Gao Jin drove over and understood the situation after just one glance at the street.

Mr. Hong, you are defeated!

He didn't even look back. He only heard the movement behind him and knew that his retreat had been blocked by Huo Wenyao.

His own fate is also doomed.

Either raise your hands and surrender, or fight to the death.

Surrender is impossible.

But he was not so naive that he wanted to hit Huo Wenyao to death with his car, but instead slowed down slowly.

When he was about ten meters away from Huo Wenyao, he stopped completely.

Gao Jin took a deep breath, adjusted his emotions, opened the car door, and walked out.

He looked at Huo Wenyao calmly and said,"Mr. Huo, it seems that you have won."

Huo Wenyao did not answer.

No need to answer.

Gao Jin said:"Mr. Hong often teaches me that a person must not only be able to win, but also be able to lose, otherwise he is not worthy of winning.""

"So, although it is difficult to say it, I still want to say, congratulations, Mr. Huo"

"Where is Mr. Hong?"

"If you don't mind, could you let me see Mr. Hong again before sending me on my way? This is also one of my last wishes before I die, and I hope Mr. Huo can fulfill it."

Huo Wenyao said:"Airplane, silly Qiang."

The bodies of the killers at the Dark Gate have been disposed of long ago, but Huo Wenyao only kept Hong Wengang's because he thought of the possibility.

Hong Wengang did not let him down.

Gao Jin also did not let him down.

Airplane, Silly Qiang listened to the order and immediately carried Hong Wengang's body bag over and placed it on the ground three meters away from Huo Wenyao.

In the half hour just now, Huo Wenyao didn't care about the corpses of the killers at the Dark Gate, and only ordered simple orders. Disposed of Hong Wengang's body.

All bullets were removed from the body and all blood stains were removed.

"Thank you."

Gao Jin rushed to the plane and Shaqiang said, then quickly walked forward, bent down and squatted down. He slowly opened the zipper of the body bag and saw Hong Wengang's face.

The body was already cold, but Hong Wengang's expression was peaceful, as if he was asleep. Like.

There was no trace of unwillingness or resentment.

Tick tock!

Two hot tears burst out of Hong Wengang's cold cheeks.

Gao Jin wanted to hold back, but couldn't.

Huo Wenyao looked at Gao Jin and suddenly said:"Actually, you don't have to die."

"Based on my understanding of Hong Wen's state of mind when he died, he may not have wanted to see you die. You can tell whether I lied to you or not. You don't have no choice at all, it just depends on whether you can pass the test in your heart. Gao

Jin fixedly looked at Hong Wengang's face and did not answer, but said:"Mr. Huo, what is the relationship and origin between me and Mr. Hong? You don't need me to tell you.""

"I want to tell you something you don't know"

"Others say that Mr. Hong has a black face and a black heart, so they call him Hei Hong. Mr. Hong is indeed like this to others, but not to me. In front of me, he always said whatever he had to say without reservation."

"Others say he is ruthless and powerful, but that is only Mr. Hong in their eyes, not me."


"Those of us who came out to hang out, without means or city government, would have died eight hundred years ago. This is not a shortcoming, but an advantage.

Huo Wenyao nodded and said,"That's right.""

Gao Jin looked at Hong Wengang, smiled, and said:"Actually, these are not important, let's focus on the key points."

"I have never been to school and cannot read a few Chinese characters. Mr. Hong is different. Although he has never been to school, he never forgets to improve himself after getting out. In the end, he became self-taught and learned English."

"He likes reading books, especially history"

"When he was in the mood, he often talked about history with me. What impressed me the most was the fall of the Ming Dynasty. Although Emperor Chongzhen died in a cowardly manner and there were countless rubbish from the scholars in the court, after Chongzhen's death, many people committed suicide and died for the country. tens of thousands"

"There must not be that many Mr. Hong deaths, but wouldn’t it be too desolate if not even one died?"

"Of course, this is actually normal"

"As for Young and Dangerous, they only come out to have a bite of food, and there is no need to risk their lives. But again, others are others, and I am me. I can't let my boss die in such a miserable way."

"If I don't die, I will definitely find ways to take revenge."

"Mr. Huo, if you hadn't made any arrangements, the first thing I did just now was to reverse the car and run away, waiting for an opportunity to kill you. Even if I surrender, I will definitely hold back and stay by your side to look for this opportunity."

"I can't pass the test in my heart."

As he spoke,

Gao Jin slowly pulled up the body bag and stood up.

This was the most he had spoken in so many years.

There was dead silence all around.

Everyone looked at Gao Jin in astonishment.

Hong Wengang's four-nine Little Brother Zai, after being stunned, turned his head with a little shame, not wanting to look at Gao Jin anymore.

The entire Omen Jianghu knew that Gao Jin was loyal to Hong Wengang, but no one expected that he was so loyal to Hong Wengang that he was willing to live and die. Accompanying each other is the extent of committing suicide and committing martyrdom.

The way he martyred is loyalty. When the people of Qinglong Hall looked at Gao Jin, their initial glances were just joking, teasing, and ridiculing. They were all thinking to themselves: No matter how sharp your skills are, Gao Jin is still not the one to be defeated. Brother Yao was all right.

But at this moment, the joking, teasing, and ridicule disappeared.

They were all in awe, without exception.

Before Huo Wenyao could speak, Fei Fei and Sha Qiang automatically stepped forward and nodded to Gao Jin. Then Hong Wengang's body was carried away.

Gao Jin smiled and said:"Yes, Mr. Huo, I made a mistake just now, I still have a wish. After I die, can you help bury me under Mr. Hong? If there is an afterlife, I still want to follow Mr. Hong"

"good." Huo Wenyao said.

Gao Jin said:"Thank you, Mr. Huo. Next, I will use every means to kill you and avenge my boss."

No more nonsense.

Gao Jin touched his waist with his hands and instantly pulled out two weapons of twenty centimeters similar to Emei thorns.

These are not traditional Emei thorns, but specially improved ones.

It looks like they are only twenty centimeters long. The steel thorns.

The two Emei thorns are also Gao Jin's trump card, and he will not use them unless absolutely necessary.

Luo Tianhong's strength is already extremely high, but Luo Tianhong failed to force him to use this trump card during the previous fight at the Lotus Terrace.

At this time, Luo Tianhong and Tian Yangzhi chased after them.

They parked the car at the street entrance, and then rushed here. When they arrived, they saw Gao Jin using Emei Thorn and was about to attack Huo Wenyao..


Gao Jin held the Emei thorn in both hands and ran towards Huo Wenyao quickly. His left hand was in front, stabbing Huo Wenyao's face, and his right hand behind, stabbing Huo Wenyao's heart. Huo Wenyao stood there without moving.

Zuo Wei killed him from the side. He came out, ignoring the pair of Emei thorns, and instead kicked Luo Tianhong's waist with a side kick!

Gao Jin immediately changed his moves, turned his left hand, and the Emei thorns stabbed Zuo Wei's right leg!

He changed his moves midway, and Zuo Wei also Then, he bent his right leg, caught the Emei thorn stabbed with his knee, and pressed it down.

Gao Jin had to bend down, and the Emei thorn in his right hand stabbed Zuo Wei again.

Zuo Wei sideways to avoid it, and with a The fist struck Gao Jin's wrist.

Gao Jin gritted his teeth and grunted. Emei Ci almost let go, but with strong willpower, he managed to hold on.

After one move, the two separated.

Then, the two fought together again..

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