Jordan District, Kowloon Ice Room. night.


Shuang Yinghua and the talker of Liansheng District 9 are still waiting. The last news from Jin Yagui was at nine o'clock. At that time, Da Fei and Lei Yaoyang had just arrived with their men, and the war was about to break out.

Then no more news came.

Until now.

Everyone had different expressions, and they were all a little uneasy.

Jin Yagui set up the pocket array and waited for Da Fei and Lei Yaoyang to get in. They knew this and admired Jin Yagui's arrangement. He was quite clever. However, half an hour had passed and no news had been transmitted. I always feel like something unexpected has happened.

Snake Tou-chun, the talker in Tsuen Wan, said angrily:"Come on, why don't you take the initiative to contact Jin Yagui? You haven't reported the battle situation for so long, so something is probably wrong!""

"What could go wrong, what could go wrong?!"

Chuanbao pretended to be calm and shouted angrily:"I haven't heard how Agui arranged it? Pocket array! We have at least 1,200 people. Da Fei and Lei Yaoyang don’t even have 1,000 people, and there is only one Hong Xing and one Dong Xing! What could be wrong with this?"

"Let me tell you, unless Hongxing and Dongxing deploy troops to the Southern District again, we will definitely win!

Shuang Yinghua shook his head and said,"No!" I have already had a phone call with Liangkun and Dadong. They said that they just want to repay Huo Wenyao's favor, Dafei and Lei Yaoyang, and Hong Xing and Dongxing will not send more people to the Southern District."

Snake Touchun muttered:"This is strange. If Hongxing and Dongxing hadn't sent more manpower, the battle should have been over. How come Jin Yagui didn't report the battle situation until now?"

"Could it be that Da Fei and Lei Yaoyang were willing to risk their lives for Huo Wenyao, and the fight has not ended yet?"

It was said that Cao Cao Cao Cao had arrived. At this moment, Chuan Bao's cell phone suddenly rang.

The ringtone was so pleasant, which relieved everyone's anxiety.

But no one was in the mood to appreciate the ringtone.

Chuan Bao quickly pressed the answer button and said anxiously:"Ah Expensive, what's going on?"

Over there.

Jin Yagui sounded desperate and quickly told what happened.


Only in the middle of the story, Kuanbao suddenly stood up, his voice suddenly raised an octave, and he glared and roared:"Are you kidding me! What mysterious people, one against a hundred, are they still human?"

"I think they are aliens! If there really are aliens in this world, then I can lead people to the moon!"

Gold teeth are expensive:"……"

Nothing to say.

Seeing the reaction of the explosion, Shuang Yinghua, Deng Tianlin, Shetou Chun and others felt their hearts skip a beat. Just as they had guessed, something had happened!

On the other end of the phone.

Jin Yagui was leading his brothers back to Beijiaotuo, and said helplessly:"Boss, it's all true.""

"Niu Lao, Chicken Foot Yong, Big Ghost, and Little Ghost all died in the battle. They had nothing to do with Hong Xing and Dong Xing. It was just those two mysterious people who did it. They... they were too strong to be considered human beings."

Now there is nothing to say, and it has turned into a joke.

I know my little brother.

Who is Jin Yagui? He knows very well what kind of person Jin Yagui is. He is smart, serious, and never jokes. Since he said so, That's true.

His previous roar was just momentary and unacceptable.

Shuang Yinghua looked at the explosion with a normal expression, and said calmly:"Bring me the phone."

"Yes, Brother Hua."

Kuanbao responded, hurriedly walked to Shuangyinghua, and handed the phone over.

Shuangyinghua took the phone and said:"Golden Tooth is expensive, I am Shuangyinghua, don't talk nonsense, and quickly put the whole battle in order. Tell me what happened"


Jin Yagui responded, and it took him nearly ten minutes to finish. He didn't miss any detail. There is nothing to talk about setting up pocket arrays for Hong Xing and Dong Xing. The focus is on those two mysterious people!

Zuo After Wei and Mediterranean participated in the war, how they swept through thousands of armies, and how they defeated the bullies, chicken-footed yongs, big ghosts, and little ghosts were described in the most detailed way. Cold sweat broke out on Shuang Yinghua's forehead, and a turmoil arose in his heart!

Huo Wenyao!

Even if you think with your toes, you can guess who sent these two people, but Tianci in East Jiaotong didn’t take any action, Tian Yangsheng didn’t take action, and Luo Tianhong was in Omen again. Where did these two aliens come from? ?

Damn it!

Shuang Yinghua took a handkerchief, wiped away the heavy sweat on his forehead, and couldn't help but sigh:"Huo Wenyao, there are really a lot of talents under your hands, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, such a big port, no one can compare with it."

"Awesome, awesome……"

Deng Tianlin, Chuan Bao, Shetou Chun and other people who talked to Liansheng District 9 had different expressions on their faces. They were either angry, surprised, shocked, annoyed... just to name a few.

The only thing that was the same was that they all fell silent.

After sighing.

Shuang Yinghua's eyes became sharp, and he said quickly:"Golden Teeth are expensive, Miyagi Taro is waiting for your good news at the Wan Chai Villa, so don't let him down, go back immediately, find Luo Sen, Chen Yaxie, and take him with you They go to see Taro Miyagi!"


Over there, Jin Yagui was confused for a while, and was secretly shocked.

Although it was embarrassing to lose the Southern District, it was nothing to a giant like He Liansheng, because such a small matter had to be fully dealt with by Huo Wenyao. How could Brother Hua be so impulsive when the war started?

Unexpectedly, the next moment.

Shuang Yinghua said again:"Why are you surprised? I haven't finished speaking yet!"

"I asked you to take them to see Taro Miyagi to give them a chance. How can it be as satisfying to do things like revenge by borrowing others' hands as to do it yourself? If they won't do it, it's up to you and let them watch from the sidelines."

"Do you understand me?

Jin Yagui breathed a sigh of relief and said decisively:"Understood!"

Shuang Yinghua:"I'm worried that you don't understand. Please tell me your understanding." Jin

Yagui:"Actually, it is to fulfill Mr. Huo's first request and kill Taro Miyagi!" Invite Lawson and Crab, that is the icing on the cake, making things more perfect!"

"Understand correctly and do things correctly"


Shuang Yinghua hung up the phone and handed the phone back to Kuanbao.

The talker in the ninth district looked at Shuangyinghua blankly.

Kuanbao took the phone and blurted out:"Brother Hua, what if we kill Taro Miyagi? , did you offend the Yamaguchi-gumi?

Shuang Yinghua said coldly:"If you don't want to offend the Yamaguchi-gumi, then offend Huo Wenyao!""

"I suddenly realized that I was really an idiot, because it was only now that I realized that in that phone call with Huo Wenyao, he had a subtext that he didn't say. Maybe it was because I didn't notice it that I angered him."

"Do you know what it is?"

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads slightly. Only Deng Tianlin sighed softly and had come to his senses.

Having an old man in the family is like having a treasure.

If he were with Liansheng's other uncles, they would probably be able to figure it out, because they have seen a lot. Guang is less competitive and thinks more objectively.

Shuangying Huadao:"The subtext he didn't say is that we are afraid of offending the Yamaguchi-gumi, so aren't we afraid of offending him, Huo Wenyao?"

After a pause, Shuang

Yinghua scanned the faces of the talkers in District 9 one after another and said,"I also want to ask everyone this question." No matter how powerful the Yamaguchi Formation is, it is still far away in Sang Country, but Huo Wenyao, a fierce tiger, is by our side."

"You are afraid of offending the Yamaguchi-gumi, but aren't you afraid of offending him?"

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