Rabbit and Sangbang led about twenty terrorists who were armed to the teeth and suddenly kicked the door open, shocking everyone.

But they didn't react immediately.

A Cointreau Hotel employee who was responsible for maintaining order at the venue actually walked straight towards Rabbit and Sangbang, and angrily asked Rabbit,"Do you know where this place is? And, what are you going to do?" Little

Rabbit He curved his mouth and said with a smile:"Shift change."


After saying that, Rabbit raised his hand and shot the clerk in the chest, and then fired several more shots, immediately beating the clerk into a bloody man and falling heavily to the ground.

At this moment, even a fool knows what happened.

These guys, they are serious!



There were screams and exclamations, and the whole venue was in chaos.

Li Zhaotian's face changed drastically, and he looked at Huo Wenyao with a horrified look on his face, and said:"Ayao, how did you know there was something wrong?——"

"Let's go, leave through the escape tunnel, and climb to the rooftop. It will be safe."

Huo Wenyao interrupted Li Zhaotian and said with a normal expression.

After that, Huo Wenyao saw that Santi was stunned, and was too lazy to talk nonsense. He pulled Santi into his arms, taking advantage of the fact that the terrorists had not completely controlled the situation. , quickly moved towards the side door of the hall.

Li Zhaotian has also seen big scenes, because he was kidnapped by a rich man two years ago and almost died.

The rich man was either someone else or the gangster of the century.

In this world, The guy's name is Zhang Zihao, and Big Rich Man is his nickname.

Lu Yun and Yu Guoxiong didn't react, they were in a daze, and Li Zhaotian yelled at them:"Still stunned? Do you want to die?! Follow Ayao!!"

With the roar, Li Zhaotian grabbed Lu Yun's wrist and ran away.

Just as everyone was running away, Rabbit, Sangbang and others had begun to control the situation. Sangbang held an Uzi submachine gun in one hand and pointed at the ceiling. There was a burst of shooting.

Rabbit held the Desert Eagle and fired indiscriminately.

In an instant, the town was over!

Rabbit laughed and said:"Everyone, don't be afraid, and don't be nervous. We just want to make money, not kill anyone. If you cooperate, we will leave after we get what we want, but if you don't cooperate——" boom!!

The guy who was closest to the rabbit was unlucky, and he shot most of his head off, causing blood to flow everywhere.

"Just like him! Rabbit said with a mean smile:"Hey, for the sake of your lives, I advise you to cooperate obediently, otherwise the end will be really miserable.""

This guy is also a chatterbox and won't stop talking.

Just as he was chattering, Huo Wenyao and his group had almost reached the side door.

Li Zhaotian, Lu Yun, and Yu Guoxiong were all scared to death, but Huo Wenyao looked as usual, calm and unhurried, Otherwise, their first choice would definitely be to squat down.

Huo Wenyao's mood did not change at all, and he said:"Keep walking, don't stop.""

"Leave the hall, go straight to the end, turn left, where is the entrance to the escape tunnel, and then climb towards the rooftop. When you reach the rooftop, someone will come to meet you."

The escape passage sounds very high-end, but it is actually a staircase.

Li Zhaotian nodded, feeling reassured.

The doctor, who was hiding among the VIPs and squatting with his head in his arms, also noticed that the most important hostages were escaping. Hearing that his stupid brother was still nagging, he had already scolded him bloody, and immediately coughed twice.

When the rabbit looked at him, he glared at him fiercely, and moved his head towards Huo Wenyao and the others..

Only then did the rabbit react.

"There are really some people who are not afraid of death! Rabbit immediately raised his gun, aimed at Huo Wenyao and others, and shouted angrily,"Stop!" Stop the fuck!! Do you really think what I said is fart? Believe it or not, I can kill you with one shot?!"

"Damn it!!"

At this time, everyone was only one step away from the side door.

"Continue to go."

Huo Wenyao's mood remained unchanged.

He held Xiandi with his left hand, put his right hand into his pocket, found a gold coin, and pinched it between his two fingers. Just as the rabbit roared, he suddenly turned around and kicked the door open. , and threw the gold coin out at the same time.


There was a flash of golden light in the air, and the gold coin was like a crossbow arrow, shooting towards the rabbit's throat!

The gold coin is very blunt, but with enough strength and speed, it can become an indestructible murder weapon..

Just like now.


The gold coin, like a sharp blade, instantly penetrated the rabbit's throat, and a blood hole appeared.

As the rabbit's throat slowly twitched, blood flowed out gurglingly.

The blow was successful. , Huo Wenyao didn't even look at it, half-hug Xiandi, turned around and dodged out.

Li Zhaotian, Yu Guoxiong, and Lu Yun immediately followed.

The five people quickly ran towards the escape passage.

The hall of the venue.

The rabbit's pupils were dilated in vain, and he couldn't believe it. Looking at the direction in which Huo Wenyao disappeared, he lowered his head and looked at himself.

That guy, how did he kill him?

He wanted to know.

Unfortunately, the rabbit could not see the hole, and could only see the blood coming from the hole. , spurting out blood

"elder brother……"

Before dying, Rabbit instinctively looked at the doctor, covered his neck with his hands, and walked towards the doctor with difficulty. But before he took a few steps, he couldn't hold on any longer, and fell to the ground with a thud, begging. :"Help me! I don't want to die, I don't want to die yet……"

The doctor was dumbfounded!

Sangbang and the terrorists were all dumbfounded. what's the situation?

In fact, let alone the rabbit, even they were confused and had no idea how Huo Wenyao killed the rabbit.

"younger brother!!"

The doctor's eyes were splitting, and he could no longer pretend. He quickly ran towards the rabbit, hugged it, and said sadly:"Don't be afraid! Brother is here! Brother is here! It's okay, you will be fine, we still have a lot of big things to do……"

"Brother, I'm so cold, so cold."

Rabbit's voice became weaker and weaker, and soon he lost his voice.

It was only then that the distinguished guests realized with shock that the gentleman-looking guy was actually a terrorist.

"asshole! Damn bastard!!"

The doctor yelled angrily, looking at the rabbit lying in his arms. He thrust his right hand toward the rabbit's throat. After a few seconds, he pulled out the thing that killed his brother. He looked at it and couldn't help but be shocked.

That guy actually used only this small gold coin to pierce his brother's throat?

Let's not talk about throwing techniques and accuracy. To achieve this level, how fast and how much strength is needed? ?

Sangbang and the terrorists were all shocked when they saw the gold coin.

That bastard, what kind of monster is he?


The doctor suddenly stood up and yelled at a subordinate leader:"Why the hell are you still stunned?" Didn't you see that bastard kill my brother? Bring me ten people to chase! Kill them all!!

The little boss said hurriedly:"Okay, okay!""

With a wave of his big hand, he randomly selected half of the people and chased after Huo Wenyao and others.

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