After a while.

Jimi returns.

Huo Wenyao has sat back in his office chair, with an ashtray on the table, smoking and thinking.

Zhan Mi came to sit down at his desk and asked:"Brother Yao, what should we do next?"

Huo Wenyao did not answer immediately, but asked:"Do you think Hei Hong is joining forces with us, is it true or false?"


Zhan Mi affirmed:"He has every reason to do that. Once Yin Zhiju drives us out of Aomen, we will deal with him if we have free hands! People like Yulancan and Datousen don’t know what they are doing recently, otherwise they would definitely be able to figure it out."

"But what I didn't expect was that that guy Hei Hong actually had the courage to resist He Xin and wanted to escape from He Xin's control. He really had a dream!

Huo Wenyao smiled and said,"Not just you, even I was surprised." In addition, who would have thought that Heihong was actually a cultural person in private. I think we all underestimated this guy before, he is very ambitious!"

Zhan Mi frowned, and instantly heard something in Huo Wenyao's words.

Huo Wenyao did not explain, but said:"Inform Tianhong, Ayi, and Azhi, and let them continue their work and weaken the local forces as much as possible before starting a full-scale war. As for Hei Hong, his arrival is good news."

"But our plan remains the same, what to do, what to do."

Zhan Mi nodded and said:"Originally we planned to get rid of Yin Zhiju and Hong Wengang in one fell swoop, which was actually quite difficult, but now that Hong Wengang has betrayed him, Yin Zhiju will undoubtedly die. Huo

Wenyao reminded:"If there is really going to be a war at Lotus Terrace tonight, although we have to join forces with Hei Hong, we cannot take it lightly. We still have to beware of them!""

"clear!" Zhan Mi said.

Huo Wenyao looked at Zhan Mi and said,"Did you record the conversation you just had?"


Zhan Mi nodded, took out a black listening device from his arms, and handed it to Huo Wenyao.

This is basically their standard equipment, and they will use it in any important conversation.

Hong Wen just came suddenly, but Zhan Mi still kept it in reserve.

He will stay, not only because his identity and status are high enough, but because he has prepared a listening device.

Zhan Mi frowned slightly and said:"Brother Yao, Hong Wengang plans to completely break away from He Xin's control. As long as an all-out war begins, the entire Everyone in the world will know. This recording does not pose any threat to Hong Wengang, right?"

"Indeed."Huo Wenyao held the black bug, looked at it for a few seconds, and chuckled,"But before that, this thing has a great effect, and you will know it soon."



As soon as Huo Wenyao and Hong Wenyu finished their secret talks, an explosive news spread in the Omen arena. Before the local forces in Omen took action, Huo Wenyao took the lead.

The street hero was beheaded, died in a sauna shop, and had both eyes gouged out!

For Huo Wenyao, the difficulty in doing this kind of thing is not killing people, but intelligence!

People like Yin Zhiju, Hong Wengang, and Yu Lancan didn't give Huo Wenyao any chance. Only a lustful loser like Street Market Xiong, who didn't forget to play with women at this time, gave Huo Wenyao this chance.

The entire world knew that Huo Wenyao was responsible, but in fact, they were just speculating without any evidence.

Because the murderers were two masked men!

What happened at that time was that two masked men rushed into the sauna shop and went straight to the market hero. The melon and vegetable cutter beat up eight of the market hero's boys, and then wiped off the market hero's neck with a knife, and the tip of the knife struck like lightning. Take out his two eyeballs, turn around and retreat.

Clean and neat, no sloppiness!

The whole process didn't even take half a minute, and no evidence was left behind. The strength of the skill and the decisiveness of the attack were frightening.

That's definitely not a dwarf mule, it can only be a killer!

The masked men were none other than the two brothers Tian Yangyi and Tian Yangzhi. This was the meaning of the word"succeed" sent by them on Huo Wenyao's pager.

In the past few days, even if Huo Wenyao and He Xin were at odds, the Aomen Rivers and Lakes were still calm.

Many Jianghu people have some habits and even imagine that if the two giants Huo Wenyao and He Xin cannot fight, there is still the possibility of making peace.

But this incident brought everyone back to reality in an instant.

The relaxed and harmonious atmosphere disappeared and instantly became tense and tense.

The four guys, Yulancan, Datousen, Gao Laoqiu, and Baitoulao, have become very popular. Their strength is in the second level, at the same level as the street hero. Now that the street hero is killed, they have the biggest reaction.

Street Hero is the first, who among them will be the second?

The second person did not appear.

Huo Wenyao briefly processed the recording, cutting out some content that was not suitable for outsiders to know, and made four more copies. He first gave them to Yu Lancan, who kept one copy, and the remaining three copies were passed through Yu Lancan's hands. , for Datou Sen, Gao Laoqiu and Baitou Lao.

Why not personally give it to Datou Sen, Gao Laoqiu, and Baldou Lao?

This is not possible!

They were almost frightened to death when Market Hero was killed. In addition, they needed to avoid suspicion and did not want to have any entanglement with Huo Wenyao.

Just like Hong Wengang, when he came to see Huo Wenyao, he had to transform into a living person so that no one could recognize him.

Even Hong Wengang needed this, let alone them.

It’s impossible to meet or send things!

Even if they were afraid of Huo Wenyao's power, they would not dare to stop him and could only rely on Yu Lancan.

Why did Yu Lancan dare to harvest it?

Not only did he dare to accept it, he was also very enthusiastic about helping Huo Wenyao and became a courier. That was because of the first message sent by Luo Tianhong

""Successful" means that he has captured eight members of Yulancan's family.

Huo Wenyao's original plan was to deal with these trash fish first, and then deal with Yin Zhiju and Hong Wengang.

The arrival of Hong Wengang invisibly gave Huo Wenyao a god Assist.

Huo Wenyao originally had to explain to Yulancan, Datousen, Gao Laoqiu, Baitoulao and others what Yin Zhiju and Hong Wengang had done recently, analyze the pros and cons, and convince them. Now that there is a recording of Hong Wengang, it is easier. La.

No need to convince, they are not idiots, they can figure it out on their own.

Huo Wenyao killed the street hero, not as he told Hong Wengang, to weaken Yin Zhiju's strength as much as possible before the full-scale war, but to use both kindness and power. It was just for Yulancan, Datousen and others to see!

At the end of the recording, there was a reminder from Huo Wenyao that only the four of them were allowed to know about this matter and were not allowed to disclose it to anyone.

At the same time, a time was also agreed upon. Location: At five o'clock in the afternoon, Yun Lai Teahouse, they decided to come or not.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Huo Wenyao was about to leave for Yun Lai Tea House, when Yin Zhiju's phone called.

Answered the call.

Yin Zhiju An arrogant voice came over:"Huo Wenyao, you are really brave. It seems that you really intend to fight to the end, but you are so impatient that you couldn't hold it back and took the lead.""


"My patience is better than yours! I'll win from the start——"


Huo Wenyao didn't listen to Yin Zhiju's nonsense and simply hung up. there.

In the villa, Yin Zhiju's face froze, and his lungs nearly exploded. He gritted his teeth and cursed:"Huo Wenyao! I'm holding your mother in my mouth! How dare you hang up on me?! I've watched tonight, how dare you? So pulling!" aside.

Liao Zhihui shook his head and said:"Brother Ju, don't talk about those nonsense and talk about the business directly. There is no point in talking harshly. If we can really drive Huo Wenyao out of Austria, this will be the biggest humiliation."

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