is not so squandering. That is not stocks or fixed assets, but 360 million in cash!

With this 360 million, with Li Zhaotian's talent, Why can't you make money by investing?

You are just helping Huo Wenyao?

At this moment, the door of the tea restaurant was pushed open by the waiter again. Li Zhaotian, holding a cigar in his right hand, walked towards everyone with a smile on his face and a graceful manner.

Fatty Yu Guoxiong followed him.

Sure enough!

Feng Bingrong and Xu Maocai's hearts skipped a beat. When they saw Li Zhaotian approaching, they quickly got out of the way and greeted Li Zhaotian.

"Mr. Lee!"

"Hello Mr. Lee!"

The untroubled Li Zhaotian was arrogant and even a little annoying, and ignored the two of them at all.

The fat man Yu Guoxiong was very discerning and immediately moved a chair from the dining table nearby and placed it behind Li Zhaotian.

Li Zhaotian sat down, took a puff of his cigar, and greeted Shao Liushu and Zou Wenhuai.

They didn't have much interaction, but Shao Liushu and Zou Wenhuai were two of the top figures in the film and television industry, and they had met several times before.

Shao Liushu and Zou Wenhuai both responded with smiles..

Uncle Shao Liu said:"Master Li, are you friends with Master Huo?"

After learning about Huo Wenyao's series of arrangements, both Uncle Shao and Zou Wenhuai were secretly frightened. Their views on Huo Wenyao have undergone earth-shaking changes, and their names have also changed accordingly. You can no longer call me Ayao, Mr. Huo. It's too big, so only the word"Master Huo" is more suitable.

Li Zhaotian smiled and said:"Of course, if it were not a friend, how could I spend 360 million to do this business that does not make money, and may even lose money?"

Shao Liushu and Zou Wenhuai were silent.

There is nothing to say. Huo Wenyao himself is very powerful. If Li Zhaotian joins forces, as long as they are not afraid of losing money, they can easily crush Lei Juekun.

If Huo Wenyao had used his power before To oppress people, then he is purely using money to oppress people!

To Shao Liushu and Zou Wenhuai, using money to oppress people is nothing, and it is not that they have never seen it before. What really made their scalps numb was Huo Wenyao's killing Decisive means and ruthlessness to kill everyone!

This style of fighting is really too cruel.

Li Zhaotian blew out a puff of smoke and looked at Lei Juekun and said:"Mr. Lei, you can see what's going on now. I will definitely support Ah Yao"

"If you don’t want to sell Princess Jin, then let’s continue playing. I will keep scanning Kowloon Jianye’s goods, and then at a suitable time, transfer them all to Ah Yiu and let him launch a comprehensive acquisition of Kowloon Jianye."

"If you are willing to let go, Kowloon Jianye is still yours"

"I promise that I will never snipe at Jiulong Jianye again, and the same goes for Ah Yao. There are many listed real estate companies, and there are many that are more suitable for investment than Kowloon CC. There is no need for us to be obsessed with Kowloon CC.

"Ah Yao, what do you think? Huo

Wenyao couldn't help but smile and joked:"I'll let you finish everything, so how can I say anything else?""

Lei Juekun's whole body was like an eggplant beaten by frost. His eyes became a little blurry and his energy was gone.

At this moment, his hair seemed to have turned a lot whiter.

This is of course an illusion.

It will make people feel like this. This illusion is because he was still able to make a living before, but now he has become a dying old man.

Even as competitors, Shao Liushu and Zou Wenhuai couldn't bear to look at it anymore.

Their lips are dead and their teeth are cold, and the rabbit is dead and the fox is sad.

Looking at this moment, powerless and helpless Lei Juekun made them think of themselves.

If nothing happens, they will be the ones to fight Huo Wenyao next.

But they don’t know what will happen to them when they face Huo Wenyao, and whether they can win the fight. Win this young boy.

After a while,

Lei Juekun came back to his senses, his eyes changed from confusion to clarity, he sighed softly and said:"Master Li, I'm afraid you don't know other things. You can sell my 45% shares. It doesn’t matter whether you don’t sell it or not."

"Because even if I'm stubborn and don't care, I would rather die than quit Princess Jin, the person in charge will become Mr. Huo."

"He teamed up with you to attack Jiulong Jianye. He just wanted to completely defeat me. He didn't even give me the opportunity to stubbornly ignore it."

"What a secret move to trick Chen Cang, a two-pronged approach, it’s awesome!"

Li Zhaotian turned his head, looked at Huo Wenyao in surprise, and said curiously:"Really? Apart from sniping at Jiulong Jianye, what else have you done?

Huo Wenyao said casually:"It's nothing, just secretly acquiring other movie theaters from Princess Jin." Li

Zhaotian's eyes brightened and he laughed loudly:"No wonder Mr. Lei said this, A Yao, you are really powerful."

Lei Juekun said:"Master Huo, you win, I lose.""

"After so many years of ups and downs, I have never lost, but I have never lost so completely and so...inexplicably like this time."

"Haha, I didn’t even guess your intention. I missed the first move and didn’t even have a chance to resist."

"I sign the contract, and Princess Jin is yours."

"I'm old and can't bear too heavy a blow. Please bear with me for a moment. I said earlier that even if you take away Jiulong Jianye, I will never sell Princess Jin to you. Those are angry words. Don't take it to heart."

"As for my gaffe, just treat it as the old man going crazy and don't care about it. Huo

Wenyao looked as usual and said:"What Mr. Li said just now is what I want to say. As long as you are willing to give up Princess Jin, I will never try to make plans for Jiulong Jianye again.""

"Well, thank you. Lei

Juekun was heartbroken. He nodded, took off the Parker pen hanging on his chest, and signed his name on the contract without saying how to pay the 80 million Hong Kong dollars.

Yao Keke took out a piece of ink pad.

Lei Juekun Then he pressed his fingerprint on the signature.

When Huo Wenyao pays Lei Juekun 80 million Hong Kong dollars, the contract will come into effect.

The matter has been settled.

The Golden Princess Cinema will be named Huo from now on!

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