As soon as these words came out, the faces of the three people present changed drastically, but the one who had the biggest reaction was neither He Xin nor Luo Tianhong, but Kaohsiung.

The reason is simple. He arranged the sniper behind He Xin's back.

To be He Xin's first assistant, one must be no ordinary person. In addition to being capable, one must also have very deep feelings.

Kaohsiung meets all these conditions.

He and He Xin have been together for fourteen years. After returning from studying abroad, he joined Aoyue Company to work for He Xin. He first demonstrated his abilities and gradually gained He Xin's trust. Finally, he became He Xin's employee four years ago. assistant.

At this moment, his pupils were dilated and he looked at Huo Wenyao in shock.

Damn it!

What exactly is going on? How could Huo Wenyao discover the sniper he arranged?

This...this is impossible, completely unreasonable!

Luo Tianhong's face suddenly became extremely cold, and he stared at He Xin and Kaohsiung coldly.

Murderous intent is everywhere!


He took two steps forward, faced Huo Wenyao, blocked Huo Wenyao's upper body completely with his own body, and asked in a cold voice:"Brother Yao, what should I do?"

"Don't be so nervous, this is not Mr. He's arrangement."

Huo Wenyao picked up the blue and white tea cup, shook it gently, stared at the counterclockwise rotating tea, and said in a calm tone:"Mr. He is right. At his level, he would have left the world long ago. Killing anyone you don't like is a bad idea"

"I would never do this unless I had no choice but to do something about it"

"The bottom has its own way of playing, and the upper class has its own way of playing."

"me too"

"Since it’s not Mr. He, it’s Kaohsiung. Mr. Gao, could you please make arrangements? Let me tell you, your behavior makes me very uncomfortable, and it is also against the rules."

Kaohsiung's eyes were panicked, and for just a moment, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

He never figured out how Huo Wenyao found out!

He Xin's face darkened, and he didn't need to look back. Just looking at Huo Wenyao's determined tone and Kaohsiung's rapid breathing, can judge the whole thing

"Kaohsiung, is this how I teach you to do things?"He Xindao.

Kaohsiung hurriedly explained and said:"Mr. He, I know you won't agree with my arrangement. When I arranged for snipers, I had no intention of harming Mr. Huo. I was just worried about an accident and was prepared for a rainy day."

"I made a mistake in this matter and should not have kept it from Mr. He. This is the first and last time. I promise Mr. He that there will never be a next time!

He Xin said:"Okay, remove the snipers immediately and apologize to A Yao!""

"OK Mr. He, thank you Mr. He."

Kaohsiung wiped his cold sweat, immediately took out the walkie-talkie, and ordered his men to withdraw all the snipers.

In fact, He Xin was not really angry.

Even if the opponent was not Huo Wenyao, he would praise Kaohsiung for being meticulous and doing this. The starting point of this kind of thing was just for He Xin's safety, just like Zhan Mi and Luo Tianhong took it upon themselves to kidnap the four kings under Yin Zhiju's command.

He Xin's expressions and words were just for Huo Wenyao to see.

Half a minute later, The two snipers withdrew.

Through He Xin's attitude, Kaohsiung knew that He Xin had forgiven him, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

He only cared about He Xin, and he didn't care what Huo Wenyao thought.

He relaxed and said to Huo Wenyao He smiled apologetically and said:"Mr. Huo, you are really sharp, you can even discover such things, I wonder how you discovered it? Frankly speaking, I'm really curious because I can't figure it out."

"Of course, the most important thing is to apologize, I'm sorry!"

"Please believe me, I am only thinking about Mr. He's safety, and I have no malicious intentions. Please forgive me, Mr. Huo. Huo

Wenyao raised his head and looked at Kaohsiung mockingly:"You arranged for snipers to target me, but your first reaction was to want to know how I found out, instead of apologizing?""

Kaohsiung's expression froze.

He didn't expect that Huo Wenyao would react like this. Did he really not consider Mr. He at all?

What a joke!

"Of course, even if you apologize, I will not forgive you, because I don’t need anyone to apologize. I will take the sincerity of your apology myself."

"Absolutely no malice? They have arranged for snipers to target me and told me that you have no ill intentions towards me."

"You are... so interesting"

"Next, I will break both of your legs. To me, this is the sincerity of your apology."

After a pause,

Huo Wenyao continued:"Please believe that I have absolutely no ill intentions. I just want to teach you a lesson: admit when you make a mistake, and stand upright when you are beaten."

He Xin looked at Huo Wenyao in astonishment. Kaohsiung changed his face in shock, with a look of disbelief on his face, and opened his mouth to say something.

But before he could say anything, Luo Tianhong had already taken action.


Luo Tianhong stepped forward to bully him, and lightning flashed He kicked out twice, almost regardless of the front and back, each kick hit Kaohsiung's knee.



There was a sound of knee fractures, his legs bent, and Kaohsiung fell to his knees.

Huo Wenyao was not joking, he was serious!

Kaohsiung was shocked.

The only one who could save him was He Xin!

"Mr. He, help——"

Unfortunately, before he could finish a complete sentence, Luo Tianhong slashed his throat with a knife, causing him to cough violently and his cheeks turned red.

At the same time, he fell heavily backward and lay on the ground.

"Do you think anyone can save you?"


"Dare to arrange for snipers to target Brother Yao? Jesus can't even save you! I said it!"

Luo Tianhong's eyes were cold, and after saying a few words, he rushed to Kaohsiung's knees and kicked dozens of times like a storm. The clicking sound was endless, and blood flowed all over the ground. At the same time, Kaohsiung was like killing a pig. screamed.

Until it was determined that both knees in Kaohsiung were comminutedly fractured and there was no possibility of healing, Luo Tianhong just put his feet back and walked back to Huo Wenyao as if nothing was wrong.

Not behind him, but facing Huo Wenyao, Still blocking Huo Wenyao's upper body with his own body.

The ground he walked on wasOne after another, bloody footprints. on the ground.

Kaohsiung had gone through the period of severe pain. He was sweating profusely, but his face was pale and he was breathless.

He didn't die, but he was confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

From the moment Huo Wenyao entered the room and started talking, He Xin was in a good mood, always with a faint smile on his face. However, after Luo Tianhong disabled Kaohsiung's legs, his face became livid as never before, and he looked at Huo Wenyao with an extremely gloomy look.

Huo Wenyao remained calm, as if nothing had happened, and said,"Mr. He, don't be so surprised. I only broke his legs when he did this, which is enough to give you face."

He Xin said coldly:"Oh, From what you say, should I still be grateful?"

"certainly. Huo

Wenyao nodded and said,"If Mr. He hadn't been concerned about his face, he would have died." I want to ask Mr. Huo a question. If Mr. Lei Yingdong is sitting here, what will happen if he does this?"

Lei Yingdong, this is another famous person, and he is also the God of Wealth who helped He Xin become the gambling king of Austria.

Without Lei Yingdong, it would have been impossible for He Xin to snatch the only gambling ticket in Austria from Fu Laorong. card.


Compared with He Xin, Lei Yingdong was the real self-made man. It was entirely due to his extraordinary courage and toughness that he eventually became an important figure in Hong Kong and Austria. After his death, he even enjoyed the honor of a state funeral..

Hearing this question, He Xin almost laughed out of anger, and couldn't help but sarcastically said:"Today's young people are really amazing, they are fierce and powerful, and they can swallow thousands of miles like a tiger!"

"You haven't done anything yet, yet you dare to compare yourself to Mr. Lei, how ambitious you are!"

"I can answer you, if it was him sitting here, he would not dare to do this even if he was given nine more gentians in Kaohsiung. If someone dares to do it, I will do it myself without Mr. Lei asking, and I will personally apologize!"

"If you dare to compare yourself to Mr. Ley, you only broke two of his legs, which really gave me face. I should thank you even more. Huo

Wenyao chuckled, stopped talking about this issue, and said directly:"Then do we still need to talk?"

He Xin sneered:"You have already done this, why do you need to talk?" He must have made up his mind to stay!"

"Doing A goods and clearing the market, you have already bet your life once, and then you have a net worth of more than one billion. But I didn't expect that after reaching this level, your character has not changed at all, and you still dare to gamble your life and have the courage to do so.!"

"But what I said before was not a joke. If you want to gamble your life this time, you will definitely lose!"

"Omen, you can't wait! Huo

Wenyao did not take up the topic, but said:"I want to know, Mr. He plans to end the Jianghu matter personally?"

He Xindao:"Are you kidding?" You are willing to lower yourself, but I am not!

Huo Wenyao said:"Okay!""

"I ask this, just to tell you, if you want to end up, then we will play according to the Jianghu way"

"If you want to be upper class, then we will play the upper class way."

While speaking,

Huo Wenyao stood up and said:"Now that the method of playing has been determined, I will fight this with Mr. He., you bet that I will lose this time and that I can no longer stay in Omen, then I bet that I will win."

"From now on, I have the final say on who can and cannot do the Junket Shop business."

"All casino business in Omen, I have the final say on who can enter and who cannot enter."

"In one sentence: From now on, I will make the decision in the Aomen Jianghu!"

"Win or lose, who wins and who loses, let us wait and see"


After that, Huo Wenyao turned and left. Luo Tianhong glanced at He Xin with a sneer and followed quickly.

He Xin's face was ashen, the veins on his neck were bulging, and his whole body was shaking.

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