Miyamoto had cold sweat on his forehead, his eyes still fierce. call out!

Liangkun decisively pulled the trigger, hitting Miyamoto on the arm, and yelled:"I'm going to kill your mother!""

"The Yamaguchi group really has no rules. They are just four-nine boys. How dare they be so arrogant under such circumstances?! Although the Yamaguchi-gumi doesn’t have the reputation of being a four-nine boy or a straw sandal, your identity is just not enough for you!"

Miyamoto was shot in the arm, and blood immediately splattered out.

He was shocked and angry at the same time.


They came here to carry out a mission, but the mission has not yet started, and they actually encountered such a thing?

Liangkun, this bastard Damn, what a lunatic!

Liangkun suddenly fired, and Luotuo and Cultivar Lun were shocked. No one thought that he was not just trying to scare these two people, but that he was serious.

At this time,

Tachibana Masahito suddenly chuckled. , spoke for the first time and said:"Mr. Li, please calm down. It's true that we don't follow the rules.""

"Although we are from the Yamaguchi-gumi, we do as the locals do. Now that we have come to Hong Kong Island, we still have to abide by the rules. You are discussing important matters with Mr. Gu Luolun, and we really have no right to interrupt."

"Miyamoto, apologize to Mr. Li."

Miyamoto Kazu didn't dare to show off any more, for fear of angering Liangkun. This lunatic really shot him to death. He said respectfully:"Mr. Li, I'm sorry, I shouldn't interrupt casually!

Liangkun said with a smile:"Four-nine boys are four-nine boys. This is the right attitude."

Tachibana Masahito said calmly:"One more thing, although Mr. Li has an Uzi and a Glock, if there is a real fight... Mr. Li, you will definitely die." I might die, or I might just be injured"

"I'm throwing it, do you want to pull it like this?"

Liangkun's eyes widened and he stared at Tachibana Masahito in surprise. Then he put the gun back to his waist, waved his hand and said:"Put it away. I didn't see that he was very calm and not afraid at all. Don't be embarrassed. Come on."

Chu Luolun breathed a long sigh of relief. This farce is finally over and we can talk about business.


Liangkun and Gu Luolun only talked for half an hour, which was not very long because they had met once before, like Such an important matter as the distribution of benefits has been discussed last time. This time it is just finalized.

Cooperation is achieved.

Tonight, take action!



After the discussion was over, Liangkun returned to his homeland as quickly as possible.

Qiankun International Film and Television Production Company.

Returning to his office, Liu Cunbao stood outside the door and watched the wind while he dialed Huo Wenyao's number.

Soon, the call was connected. there.

Huo Wenyao was reading in the study while waiting for information from Hong Kong Island.

His intelligence sources are many and complex, including his own intelligence team, as well as undercover agents such as Xu Yandong and Chen Yaowei. The other undercover agents failed to provide much valuable information, but Xu Yandong and Chen Yaowei were different.

Nowadays, Chen Yaowei is a fit man in Causeway Bay, and Xu Yandong has become one of the East Star Five Tigers.

More than half an hour ago, Huo Wenyao had already learned from the two of them that Luo Tuo and Cultivar Lun had an appointment with Liangkun, and now he was waiting for Liangkun.

After receiving the call from Liangkun, Huo Wenyao couldn't help but smile and said,"Brother Kun, what's the matter?"

Liangkun said respectfully,"Mr. Huo, the situation is very bad!" followed closely.

Liangkun quickly told the story of the Yamaguchi-gumi's involvement too deeply and the secret arrival of many Dark Gate masters.

Of course, what's more important is that the situation on the Four Heads' side has become clear.

Brother Xinji refused decisively, saying that he was not greedy. His current business was doing well and he had found enough, so he would never get involved.

He and Liansheng Shuangyinghua have an ambiguous attitude and are still hesitating.

The one who really made up his mind and had no hesitation was Dong Xing, and Hong Xing also had no hesitation in taking action, because Liangkun, the leader of Hong Xing, had already agreed to Gu Luolun, and the two sides shook hands and made peace, and jointly attacked.

In fact, if Dongxing really wanted to conquer Tsim Sha Tsui East, it would not need Hongxing's help at all.

What Gu Luolun was really worried about was that when they were trying their best to kill Tianci, Hong Xing would stab them in the back, which is why they contacted Liangkun so actively.

There is no way, the hatred between the two families is too deep and cannot be resolved at all.

After listening to Liangkun's words, Huo Wenyao thought for two seconds and asked,"Brother Kun, how do you control Hongxing now? How many of the Twelve Hall Masters were shot wherever you pointed them?"

Liangkun said:"Huo Sir, Master of the Twelve Halls, I am not sure about Han Bin and Da Fei alone. Others will not have problems."

"Of these two people, Han Bin is engaged in smuggling and has a close relationship with Mr. Huo. In addition, they are seeking revenge on Dongxing. He should be able to obey orders."

"The only one who is really uncertain is Da Fei. That guy does things erratically. He used to be loyal to Jiang Tiansheng. I don’t know what he is thinking."


You Liangkun actually have the nerve to say that Da Fei is doing things erratically? You are the only one in the world who is the least qualified, right?

Huo Wenyao laughed dumbly and said:"That's enough, you did a good job."

"Brother Qi has already had a phone call with me, and he promised that Xinji will never get involved."

"Shuangyinghua is just a businessman. He doesn't want to contribute, but he also wants to take advantage. He is not hesitating, but he will support whoever wins. Just defeat Dongxing."

After a pause.

Huo Wenyao couldn't help but smile and said sarcastically:"Gu Luolun, Lei Yaoyang, you are really my good friends."

With the four prefixes, Xinji Li Guosheng is aloof from others. He only concentrates on business and leaves other things to his subordinates. He never gives up easily. He

Liansheng Shuangyinghua is low-key and simple, and develops quietly. He has never met Huo Wenyao so far. There was no friendship between them.

On the contrary, Dongxing, because of the existence of Jiang Tiansheng, often dealt with Huo Wenyao. Gu Luolun and Lei Yaoyang had similar interests with Huo Wenyao, and they got along well with each other, so they had some friendship.

But Right now, they happened to be the ones who launched the ultimate backstab at Huo Wenyao without any hesitation.

Of course, ridicule is ridicule.

In fact, Huo Wenyao was not too surprised by the actions of Gu Luolun and Lei Yaoyang.The ultimate starting point is to strengthen Dongxing, especially Cultivation League.

Personal friendship is not worth mentioning in the face of such a big event as the development of the prefix.

Liangkun reminded:"Mr. Huo, tonight I saw two Dark Gate killers invited by Bengya Ju, one is Miyamoto Kazuo and the other is Tachibana Masahito. That guy named Tachibana Masahito is very sharp!"

"Even if a submachine gun was pointed at him, he was not startled."

Tachibana Masahito?

Huo Wenyao's expression changed, and he said:"You have great vision, he is indeed very sharp. I'll deal with those killers at the Dark Gate, and you'll be responsible for taking care of Dongxing."

"no problem."Liang Kun said.

Huo Wenyao hung up the phone, thought for a while, and then readjusted his plan. Tian Yangsheng, Feng Yuxiu, Li Jie, Peng Yixing, and several masters were all in place in East Tsim Sha Tsui. The final battle is tonight!

—————— ps: There are too many things to consider, and it’s very confusing. Today there are only two chapters, allowing me to walk through this big plot.

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