On April 27, Hong Kong stocks opened!

Just this morning, an explosive news came. Fuying Investment Co., Ltd., managed by Jinniu Securities, launched a comprehensive acquisition of the listed company Nengda Technology at a price of HK$0.92 per share!

What was supposed to come finally came.

There are two important points here.

One: the sign line!

When investors and persons acting in concert own 5% of the issued shares of a listed company, they need to report it to the stock exchange and the China Securities Regulatory Commission, and they also need to issue an announcement to inform the public. besides.

Every subsequent 5% increase or 5% decrease must also be reported and announced in accordance with regulations.

This is the sign-raising rule. Its purpose is to prevent the stock price from being arbitrarily manipulated by one or a few capitals. If someone raises a sign, it is undoubtedly good news, indicating that someone is optimistic about a certain stock. This can also be regarded as whether retail investors are buying it. weather vane.

The holding line is different in every country. Hong Kong stocks are 5%, while U.S. stocks are 10%. Once it is exceeded, you cannot sell it at will within a limited time.

In normal times, if Sima Xiang and Luo Minsheng were managing Fuying Capital, they would not buy more than 5% of the stocks of a listed company.

Because once it exceeds 5%, you need to raise a sign.

However, there are too many restrictions brought about by raising a stock, making it difficult to operate. Take the stock god Buffett as an example. The raising line for U.S. stocks is 10%. He makes short-term investments and his shareholding never exceeds 10%, often ranging from 9% to 9%. hovering between 10%.

It's different now. Huo Wenyao doesn't want to cut off leeks, but wants to cut off big dogs!

This incident was a sensation, but in fact, it was not unexpected.

Because for more than half a month, Fuying Capital has been continuously absorbing Nengda Technology's stocks, directly raising the stock price from a minimum of 0.6 Hong Kong dollars per share to 0.85 Hong Kong dollars, an astonishing increase, and it was expected to initiate a comprehensive acquisition.

Second, the acquisition process!

When an investor initiates a comprehensive acquisition of a listed company, the China Securities Regulatory Commission will notify the stock exchange to suspend trading in the stocks of the listed company and its affiliates.

It would be several days before trading in its shares could resume.

Therefore, on the day when Fuying Capital launched a comprehensive acquisition of Nengda Technology, Nengda Technology and its controlling shareholder Jinma Group suspended trading at the same time.

By the way, if the company that initiates the comprehensive acquisition is a listed company, then the listed company will also need to suspend trading.



Central, the headquarters of Jinma Group. meeting room.

Ma Shounan has already convened a board meeting. In addition to him, six other directors are participating and are discussing how to respond.

What Huo Wenyao launched was a blitzkrieg!

In fact, they have no better way, either to hand over excellent assets like Nengda Technology to others, or to fight back and propose an anti-takeover strategy to recover all Nengda Technology stocks in Huo Wenyao's hands at a high price.

As for the price, it is still unclear and will need to wait until Nengda Technology stock trading resumes.

But when something like this happened, it was foreseeable that Nengda Technology’s stock price would soar.

The board meeting lasted for two hours, and the final result of the discussion was: Jinma Group cannot give up Nengda Technology, and must prepare funds in advance and propose an anti-takeover strategy!

This matter is settled.

After the meeting, Ma Shounan returned to the office. Besides Ma Shounan, there were two other people in the office.

These two people are Mingzhijie and Cui Xiaohu.

Mingzhijie, Li Zhaotian's younger brother, was originally a taxi driver. By chance, he rescued Li Zhaotian. Finally, with the help of Li Zhaotian, he came to Hong Kong Island and entered Hong Kong with the help of his mother star. Work for Sihai Group.

But he also fell in love with Lu Yun and leaked company secrets. He was kicked out of Sihai Group by Li Zhaotian a few months ago.

Later, he came to Jinma Group and worked for Ma Shounan.

This person is extremely scheming and will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, just like the current Ma Shounan.

This is what Ma Shounan often taught him, but Ma Shounan would never have imagined that Mingzhijie would use all this on him as a teacher, steal Ma Shounan's woman, cheat him without telling him, and even destroy his family.

Cui Xiaohu is a native of Hong Kong. Although his family is not rich, he is not poor either. He has a bachelor's degree. After joining the Golden Horse Group, he soon became Ma Shounan's right-hand man.

Mingzhijie and Cui Xiaohu are also related.

Cui Xiaohu's father's name is Cui Ruiji. He was also a prostitute when he was young. When he got old, he opened a mahjong parlor by relying on his previous connections.

This family lives across the street from Mingzhijie's mother, celebrity. Cui Ruiji is interested in celebrities and usually takes good care of them.

The relationship between the two families is very good. When Mingzhijie first arrived in Hong Kong, the Cui Ruiqi family helped him a lot, not only giving him various gifts, but also giving him advice on finding a job.

Cui Xiaohu’s girlfriend’s name is Ma Jiexin, and her English name is cat.

But now the situation is more complicated. Mingzhijie rescued Ma Jiexin from a fire. Ma Jiexin's feelings have changed, from Cui Xiaohu to Mingzhijie. What's even more tragic is that Cui Xiaohu has no idea about it.

Ma Shounan could remain calm during the board meeting, but when he returned to his office, he suddenly became ferocious and smashed things in anger.

"Huo Wenyao, are you saying that you have nothing to do with Huo Jingliang? He is a scoundrel, and you are a fucking scoundrel even more than him!!"

"hateful! Damn it!!"

"It doesn’t matter if you win me 10 million at the cocktail party, but you have already set your sights on me, Nengda Technology, and want to cut my flesh!!"

"good! good! You are so kind!!"

"Damn, you are better than Li Zhaotian, I will remember you! I must settle this account with you in the future!"

A few days ago, Ma Shounan already knew that Huo Wenyao started shopping for goods on the morning of the reception.

In other words, Huo Wenyao had already started to attack Nengda Technology before the two met.

Cui Xiaohu was an upright person and comforted him after hearing the words Said:"Mr. Ma, don't be angry."

"In order to develop real estate, we cashed out 28 million from Nengda Technology. As long as we carefully analyze Nengda Technology's information, we will probably be targeted. Even if there is no Huo Wenyao, there are others. There's no use getting angry now. Ma

Shounan calmed down a little and said in a deep voice:"Xiaohu is right. The more times like this, the more calm you have to be.""

"The board of directors has decided to launch a counter-takeover against Huo Wenyao's comprehensive takeover!"

"Xiaohu, please announce the details of Nengda Technology immediately, especially the net asset value and operating conditions. Small shareholders cannot be allowed to accept Huo Wenyao’s acquisition proposal! Cui Xiaohu said:"

Yes, Mr. Ma."

Ma Shounan said:"I will immediately prepare funds to increase my holdings of Nengda Technology shares!""

After a pause,

Ma Shounan gritted his teeth and said:"If Huo Wenyao really wants to fully control Nengda Technology, then I will make him bleed! If he just wants to make a lot of money, I will let him cut my flesh and settle the debt with him later! Cui Xiaohu analyzed:"

I think Huo Wenyao just wants to raise the stock price and make profits. The net asset value of Nengda Technology is only more than 200 million. Once the comprehensive acquisition price exceeds 200 million, it is not a good deal. He should not be so Do."

Ma Shounan nodded, still angry.

At this time,

Mingzhijie rolled his eyes and suddenly said:"Mr. Ma, I heard that Huo Wenyao's security company has a prefix background. Can we make a fuss about it? ?

Cui Xiaohu frowned and said,"Tianci Security has a prefix background?""

"No! Ma

Shounan waved his hand and said decisively:"This can and must be done, but not now because the time is not right!""

"Due to the Cointreau Hotel incident, Fok Wenyu is now a hero to the people of Hong Kong and is in the spotlight. Let’s talk about God-given security. What happened not long ago? Even the public relations department praised it highly."

"Huo Wenyao is so popular. If these revelations are made at this time, not only will they not cause any harm to him, they may even cause him to get angry!"

"I have already considered this kind of thing."

Ming Zhijie nodded, smiled honestly, and flattered Ma Shounan:"Mr. Ma is still far-sighted, I think a little too shallow. Ma

Shounan laughed and said:"Zhijie, you are still so young, it is already very good to think of these things." Take your time, don’t rush, this stage belongs to you young people, and the Jinma Group will rely on you and Xiaohu from now on."

Mingzhijie said hurriedly:"No, how dare we compare with Mr. Ma?

Ma Shounan laughed again and said,"Okay, let's go do the work.""


Ming Zhijie and Cui Xiaohu responded, turned and left Ma Shounan's office.

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