Huo Wenyao led Li Jie, Tian Yangyi, and Tian Yangsheng down to the rooftop, and went downstairs as quickly as possible to the floor where Huo Wenyao fought fiercely with the terrorists.

When they got close, the four of them immediately restrained their steps and tried their best to avoid making any noise.

There was an anxious conversation below.

"I attacked his mother, that guy was too sharp. Brother Hua, are we in danger if we stay here?"

"What do you think? Of course it's dangerous!

The other guy rolled his eyes and said angrily,"But this is a doctor's order. You have to do it no matter how dangerous it is. Do you dare to refuse?" Also, we are kidnapping and killing people, how can there be no danger? Depend on!"

"Stop talking nonsense and keep an eye on this place!"

Tian Yangyi and Tian Yangzhi were in the front.

Tian Yangyi made a"2" gesture to Huo Wenyao.

Huo Wenyao responded with a gesture of wiping his neck.

Tian Yangyi and Tian Yangzhi nodded in unison, each stroking their waists. , the dagger was unsheathed.

The next moment, the two of them took action at the same time.


Tian Yangyi used his feet to leap up, with his right foot as the fulcrum on the wall, and suddenly shot towards one of them like a crossbow arrow.

The two terrorists were horrified. His color changed, and he opened his mouth to scream!

At this moment, Tian Yangzhi rushed out, flicked his right hand, and pierced the throat of the man on the left with the dagger, while Tian Yangyi, like an eagle, knocked down the man on the right On the ground, he covered the other person's mouth with his left hand, followed closely by the dagger.


The throat of the man on the right was also pierced by the dagger.

In an instant, the two terrorists were quietly eliminated.

Huo Wenyao said decisively:" Get weapons and ammunition!"

Although they also have guns, they are just pistols. In terms of firepower, they are completely incomparable with submachine guns, automatic rifles, and machine guns. If they don't have a chance, forget it. But since they have heavy weapons, of course they can use them.

The four of them quickly took them He found weapons and magazines, but did not act immediately. Instead, he retreated to the 56th floor, randomly found a company office, and broke in.

Huo Wenyao did not intend to rescue him immediately.

Li Jie was a little strange.

Huo Wenyao did not explain. He just said:"Ajie, you and Azhi find a way to find out the situation of the terrorists first.

Li Jie nodded and said,"Okay!""

The two turned to leave.

Huo Wenyao stared at Li Jie and warned:"Remember, you are only doing reconnaissance. You must not do anything without my order! Li

Jie was stunned for a moment, and then he understood that Huo Wenyao was worried about his impulsiveness and doing bad things, so he nodded and said,"I know.""

The two people just left.

After the two people left, Huo Wenyao came to the company's conference room and stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling glass, looking down at the ground.

A large number of police officers had arrived, and the stormtroopers had already pulled up long Warning line.

Things like murder and kidnapping are criminal cases and are under the jurisdiction of the Serious Crime Unit. But the current situation is obviously different. This is already considered a terrorist attack, not to mention that the people attending this cocktail party are all real upper-class people..

If something happens to them, the impact will be worse than the incident on the Fortune. Soon, even the Flying Tigers will come.

Huo Wenyao glanced at it, then stepped back, and found a chair to sit down.

A gold coin appeared, and in it The five fingers were flying.

Tian Yangyi came over and said:"Those guys seemed to be scared out of their wits, and they didn't even dare to catch up."


"So what do we do next?"


"wait? Tian Yangyi was stunned and said curiously,"What are you waiting for?" As long as Ajie and Azhi find out the specific situation of the terrorists, we should be able to take action, right?"

"cannot! Huo

Wenyao shook his head slightly and said:"Ayi, please inform Tianhong and Asheng immediately. Just like Ajie and Azhi, they must not take action without my order!" Next, no matter what happens, they can only watch the show. Tian

Yangyi became more and more puzzled and said:"Brother Yao, what on earth are you going to do?"

Huo Wenyao said:"Make a golden body." Tian

Yangyi frowned, still not understanding.

Huo Wenyao didn't bother to explain, and said:"If you don't understand, don't think about it. Follow my instructions and inform Tianhong and Ah Sheng immediately.""

Tian Yangyi nodded, took out the walkie-talkie, and conveyed Huo Wenyao's latest order to Luo Tianhong and Tian Yangsheng.

Shape the golden body.

Tian Yangyi didn't quite understand it, but it was actually very simple. The whole process was to first identify the terrorists. situation, and at the same time stood still and let the police try to rescue them first. Huo Wenyao would take action only after their rescue failed. Only then would the celebrities in the reception hall know how rare it was for them to survive.

The more so, The more they will be grateful!

Huo Wenyao solved the Fugui incident perfectly, but he didn't get the fame he deserved. He didn't need it at that time. Because he was in the process of primitive accumulation, he even had to keep a low profile.

But this time is not that time!

This time At that time, Huo Wenyao had completed his primitive accumulation and was on his way up.

At this time, connections and fame were needed! What was even more different this time from the Fugui incident was that there were top forces like Wen Lishi and Li Zhaotian. As a guarantee, it doesn't matter even if there are still people on the police side who don't like me, because they can't suppress them even if they want to.



15 minutes later, on the 54th floor, the reception hall of Cointreau Hotel.

The doctor was going crazy.

After Huo Wenyao killed his brother, he sent Black Eagle to lead his men to hunt him down. In addition, there were people at the stairs, so he did nothing but stared at the side door where Huo Wenyao escaped, waiting for Black Eagle to bring him back. Huo Wenyao.

Or, bring back Huo Wenyao's body.

He originally thought that such a small matter could be settled in two minutes, but then two minutes later fierce gunshots came from the corridor. He thought that Black Hawk had settled it, but another two minutes passed, and there was no movement at all.

When he sent someone over to take a look, he was stunned for a moment. Both the people guarding the stairs and the people who were chasing Huo Wenyao were all killed.

The doctor's lungs were about to explode.

In this operation, including himself, there were a total of 55 people. The real confidants were only 15 people including Rabbit, Sangbang, Feifei, and Greyhound. The other 39 people were all cannon fodder. Even if they did not die during the operation, they would be killed afterwards. Get killed by him.

There were 55 people in five classes, so they could play whatever they wanted, but they didn't expect that 20 people were lost from the beginning, leaving only 35 people.

The doctor's original plan was for 30 people to be stationed in the lobby on the first floor, 4 people to observe on the rooftop, and the remaining 20 people to control the reception hall.

But now, he had to change his plan and reduce the number of people stationed in the lobby on the first floor to 20. The remaining 15 people all went upstairs. This meant that 4 people were stationed at the two stairwells on this floor.


Sangbang hurried over and said:"Boss, the situation is not good!"

The doctor shouted:"What's the matter again?"

Sangbang said:"Ahua and the gangster were killed by Huo Wenyao again!"


The doctor's pupils were dilated and his face was ferocious.

Sang Bang said fiercely:"I will personally take a few people and go up and kill them!"

"What to do?! If you haven't killed them yet, they will kill them!!"

The veins on the doctor's neck bulged, and he gritted his teeth angrily and said,"Take a closer look at how many of us there are left? Including you and me, there are only 11! How is this fun?! Notify Feifei and ask her to bring 10 people up! Sang

Bangcuo said in astonishment:"There are only 10 people on that first floor. If we send someone to attack by force, they won't be able to withstand it!"

The doctor said solemnly:"Follow my instructions and don't worry about other things!""

Sangbang nodded and started working immediately.

The doctor turned around and walked quickly towards Wenlish, Poros and others. When he got close, he pulled Wenlish up.

Wenlish was quite courageous. Even when facing the doctor, he remained calm and asked:"What are you going to do? The doctor suppressed his anger, changed his face, and said with a smile:"I originally thought that you upper-class people were all soft-legged crabs, but I didn't expect that it was not the case. There are still people as courageous as Sir Wen. I really admire them.""

"Of course, you two can’t."

He was talking about Poros and Yang Mu. These two guys were trembling at the moment. They didn't dare to refute when they heard the doctor's ridicule. They just smiled.

Wenlish said calmly:"The matter is over now. I'm afraid. What is the use? Furthermore, didn't you say before that you are only seeking money, not life, and as long as we cooperate, you won't hurt us?"

"It’s different now!!"

"My brother is dead!!"

The doctor's face suddenly turned ferocious, he pinched the back of Wenlish's neck, gritted his teeth and said:"Sir Wen, that son-in-law of yours is really awesome! Even if he wanted to kill my brother, he actually killed all the people I sent, which made me very passive!"

"Sharp! I have to say, your son-in-law is really sharp!"

"Honestly, I'm scared right now!"

"He is a time bomb that will explode at any time. I am really afraid that he will rush in and kill me, and then I will be dead, so I want to ask you for a favor. Don't worry, I won't make things difficult for you. If I ask for your help, it will definitely be within your ability."

As he spoke, the doctor waved to a boy, who immediately pulled over a vest. To be more precise, it was - a vest bomb!

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