Another day passed.

After Huo Wenyao completely settled the Aomen Jianghu, he handed over the affairs here to Zhan Mi and Luo Tianhong, and he returned to Hong Kong again.

In these short four days, Hong Kong Island's world was in turmoil.

Meng Bo strictly followed Huo Wenyao's instructions. On the first day, he exposed all kinds of black information about Crow and Smiling Tiger. What bad things did the two of them do? Dongxing harbored filth and evil, how much money did they swallow from Dongxing, etc..

For example, the crow is unkind to his little brother.

There was a guy who had just worshiped at the gate of Dongxing, but he was dragged out by the crow to take the blame. The guy who took the blame for him before became a cripple. Not only did he ignore it, he also swallowed up the young man's settlement fee and let it go. To fend for itself.

This guy didn't want to, so he was beaten to death by the crow.

The younger brother had no choice but to resist with a knife, but was punished severely by Wu Wu, who accused him of deceiving his master and destroying his ancestors. He cut off his hand tendons and hamstrings, turning him into a cripple.

During this period, a little anecdote happened.

That is, during the fight, the statue of Guan Gong fell to the ground and shattered into pieces. Crow, this guy felt annoyed and stepped on it a few times, saying that you are outdated, what is the use of worshiping you?

This matter may not be considered big, but it may not be considered small.

Today's era is indeed not the same as the 1950s and 1960s, or earlier, when loyalty has long been replaced by interests. But the problem is that some things have to be done. Even if everyone understands, they will tacitly agree, but they can't say it!

Crow's words were equivalent to tearing off Gu Luolun's last fig leaf.

Before it was revealed, it was nothing, but now that it was revealed, it immediately caused other prefixes to curse Crow and Dongxing, and the Smiling Tiger was in a similar situation.

Luotuo, the big boss, was also pulled out and scolded while innocently lying at gunpoint.

At this time, Hong Xing took action!

The prince and Da Fei led their men to hunt down the crows. After hearing these things, their lungs almost exploded with anger. The old and new grudges added together and the beating became even more fierce.

Times have changed, but they are not all ruthless people.

What Crow Crow did has nothing to do with loyalty. He defrauded his little brother's security fee and cut off his little brother's hand muscles and hamstrings. This completely violated the bottom line of being a human being.

The Smiling Tiger was in a similar situation, with Chen Yaowei and Han Bin killing extremely fiercely!

When the news was almost brewing, Meng Bo took the second step and exposed the contents of the negotiations between Huo Wenyao and Gu Luolun. There was no lie. The three choices Huo Wenyao gave to Gu Luolun were all made public.

At this time, Hong Xing's attack on the crow and the smiling tiger became more and more ferocious, and almost killed them both.

The two of them couldn't bear it at all.

There was no other way, Luo Tuo, the big boss, took action and dispatched troops from other Dongxing halls to support Crow and Smiling Tiger. At the same time, he also used Gu Luolun's strategy of encircling Wei and rescuing Zhao to attack other halls in Hongxing to reduce the pressure on Crow and Smiling Tiger.

But his move to encircle Wei and rescue Zhao was fatal. He did not consider fighting with Liansheng or Xinji!

Luo Tuo mobilized manpower from other halls to rescue Crow and Smiling Tiger, leaving other halls short of manpower. He Lian Sheng and Xin Ji previously stood still and were watching the show.

The time has come!

They took action at the same time and took advantage of Dongxing.

At this time, the situation changed again. It was no longer just the Crow and the Smiling Tiger, but the entire Dongxing was dragged into the water - all the halls of Dongxing were involved in a fierce battle!

As Huo Wenyao expected, when the war reached this point, even the people within Dongxing were in a state of confusion.

They were all wondering whether to sell Crow and Smiling Tiger. Are the things these two beasts have done worth their lives?

On the evening of the fourth day, Meng Bo broke the third breaking news: Shui Ling killed Luo Tuo’s mother and sister!

The entire story was written by Huo Wenyao himself.

Based on his own memory and Meng Bo's investigation data, he reconstructed the whole incident in detail, including the time, place, and operating methods of Shui Ling's crime, all in detail, as if he had seen it with his own eyes.

Oh, and there's a reason.

He used Liangkun's explanation, all because of love. Shuiling loved Luo Zhengwu so much that he was willing to sacrifice everything for him. He was worried that Luo Zhengwu would be too lonely, so he did this. Even if he went underground, it would make his husband and wife harmonious and his family happy.

It was 1:00 in the morning when the news broke. at the same time.

Huo Wenyao also ordered Tian Yangsheng to hand over the recording to Liangkun, and then through Liangkun's hands, pass it to Wu Wu.

Doing so will make the whole thing muddy!

By the time Crow and Smiling Tiger react, it will definitely be too late. Feng Yuxiu and Li Jie have been secretly protecting these two guys to prevent Cultivation Lun or others from Dongxing from suddenly taking action and killing them.

Huo Wenyao did not make any edits to that recording, which is 100% authentic.

The more real it is, the more lethal it is!

When he first suggested to Gu Luolun, asking him to use the lives of the crow and the smiling tiger to end the matter, he decisively refused, but when he suggested it the second time, he did not refuse.

What this means is self-evident.

Anyone who is not an idiot can see it.

The crow and the smiling tiger can definitely see it too.

Huo Wenyao is also sure that even if Gu Luolun refused so simply the first time, he must have considered it in his heart. He was just weighing the pros and cons, and even thinking about what he should do to be so beautiful that there would be no flaws.



Early morning, 1:00!

Starlight Building.

Huo Group.

Most of the lights in the entire office building were turned off, and only a few companies here and there were still working overtime.

This also includes Huo Wenyao.

The lights in his office were also on, and he was sitting at his desk, quietly waiting for news.

On the desk, there is a mobile phone and a pager.

Except for Li Jie and Feng Yuxiu, the entire intelligence team of 32 people is in action. They are scattered across Hong Kong Island and secretly monitor various battlefields. Each team leader will report the situation to Meng Bo, who will then report to Huo Wenyao..

The pressure is already full, it just depends on when it will burst!

There was no news yesterday. Huo Wenyao waited most of the night. Today, even Shuiling's murder of Luo Tuo's mother and sister was revealed.Come out, I wonder if there will be an explosion inside Dongxing.

Huo Wenyao is not sure.

The only thing he was sure of was: it would explode within three days.

At this moment, the pager on the desk suddenly rang. Huo Wenyao picked up the pager, clicked on the message, and couldn't help but smile.

Now it is certain that civil strife in Dongxing will begin tonight!

Naturally, this message came from Meng Bo. It was concise and to the point, with only nine words:"Crow, Smiling Tiger, return to the headquarters!"



Early morning, 1:00!

North Cape.

East Star Building, 24th floor.

Conference room of Dongxing headquarters.

Luo Tuo, Shui Ling, Gu Luolun and other Dongxing senior officials were all there. In addition to them, there were also Lei Yaoyang, Xu Yandong, Golden-haired Tiger Shashu and others who had just returned from a bloody battle.

Outside the conference room, there were about twenty people including their respective confidants.

For example, Xu Yandong’s top horse, He Yong, has a double bonus.

It's just that the condition of all of them is not good. Almost all of them are injured and their faces are full of bad luck. He Yong, for example, has no clothes on his upper body and is wrapped in gauze. His whole body is beaten with bruises and swollen nose and face. It is very miserable.

The atmosphere in the conference room was solemn.

Luo Tuo's face was full of anger, and he yelled and cursed angrily:"I'm holding his mother's beautiful girl in my mouth! Is Huo Wenyao his father? Do you really want to stand up for Huo Wenyao? Kill me Dongxing more fiercely than anyone else!""

"He is a shitty Hongxing leader, I think Huo Wenyao is!!"

"Li Guosheng and Shuang Yinghua are just fucking bastards. Now that Dongxing is in trouble, it’s okay if they don’t help. They’re just adding insult to injury! Sooner or later I have to settle this account with them!! Gu

Luolun's face was solemn and he said:"Boss, stop scolding!" Which of the four prefixes is not based on other prefixes to become stronger, how can there be any friendship? If I were them, I would do the same! Let’s think about how to deal with it."

In an instant, the camel was like a deflated rubber ball. He sat back on his seat feebly, shook his head and said:"Besides carrying it hard, what can I do?"

Lei Yaoyang sneered and said,"Hand over those two beasts, Crow and Smiling Tiger, they have become street rats, and they have even caused the boss to get scolded. Now the whole world is saying that you, the boss, can’t teach the juniors."

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