All parties retreated, including Yulancan, Datousen, Gao Laoqiu, and Baitou Lao.

They also know that they are just adding support and are not qualified to negotiate at all.

In front of the huge lotus pedestal, the bosses from both sides stood facing each other on the east and west sides.

On the west side, Zhan Mi is in front, with Luo Tianhong, Tian Yangyi and Tian Yangzhi behind.

On the east side, Liao Zhihui is in front, and eight experts including Si Yanhua and Cha Laobiao are protecting him.

Gao Jin, representing Hong Wengang, stood next to Liao Zhihui, but his position was slightly behind. He obviously wanted to fulfill his promise-he was only responsible for fighting, and Liao Zhihui decided everything else.

Six other gangsters, including Xiwei, Shai Gou and Ximi Hei, were also waiting on their side.

Liao Zhihui changed his usual elegant and peaceful attitude and sneered:"You guys are really brave. A mere 200 people dare to attend the appointment. You don't really want to use a gun, do you?""


Zhan Mi responded with the same sneer:"Even if you use guns, we won't."

"Also, to correct you, I'm not here to keep an appointment, but to collect the heads of several of you. You, you, you, and you... are all Yin Zhiju's confidants, right?"

"No one can leave, they all will die! Siyanhua had a fierce face and cursed loudly:"Ms. Qianlin, you are worthy of being with Huo Wenyao!" I have never seen arrogant, domineering, lawless guys, but your kind are really rare! Tian

Yangzhi said with a smile:"Four-eyed boy, the big pineapple you ate last time was not enough. Do you want to eat it again?""

You damn thing don't pick up the pot!

Damn it!

Old Siyanhua's face turned red, he glared at Tianyangzhi, and shouted loudly:"I'm going to hold your mother in my mouth!" If I don’t kill you bastard tonight, I won’t be a beautiful person with four eyes!!"

"It doesn't matter."

Tian Yangzhi shrugged and said:"If you really have the ability to kill me, it will be because my skills are inferior to others. No one will complain. I will praise you for your sharp sword skills, but even if you kill me, you will not be able to kill me. It doesn't change the fact that you eat a big pineapple"

"I heard it on the plane, and drool was everywhere. It was disgusting. That car must have been scrapped, right?"

Four Eyes Hua:"……"

You are paralyzed!


You can't get over this stain in your life, right?

Liao Zhihui interrupted coldly:"That's enough! Stop engaging in unnecessary verbal disputes, it's meaningless!"

"Zhan Mi, if Huo Wenyao hasn't arrived yet, that means you are fully responsible for the things here. You must also know the three choices that Ju Ge gave you. I'm too lazy to talk nonsense, just tell me which one you choose!"

Three choices.

The first one is on the Lotus Terrace. The outcome will be determined in one battle!

The second one is for Huo Wenyao to send 5 people and the Austrian natives to send 100 people to kill each other. The outcome will be decided based on this!

The third one is uncertain. Location, wipe out each other, and kill each other for seven days!

Zhan Mi sneered:"Bengya giant idiot, are you, Liao Zhihui, also an idiot?"

"Three bullshit choices. He thought this was"The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". Two armies faced each other, and the generals fought first to see who had the higher force value?"

"I only ask you a question"

"If I choose the second option and luckily win, will you really fulfill your promise?"

Liao Zhihui's face darkened. He really had never thought about this kind of thing, because it was simply impossible. Huo Wenyao was not an idiot, so how could he make such a choice?

But if you think about it seriously... the answer is of course no.

They managed to win with great difficulty. With such a big foundation, unless the core top management is dead, how can the win or loss of a mere duel decide whether they will withdraw from Omen!

"a bunch of idiots!"

Zhan Mi said coldly:"This kind of bullshit method is just to deceive a three-year-old child, but Beng Yaju still feels that he is so heroic. I really don't know how he can survive to this day with a brain like his!"

Liao Zhihui's face was gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and said:"Shut up, you bastard! So what do you want to do?"

Zhan Mi turned around and left without looking back:"What should I do? I've told you from the beginning, I'm going to kill you all"

"People all over the world say that you, Liao Zhihui, are Bengyaju's chief think tank, and that you owe at least half of his current success to his current position. But even now, you are still asking this kind of question. You, the chief think tank, do not live up to your name."

Si Yanhua, Cha Laobiao and others were furious and shouted and cursed one after another.

Only Liao Zhihui frowned slightly, an ominous premonition came to his mind, and his heart suddenly tightened in one place.

What on earth is going on?

Obviously only 200 people, how can these guys have so much confidence? If they are just bluffing, then they have to say that they are really actor-level performances.

The answer will be revealed soon!

In the slightly ironic joke, Zhan Mi's face suddenly turned cold, His eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he shouted:"Do it! Kill them!"

Although it is a negotiation, although the two sides are standing face to face, they maintain a safe distance of at least five meters between each other.

This is very reasonable.

Because both sides have top combat capabilities and even carry pistols, no one wants to fight. At the beginning, the opponent went straight to Huanglong and took off the head of his boss.



Zhan Mi shouted loudly, Luo Tianhong and Tian Yangzhi came out to kill the generals and rushed towards the opposite side.

Eight-sided Han Sword , unsheath!

Military stab dagger, unsheath!

Liao Zhihui, Si Yanhua, Cha Laobiao and others were not very surprised by Zhan Mi's sudden attack, because their nerves were highly tense since Zhan Mi's arrival.


Si Yan Hua and Cha Laobiao both showed their weapons.

Cha Laobiao shouted:"Cover Brother Liao's retreat!" Everyone takes action and kill these thugs!"

"Kill them! Do it!!"

The veins on Si Yanhua's face and neck were bulging, and he roared viciously. Of the eight gangsters, four stayed to stop Luo Tianhong and Tian Yangzhi, while the remaining four immediately stepped forward, surrounded Liao Zhihui, and retreated

"Fuck your mother! God sent these gangs to attack the streets, they are so damn smart!"

"Kill them!"

"Damn him, there are only 200 people who dare to take action first. They don’t know whether to live or die!"


A few meters behind Liao Zhihui, 1,800 members of the Bengya Giant Sect began to shout and curse angrily.

Amidst the shouts and curses, they all waved watermelon knives, fruit knives, baseball bats, maces, and mountain axes, and charged forward. On Zhanmi's side, although Tianci only had 200 people, they were unafraid and charged forward.

In fact, they were unaware of Huo Wenyao's various arrangements. After all, whether they were cooperating with Heihong or getting it done, Yulancan, Datousen and others are all top secrets.

Before the war starts, keep it secret as much as you can!

The only ones who really know are Zhan Mi, Luo Tianhong, Tian Yangyi, Tian Yangzhi, There are only a dozen or so God-given senior officials like Qi Qi and Sha Qiang.

But they still came.

Not only did they come, but they were not afraid even if they faced a number of people that was almost twenty times their own.

Because Huo Wenyao brought the 300 people from Aomen, They were all from the Qinglong Hall, and about a hundred of them were the first batch of Qinglong Hall members. They were the ones who completed Huo Wenyao's ultimate backstab order, attacked East Tsim Sha Tsui at night, and finally captured it.

They have an almost fanatical admiration for Huo Wenyao!

From Huo Wenyao To make a fortune, until now, following Huo Wenyao to complete incredible miracles one after another, Huo Wenyao has become their belief, their god!

As long as it is Huo Wenyao's order, they will also think about whether it is reasonable, but even if it is unreasonable, They will also execute it without hesitation.

The reason to convince themselves is also very simple.

They think it is unreasonable. That is because they are idiots and have not guessed Brother Yao's thoughts. There is definitely no problem with Brother Yao's order.


At this moment, the war broke out.

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